Show REMEDY FOR seasickness ble henry ship proved 1 an a titer rai failure lure A quarter of a century ago the late sir henry bessemer Ilef semer tackled the leu lein which thousands ot of bit hl fellow countrymen tackle every year in vain tho the problem of finding a remedy for seasickness mr sir beesemyer Bee Be semer estmer a idea wa was to secure a quiet haven of reet rest in the midst of the vessel at sea ea where the voyager might remain and defy mea ea sickness alc kneis with ease and dignity III Is plan plans first began to take ID to 1169 t hough thy ald 1 not arrive at the of pta tacal experiment until ave yean years later lie ile perceived early that the no tion of gaining by susien ion slon of axis ns as in the ships lamps or compass com paea would not suffice for though the compan to 1 by means of its it suspension on a double axis rett ined in a horizontal plane it nevertheless eleis rises and falls with the pitching of the teasel hence in applying the principle to a saloon it was necee eary to fo go to the middle of the ship ships length where the pitching Is practically nothing and to the mid lie point of her breadth alc where th thin thre re la Is little or no motion freely objects euch such aj as pendulums b agin sin to oscillate whenever their point of suspension Is moved mored the transit of the passengers to and fro would produce motion motin and the action of the wind on the sides of the teasel would cause the same elect mr tie bessemer believed that he bad had overcome these difficulties by the application of hydraulic power the hydraulic power waa was certainly arranged with extreme ingenuity and the large nalon salon weighing eig bing tons and suspended in the midst of tho thu vessel could be moved with a touch in order to make room for the ealon salon the engines and boilers were moved from the usual pacts places wh ch they occupied in the old paddle steamers to points on cither either side tore fore and aft ot of the salon and duplicate sets of boilers and en ginee x er provided in order to short en the dreaded channel voyage the hydraulic was not the only ingenious device was depended upon to keep the salon steady the great speed of 0 the ship she was expected to attain cry wery high speed al in practice the sped speed n never eye r e ex x i ceedee ISA 1318 knots was as trusted d to diminish the pitching and she was given a low freeboard forty tt foet long at each end the effect of this freeboard freeboard so it was bellei believed ed would be to cut the waves ship part of alm on the low deck and so balance the vessel vesel the bessemer inaugurated her first trip to calais by smashing tho old ca lais pier the hydraulic steering ger tailing I 1 a fling to act bt ht a critical moment and as a matter of fact the b hydraulic draud aepli inces tor for steadying the salon were not tiled the real reason being that they were not AnIs lied subsequent experiments peri ments fere equally unsatisfactory the swin swinging glug salon did not behave it at sea in the pame same way ay as tho the steam rocked model which bessim Bes had bad been studying on land laud in comparatively calm water which still might have enough swell to be sant lt it would not act at all moreover the boat was really too large tor for calais harbor barbor her fate was sealed pealed by the bank of the company that owned her and in 19 6 she as sold by order of 0 the liquidators the buyer removed the salon and its machinery discard ed the hydraulic steering gear and built the freeboard to the level ot of the reel rest of the deck in this commonplace guise the old dessemer bessemer bad had a career and only differed from the less stuffy channel boats la in having four paddle wheels instead of two record |