Show ft duchesne items sarga thoman Tl ioma ahern co A irth in infantry left with an nit armed detach anent for price mid and will escort tho the aa master to our city sarat abern on his return will take advantage of ilia lilts furlough furlou gli auld will N isit his brother in salt lake city corporal john stab co rs ila lias been promoted to the rank of sarat tho the gentleman who captain house has been landed lauded in ft a glue pot nt ho lie liap happ pencil to bo be one of tho the flu flunk ce is about the house find was kept on oil no doubt doub ho he thought ho lie was safo safe but tile 03 a es s of the lord was upon lalni and find now flow lio lie languishes in a dreir void cold bell sell awaiting nin alfill 0 tile doom loom which ii ill tor talal fill on oil hia his curly i it is rumored here that tile coin out p binici of the irth N ill III A bet et a change ofa of tation ns its its t arget is 18 aci 0 CI tt it bo be tile age I 1 con call anfelt el 81 to fol all thit it would bo be accept 1 i mr jolin of ahac pud it i our lita in lit quest of a pen poll sion lion which he 11 is duo him hini for ar los roud irol duton dining tho tito ft rl DuCho DuClie sno Ath athletic letio club will vill 15 give two their first nt at the he post hill ivill on aning may alay ath anti no doubt ill 10 n 0 grind ind success tito mot prominent tea fea diiro the evening will boa ben ten tell unbind for pointe points the inner to receive 01 G and tile loser 35 per cent sundi sunda s gune of imse ball hall between li ii and 11 troops in ill a fo the former the gume haq plied 13 for JO 20 a eido side mid wa a bill but prise to almost the stood 19 to 1 52 02 tito thou 13 boef became rattled and th loat lost the gamp vaine umpire mill U D tripper corporal gua GU G palmer co 11 II ath ifft will in lit march 92 aar apr car before an n n mining ho baird ird for promotion pro molion to the tile gaide IT biale of 2nd limit corporal 1 P iliner is a r BOL SOL of capt go 11 anft and is in lit l blo ble i noting oung 0 in mirt ill annil lieb the tile beat bot wishes of ill all ani i 1 |