Show dont bo dice rod you an lay bay floor flour at emery connly county company coro piny for tt J 7 per pounds graham tot for A pounds and 1130 1 I for aw pounds ij 1 I bare used cough Rem eilly in my tuy family for year years and al at ways vr with good re mal sullo says ay mr W V 11 caoper Cj oper of 1 klo cl for email LII dreo drou we find it especially for rot ost sl by nil fill medicine dealtrey de altre at thin and take of alid the Is 1 hero here ant aej we whits to cloe close out all U oar our adies and mies ii trimmer trimmed bati aul gua will do eo so at this unheard ot of sacrifice t SJ sit ier per cent jt or 1 and get one emery eatery oar our baby has ls continually troubled with cobe and cholera ince since his bit b and all U that we could do for bin blut did not its to give more thin temporary relief until we tried chamberlain C colic cholera aul nj n remedy since giving that rf riedy bo be ba has not been we wit want to ire yo yon this testimonial a ai aa am of oar our gratitude not that yon you need it to I 1 u iLlse roar meritorious 1 G M LAW keokuk kuk low for ale sale lyall medicine dealer dealers r 0 SUCH OFFER I 1 lt OUK our mid made pedal special artma gement wilb willi the tb perfect ballor bal bat lor tog powder coin vow juny any to handle their goodA in this i d ct lie ute we beell abe er I 1 pound cn cans at 20 cents I 1 pona 1 cam at 85 91 cents 2 Is pound cans at 75 73 cent cents d caud at aitt it 49 i to prove our aest rilon that the per rot f fact baking powder Is what it U claim claims to beam be e wili return the juice of any ny can b A doca not give aa satisfaction faction mercantile co fia 4 ii sarit lawr of for cst 11 arh tirl list arr tury rr as 64 mercury will arely tritely dettrow the sense ot of amell 11 and completely derange the whole etem system when entering it through the snuck us i euf fica soch article articles should never tw im used except on prescript floss from reputable thyri clatie aa the damage they wll will jt iv it ten fuld told to the good on can poe possibly sibly denive from them hall Cit catanh tarth care by F J chancy ot ds co gillido Ti toll llido do 0 contains no ani an 1 la Is token taken act lot log fair directly be the blood and ouri cc ims of the 3 item stem in baying laboring 1111 II 11 ill catarrh cure bo wre yon you git the in it it I 1 taken I 1 ite mally anil and made in toledo F J cheney co testimony Is tw free fold by druggists tso 71 hair ilan ramify pill pills are tho best KL the kenyon was formally opposed ou on tuesday evening of lut week b us a firel first claes class hotel in bait salt lake city the kenyon Is 1 centrally located bemz on ibe the comer of second south and main streets the proprietor don wu H U porter ie Is one ut of the be moat most popular and a ally known hotel iscon in tho thil west this hotel cout uius 18 J room rooms ol 01 which tal 1 a are re nita suits with baths and all modern convenience cona oona veni ence and aid are newly an I 1 richly fard dished tho th railor is elegantly foris imbed with teleet carpet carpets while the bridal chamber Is a perfect cem of oriental splendor pl endor ib itis heel bell clerk ciul hammer la Is well and favorably to the tile public bo be having lloa ll oa connected with tho th management of th sait lake theatre for the put ten yeara years the kenyon i loard to fin an I 1 fatur with th taj i public pt arun braunt I 1 rout if I with I 1 will be W interested to n the I 1 lie of mr W M ali clerk ot of Wr ortance Drra tance ncr providence it I 1 lie ile says I 1 rut erl oral year years I 1 haie base been almont a Mii stant sull eTtz from the ali cut attacks prostrating rating me idd and rendering me unfit for my ray duties at this hotel about two years ago a traveling traT eling salesman 1 bladl rare gave los e a mil bottle of cholera and diarra Dia rrb i rewe remedy dy tinch much to my ant nr prie prise en an I 1 delight ita its were immediate whenever I 1 felt symptoms of the dlee I 1 would fortify hylt I 1 against the attack with a few low doses of this able remedy th result has ben wen very tiati factory and ond almost complete relief frum fruits be the affliction for tale ale by all medicine dealers I 1 II 11 lotion magio pile lotion a positive cure for piles tinge barni scalar welling invaluable in depth ria FT for olo sale at emery county mercantile toree force bogli 1 pile