Show BANKER SHOT charges chlor addia JU a jl aso so with the th col hi bait salt lake like city dee dm IL josel it if it tx x president pred dent of th the 0 O ut utah it h na a dional bank and one of 0 tb the inot t az anent business men ot the city received e ived a thol shot wound la to hi bre breast a acet at 00 last night while on holh booth bouth treet street oer near malo main while walking west to hi his residence at the corner ot at main and ad fifth south lie ile did oot not fall from the wound bat but wa was able to walk to his hi home w where here be he la Is iving in a serious condition but hrobat pro balty ly Is I 1 not fatally w winded the first theory advanced wa was that it was a rae came of attempter attempt Itei apte eO suicide but Ws wits WA rather discredited because no weapon wa was found near the dilce mr however firt first be he knew who fired the hot shot and then declared he be did not recognize the party I 1 ihl his waa as the first stumbling block in get tint ft a definite df finite theory to work upon then the mr a dpn weapon vt as produce I 1 with at least onu anti freshly a exploded 1 I thell abell Explain explaining inC this the banker said that after he lie was wa wounded he be drew his hi own pistol and fired shots a at the eliat wa a explanation until two boy boys who were near by at the time come fora forward ard with I 1 the poule positive statement tat ement hat list only one hot shot wa was fired 11 it ltv all thau these wu ua I 1 a I 1 the police were confronted and are tf lf I 1 course working somewhat lome what in the dark the ballet bullet entered three and one half inches below the left and passed under the muscular mu cular tissue lodging it is I 1 thought in the center of th the a abdominal wall and not varying much in its it course either upward or downward lie complain of a pain in hie his back but the physician expressed a decided opinion that the bullet Is I 1 oot not lodged there although no probing has ha been resorted to I 1 rom the feeling in the abdomen abdo oien the bullet appeared to be a 38 39 calibre the bea flech a about bo ut the wound wa vas badly burned from the powder it Is a singular a that A D jones cashier of the ills utah N national bank and with whom mr irr tont stout ha has been most closely connected in bustness for many years I 1 charged by the victim of the affair with laving don done the shooting |