Show SPANISH GOOD FAITH no 0 to of rort rico 8 ban an juan de do porto rico sept 19 the preparation forthe for the embarkation of the spanish troops are reported to too bo be complete although the american commissioners have hurt oot not beta officially advised it wd to that effect two ships of the campania tran trans atlantic are expected eiph led to arrive here on the mh dinst five vessels will be required to transport all the luggage and field artillery and equipment the porto rican troop troops are to be landed near cabit the united state states bare agreed that auch such troops aa as desire to remain here in may e y do eo go and especially all the volunteer otters and tome some of the regulars galan rr arhos a fadl illes and Inter lote efta repts are lere will remain if the this necessary cery ne ships were here the laland island could be evacuated and formally in our within three day days the american commissioners ar aro highly gratified with the spirit shown by the Span larda happened where it expect iA that opposition lon and delay boulb boua bo encountered haa has been found in good faith the spanish commissioners have met the americans and arranged with them the terms of 0 evacuation our commissioners expect to aee see the american flay bag hoisted fco an I 1 the spanish flag hauled down forrer within thred akl ire elca |