Show TO WALK CORRECTLY to walk milk w ell te Is un art that should be bo learned by every when she oho Is young and then as a she be grows older sho ha will walk grace gracefully tally as a matter ot at court course a and ad there will be no sort effort t all a in the way that she he does it IL for though a woman can learn to walk perfectly gracefully when she Is older there Is 1 never the grace of motion that then there Is it she b to I 1 taught how bow to walk ai as a child no training of a child la in walking correctly should begin at its it very earliest years As A oon scan as a it li to old enough to be b taught to 0 wl it should be taught how to d no c it correctly vory many children are really never taught to v at tell they are f put on their feet by their nurses and alto allowed wed to run about anyhow and little fault faults that may crow grow into large lar ones so utterly unchecked all children should be b taught to dance vv alita acu they are lre between 5 and 0 this will ako them walk better and sad bold hold themselves bette than 11 elie else when roil you walk you should put the th foot toot firmly and yet lightly on po round ground neter never walk an a though your feet were of lead and yet do not mine mines and sad go along mong as it you were overcome com with affectation either extreme li to very bad style you should hom your body your head bead up and the a ahou boulders well back in this way you will always look well and preserve erre your health and avoid any kind oft 0 lung or chest thoutle the effect of at walking la Is to exercise the muscles quicken the breathing breath lne improve the dir digestion estion and keep the body in perfect health if however the ibid dera ders and head bead are ar bent forward the good effort Is entirely loit lost tight of and there illi be no good whatever come from your walk for a walk to do rood good you should it if possible ai aldaya ways have bays a comp compan udon loR with you as a when you are talking the blood circulates more freely in the brain and the benefit that you derive from the open air li Is very neatly greatly increased lind nd also the walk should be a boca beta fide ado one not merely an idle anter up and down a road with object in view and always have before you the wish to apcar or at your best as you walk not merely to tr to get over the ground as quickly t JA possible in any kind oi at a way women who scurry alone along like rabbits or bens hens lose all idea of at a trace ful carriage carr lafe and look more absurd tun anything else |