Show MILL MAN DIAN N TOWN J K 4 klir of in ilia territory arri ed ID in price today uday and anti wilt will here a daa da or two before taking a loo lockover kover tut thi counti mr b Is 4 one of the datu of the le eiraj 11 ot of the tall tait o 0 IM Illint owning four big t mils mills two tao of them in flouri Ml ouri anti the othir two ID in tle ludian the tl it octubre oc acutt tube he heard afan of an t a at plate for a mill anil anti ia Is abert to ste e tho the and what the outlook for tho the enterprise is should lie lit decide to to locate tolate late here lie lit would put lit n a rt r ifer in it it f ocia fount nta fla ajai it new machin en throughout an of the most mal a rn to pattern thoroughly doik do to tr it the of lit di 1 lint li atlie lie ill in lh wj ofa of an n inducement to lo locate Critt t f course cirse cuenot as wo iet t I 1 be much ill depend on abc attitude of til railroad compan coni pani in the vim a of if granting rr tuio ratia rafts on the shipping in of wheat and anti the product of the mill ill go to outside foint points mr to 19 stopping at the hotel clarke and will le be pleased to meet nna anyone one that can gi gac e him una un information nn on the subject of milling la in Fila tern or figure on the whet tt product cf of carbon anil anti the at t joining counties coup liec |