Show WILLING EXILES tk the goa A ame aric ar at imper ts ter JB Is 1 abrl ul Us 00 oo on and far ihle this lt wrote napoleon Kt I 1 to 14 that tb it ilis tl english EiK lih see m expelled from peri parts bach such as BL edict would seat a a very large 1 ort order lor the tile present dy day tint but it WM wu by no malanio a small nw rine la in nepo nitro leivi chuia ij line thas what would the part parts of today be I 1 without iti its coloner avrom sir F our udar to the rills boy who all tho tile english bourt jonnel t As at t neels library la in the has castiglione the engleh are tery ins port n t factors acton in Pari alan lian th m has I 1 cas on u Iu inglish Hugl glIsh sh lili calmy la in the capit for inny many yet one might search in tolu ao 10 for a it alin 1 ilar blench colony tn in london the aud and bobo bob oqual districts trough owning twylo tu to a JAW arf french MU lillou hardly a it trace of 0 tho the flavor CT kv mien that distinguishes tho the quarter the th duglish frequent la in IWIN aad and it it is no cot a fifth allis the ilze to bpck it b oy parl parts bat has within its walled border borders a little loundon of many thousand fernous no t inalle and but boasts g pica did fine ob h 1 a heulu bota in churches charch fR hospitals and aud and all the ahw to such an extent that it li is to td bellove oa if is not lu in the british capital atit tho the inhabitants ct c this colony might r rahly 1 se follari foll ilo ito t tires ta a asa d ik who alte seen days thoe obo doire desire to hare have their children educated in tho the laa inn gag guage business yn author authors artists ito stol douts louto journalists and professional ulm those who have the beet beat of tirl rato reasons for living out of englard and cri which tina ti na included ls la in divi duals wito for kuie cause or oilier other haro have de a feeling of hatred for tho the land of their birtil birth nearly all are am bilea ilea of their own accord on sunday the lite elite tit of tho the english colony turns arni out to the church of tho ho in tho 4 here for or a number her of yean years dr neye kayea who he A na as formerly a incumbent hai has preached pren chedi and here a collection lag good regularly roand round and i Is as a rc regular ly re in a condition of cora comparative pars empel ws leos yas for yew your englishman of the dalglish Ial glish colony is either eiter in a it con to help largely tho the church and does or eleo else gitas nothing at nil all one thing dinst bo be kaid about the english and aserleans Amer leans who go to poris they support the city without twi theft patronage patron axe there them lip scarcely eca a big bop on the boulevards that would not clow its it doors within a few mouths london mail matt f |