lotion cures I 1 lies either eaten 1 or ir in fron JUL 14 4 to 5 day days acme acm 10 cho era barup la is the aernt and remely reme ly in the world for cholera autum cholera liliona col colo and all a of the bowels bowel for aa ale at emery county MertA utile company storm acme cholera caree cures ct colic alwa bj bemp vp luhcs diarrhoea ahe THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE lung troubles and consumption can be cured A I 1 oil tient now york the nilst and d cleu el list stakes a ire offer to oar our the distinguished new york chemist T A slocum dem hia his dis colety of a reliable and absolute atrol ablo ute lute cure for consumption tober taber culner cul nei and all bronchial throat long lung and cheat diseases cough coughs catan bal affe cuoni general decline anil antl wea weakness kneas loea ion of flesh and all con dit dilious ious of wasting away will end send THREE FREE BOTTLES BOTT LEdall all different of bis his new now discoveries to any afflic afflicted teo reader reale of the advocate Adro cato writing wi ular for them ill ilia new now treatment ha bag cirod ani by its it timely thistly use and anti he considers cons iJen it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of hw infallible cure bounce dally daily devel deT eIore opts new wonder and thia this great chemist ch emlet patiently expel expert tuen for year years hie has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can tx tk claimed ly by any modern gonias sims iii assertion that lung troubles tro oblee and con are curable in ally climate ii is proven I 1 y heartfelt letter letters of gratitude filed in lb and E boro at pears laboratories in thousands front roul those cured in ail all parte parts of the world medic medical experts concemi that bron chill cht cheat and long tang troubles tron blue lead to consumption which uninterrupted means meios speedy and certain death simply write to T A slocum M U 9 pine street new poet post office and express address and the free re medicine will be promptly sent buffer ere era should tale take instant advantage of his hi glen geu row irous lion tiou plew tell the dotor that yon you offer in tin tile advocate MCA L LE i THE STYLISH PATTERN 11 A teak clew rate I 1 Fitt tec paus 10 and 15 cent cents i soma reliable merchant mil sells utin la in bearly amy rity or at town for thaul of ce 0 ahr asu fr td lid t d by rajil fr from in s ta fa either nw now york or at bluga 0 stamps ump uba jait shed tent sent apost ipoa as 0 ebo cent t pay petit r er ikc in so LL hl ac A ILI n ma titine rut I 1 I 1 invaluable for the lim Fish lons of Z the day y houlou luau iancy tack current tor fiction an ica only 50 cents a rear 71 ul 1 1 freo fhern own selet ution 7 aoa any anytime said two ant t SUMP I 1 for am copy aadree S THE M CALL 19 vest 14 new A 0 fifth agnue Av tet achlin aa sl L 0 axim EUR tilt of ase tise W stop to d rin k PW co colored or d t tea a T try h s B best st 0 mrs A woolman NURSE offer offers it her r servie ice cir to the people of price and ml vicinity admitted by the bante tile medic medical 14 to pree breetice tice Reri denoe with mr J II 11 lice pace FOR A FINE MILLIA ERr cation mrs j JW W lott huntington UTAH at ker her residence you mar may fad the leit latest styles trie tn in ball bets at t very low floury I 1 haa h ladles and Chil children drons french bilk bilk embroidered clucks embroidered flats sole etc mr my food goods were purchased hued in the rt east for cash and ea can ely IT the ladies of f on and nd to town tova va excellent eicel leot barra lits SENT FRED to any person interested in humane matters or who loree loves animals we will beni id ire free open upon application a copy of the alliance the organ of abis bodely la addition to ii its intensely interesting Inte wUng reading it contains a kat of the valuable a and na unusual premium given by bl the paper anz NATIONAL acim united Char charlees lUes building new now I 1 ork AS A S murray and wife MO restored Rt ord to U health by or de mile tine ZA 7 r ilC RRAY 1 tor for keet goes ft a Y IY Urr atlle co cio spring 1 I 1 angered irm was unable to e fat without distress dit tre arted by physicians withal baat I 1 became beame alboss aliu a penic aa wreck aa 4 tamable to attend to may work I 1 look twit dr Be toralv bernize and la in su ix boks I 1 waa was well my wit wits had IL ku e uck tack