Show NEWS SUMMARY twelve hundred soldiers are art ai elt at 1 I santiago according to the latt latest re porta general joe wheeler will resign his hi command early next month and nd return to cion grea greet under the anglo german agreement wai ceded to 1 ort I fee L ill I 1 tain commercially and nd not politically two men were burned to death and seven building buildings valued t 0 de it troyed in ft fi fag at t elmwood N Y charl charles 11 II cadwallader the indiana ll tana bank wrecker baa hagi ben arrested arr eted in california and will be taken back for or trial the michigan at E conference in session at t lulng has h reso luti ouis pledging the brethren to prohibition hibi tion tiou dr henry otto claua claus 73 7 year years of ago committed at t new york br by shooting he lie bad had a large practice tsa w ITS berth lma As A ft a remit result of tho the uri libb protest pro teet the tauner LI lt yalta has authorized ue the lusion of the antu lawane railway loan with a british syndicate the yellow firer aver in lit the mouth 14 I 1 gaining headway over too cases are reported in mississippi the death rate la Is freater greater than last year mccoy haa has refused to hold any further conference with corbett and bli big mana fera relative rela tira to the change of date data and place of meeting with cor betl bett the twelfth infantry of ficere and men haa has arrived at jefferson Jeffe raon bar near st loala and will be aasi at at that point until farther further order orders the british steamer mount tabor from hollo iloilo for liverpool haa it been beel abandoned abandon e d on fire off the laland island of holotra Ho So cotra the british steamer telena landed the crew ori efta r ithan the turkish gover nor at crete crate haa but had a proclamation publicly read sayin s g that by order of the baltan all arma arms must be dered dared to the committee formed for that ae it haa has been recommended that mosquito bar head net and nd buckskin bucl cekin cloves be made a part of the regular equipment of the men in the army who are to fo go to cuba porto rico and the philippine philippines the ahearn schooner oho oner excelsior Exe elator r seattle from copper birer river alaska Ala ilca with prospector prospectors who failed to find and fold gold they report that tle gunboat ir wheeling will bring down ISO destitute dettl tat men from copper river george bartlett who sib ot and killed james moffat and mortally wounded warren richmond Bleh mond at Pit pittston Pi ra ba has surrendered to the officer offic erst ile claim claims to hare have no recollection of the hooting shooting being drunk at the time ex governor gorer nor boren buren R mau of low iowa peaking speaking of the omaha extol ton said 1 I was wa much our ur ased ed I 1 must Oca fess it is i a very much big bir ger pr how show than I 1 expected one la moat ost agreeably disillusioned when he compare compares the exposition with the world a fair the omaha fair compare compares extremely well mra mrs woodward wealthy woman all of the jetty of the U E cent conference eado haa but signed a ded dead conveying 1 p property r 0 party in the city of seattle wash va talked 1 aed at over 73 to bishop hurst in trust for the california conference the income from the property iri hlll under certain condition conditi onabe be circa given to the ual unit tenley of the pacific raci 1 fic the london new news in an a editorial article guys the philippines are art me old man cf the sea aea and the th mere coolin the annexation daentl neat at will not bake him off of agulo again aldo a message to the assimilated AMOc Assim press to I 1 couched touched in the language of at anaple tautly tautological protestation and come rather late la lit the day again aldo himself could hardly expect him hi version to be preferred to that of gen gun eral oral olla otla captain allyn capron first artil lery Is I 1 dead captain capron wayborn la in florid florida and entered the military academy an a cadet in 1863 afeei graduating he waa was made a second lieutenant of the fint first a artillery rt illary on the lilb of june jana 1807 1867 and waa was an to officer of that regiment until his hi death he wai was aa as aptakin on 4 1981 ile waa was in the battle at san one an daring the first day a fighting his 1 son eon captain allyn TL capron s of the rough rider riders wa was killed the michigan conference of the 11 E church adopted without debit a resolution Ou declaring for the this to dional amendment P it providing for equal qua lay I 1 ay and minta teral depre a tation I 1 the general oon oca trence ference the tote vote wa was to 9 an insane man entered a chur churchak chat at independence kansas during and in d caused a panic by declaring that be he intended running thing things to anit gull himself ile wa was finally induced U leave the building and the polio police BOOB wot had him in charge the treasurer of the united maud ad check chocks aggregating st 04 in payment for the Int ereal dee due october 2 on united states regis 4 1 percent er cent console a of 1607 1907 with notice that abst clity may be pa pint w edl 1 immediate dayment |