of la grippe which 11 OB on troubles wellar to Z her set tb the eto boater atar erl is I 1 ui Os only thing atla that tb hu has helped her we both this la in a wy way to help others as we have beon dr nile ulles remedies are by all drug buu under a ar I 1 bottle becie flus or book OB oil lRe att artar 4 amt to au poll ruu 1 dr X I 1 LW co ia CERVERA DOWNED but not so with our store our stock cannot be downed quality considered our goods are as low as money can buy them and dont don t forget that we p pay ay the highest prices on all country produce PERRON FERRON BRANCH OF THE emery county mercantile co TWO SPLENDID TRAINS DAILY TO PAST via great rock island route ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIMITED leave DENVER am 4 COLO bP RINGS 9 35 am arrives LINCOLN 1145 11 45 p in 84 I 1 a in it DES MOINES 5 25 am n 44 DAVEPORT DAVENPORT 9 48 am 44 CHICAGO 2 15 p Us next day through sleeper sleepers and clair chair cars colorado to chicago wide yes 1 he train in the west these arc are new trains ia in addition to our former service lor or particulate and follen folders giving the time of the train trains write W 11 II FIRTH EE E JNO SERA geni gent abt denver A AG G P A topeka G V 1 chicago Cb cago EVEN THE CHILDREN ENJOY 00 le J AND TO NICE LIGHT AND BISCUITS THE COOK SHOULD USE US U S BAKING BMW POWDER consumers note the prices 5 or oz cans loc 8 oz or cans 16 oz cans ask k your rr for a rn can and tl you will ill be to 60 ples tbt you yoki will uee use DO no other dt D t Tall tawn afre and mat A T aft iy ay to ball toba tay kt 14 forader t be VAC lie lull full of ufa ur DOM alo uk take noto no oto o to use un the worker ker that mail weak h bif stift troea A all 11 oralu ift ca or II 11 cuts currry r rss berd wd flo nook lilet let unal sain sits free address at co chico or nov york dowels trick wit anly cur coall pUo ors is C CL C i COLORADO FLYER DENVER 2 45 pm COLO SPRIGS SPRINGS TO PEK 7 30 am ILM KANSAS CITY 9 ar ST LOUIS wb wall R j y 6 16 p arrhe ST JOSEP ff 10 40 am Is LINCO LINCOLN LN ex sun 9 42 1 km of it through sleeper sleepers colondo colorado springe springs to st SL louie louis ria via wabash itly KEEP MONEY AT HOME ew by insuring in the HOME FIRE os OF UTAH CAPITAL HEBER J GRANT CO gen aam salt lake THE SCIENCE OF irrigation master mae it by reading irrigation farming A book of pages and loo illustrations bound in cloth price as saby by mail prepaid pre paid we print the best agricultural journal on earth try it and keep posted address FIELD AND FARM DENVER COL MARSH real estate loans insurance FIRE rire AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE parties to trade poll or make lew ul do 11 to cau on m ml 4 price cub visit MARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY AT atly PRICE UTAH ON MAIM MAIN STRICT EQUIPPED for work 14 1 a very fk fast or waon woon first clil class work li go desired I 1 bar bare the tb a elpe 1 pe lenc lonce and an wall lt quipped equipped for uy my work I 1 will do au all kind of TIN 11 WORK cheaply and nd with I 1 stake 1 l the manufacture of U us bwy cans ft a specialty as 3 2 6 callon cani cone 1104 loo thallon cana wa experience COUNTS FOR MUCH when it oom 6 to satisfactory pleats lor for I 1 bare bad 4 twenty years virper loncoln ekla lice of work and ad sea latee first classi work at t try very low prices you aft kr clr to t plaster roar your bouso boutot lot nr site figure bla rout you I 1 cm cals make it an object TUOMAS 8 CHRI 1 chek 11 we VC C RICHMAN MD PHYSICIAN and ar will answer cau calls troas surround surroundings Ins tua benu 14 THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally nt rally located RATES sa J ind and 2 50 50 per day 5 C EWING prop it www ww A st pak future comfort for bresat deming economy but buy the awing machina with an a estad labad that thit guar naces you tong oaf md tory service j 4 it j J 0 A 0 po e ift pr arts PINCH 5 TENSION mso ON derchi mylous der cei for ma 0 the tension are re a few of f the feature that the hilah grada M character of the send for our mcgant HT catalog catalo WHITE SEWING MAO MACHINE C M pim 0 SW ba Casc Tete af bt we ww darful di coerr ot of UK the S pleas pa act nt ul a ref ehing te to abe act CA ja so nd d on huuey liver 4 be the ui system 1 colari cazad ch ZAd few lower babi nd please buy waa and 07 e tax 1 suar teed to c cure by u 1 aff aa use sew a ox |