Show PRICE SOMETHING abou r THE TOWN OF PRICE AND ITS PROSPECTS WITH MORE NEXT WEEK the term of price ia is situated about midway between ogden utah and grand junction colo at an elc at atcon aon t of about feet above sea level the location is upon a beautiful plateau sloping ery nery gently to the south until it reaches the price river a stream of cair water ater supplied with gushing sparking t fluid from mountain springs in the wa wat t itch dative a the rier ri riv er cr furnishes an abundance of water to irrigate a large extent of country now ina la ing vacant within a few miles of town in making the tile abne stat statement ament regarding the amount yf of water flowing in in price r it is to be understood that the water will have to bo be stored i up iu irs and caned during the season when not wanted for watering torim crop crops at tins this time for instance there has been no tio land water edbom edrom ditches since last august and during the time from august until this writing there has been water enough wasted if it had been stored up for future u use allowing for the amount unit that would have evaporated to watered nt at least 11 fh e times as much land as is now under aultia tion and this amount of good government 0 luid land 13 aing ing within a short distance from this pi pl tv 1141 r out an inviting in biting it the home hoine 0 her ker K arso of or the sheltering of ot thu the wis was book und cedar noi lit litwins ains the 1 limato ii mild and aliv s are vatin but tsiu the lesah 6 i are re aliye cool coot und and artill C ti id kindle ki licit aidt and tho w niter aro so an it horan i adwa aul teril mill out shelter on the bills hills and alleys in c aery cry li direction from town price esthe is the largest shipping 0 and reciting reci eing ing C point pant between 0 ogdan 0 de n and grand junction with but two exceptions salt like and provo during C the alin m ith ath of december of last a 3 car there was reci relieved eved at this point pounds of freight r and there waa was forwarded from here during the month pounds in emery county and tri tributary butay to price there are dread alread over acres of land now in hay bv r grain min and fruits besides the products of the soil there arc are laige at ca ge numbers of cattle horses and sheep which add no small amount to the wealth and pro prosperity of this community to the west north and south there are millions of tons of baling cloaking oa ling 0 cou coal while to the east north east and south cast there Is an in inexhaustible amount of para fine finein tact il asphaltum in the tile aclei allots S and among the mountains near by arc are unmistakable signs of good gold copper and silver mines many of which we balico 0 will bo be de eloped to a ini kiy ing 0 basis during the present 1 ye year ar the supply of water for the tile of this our little city will be fiem a beautiful now tiow under construction st cUon and located about a quarter of a mile north of th thi business par of town fillip sixty feel feet abbie abo e the foundation of the buildings now corn com pl pit tid ted the res etoir voir will by be supplied from price water company a anal which will afford an abundance of water power for a good grist mill electric light plaat plant nud and other small mahin cry ery it is in ever hirk 1 i in ing mun man th tal at th there re will be between grind GI and prow a i lit it of if no em am ill tit a ra and aud we behm c tit tint it price will ivill io L tit lint a point wo IVO me ate willing t to admit ilow Ncr tint in the near lar billum u cisco thomp son soil spring springs grelia gilr and ani atle tle gaui hae taft natural j to h mike poe I 1 points JA ji EM iary RT CO of the business firms of our cita cit belvill we will men mention tron first the county mercantile co of which L 31 olson is manager which commenced comme business march V 1887 38 4 with a small capital and uncomfortable building they have haie grown and prospered until they now occupy trading rooms feet which are always filled to their utmost u t capacity with dry goods i groceries clothing boot slices shoes hard ware and furniture under these rooms there is a v or caf large cellar used as a store away for unbroken packages besides this the company have hayer a large ware house where one can alwaes s see tons of flour feed grain etc to this is added a large inc inclosing losin e containing ing at least square feet which is is well filled with ron wagons C luig ber and a 0 implements this corogin cor comp tny by their fair and honorable business lime built up tip a trade that amounts to ver very y nearly annually DAVID DAUID IVILLIA band Wil williami limi sr this 1 is 4 tle a next oldest house in our alicc now under the management of daud ia d williams jr this old firm occupy a largo two atory story building with a basem mt under the entire house while williams dois dos a ta strictly ready pi 0 business his pleasant deportment has won for him film mana a friends throughout this country lie carries a general supply of every thin thing wanted bj farmers machanich mac hanics or stockmen stoc kmen and always sells at bottom prices and his busineau busi business is such thai thal it would bo be called large in other towns tomis WHAL COMPANY act in artler is thu the gilson As nh allura 0 1 JO o tilis this company is the successor of S 8 S jones now of pro o having bought out mr jones july ath last jear j ear and ani they are tho owners of the tile only ci mines in tile world they s have bae the goern government ment contract for freight to duchesne loading hero with supplies for the fort and agency their teams return loaded with asphaltum which la is loaded on the cars here and shipped cast hv bv almost e ev cry regular frei freight 0 lit train that passes the tile station staton some daa a so erad cars go at a time it is needless to sy that this company is doing a very cry extensive business ail and it is whispered that their business will be more lore than doubled double before mid in garn mer the carra carr evera aver tiling thing 0 wanted by the people from a needle to a wagon wagon 0 PRICK COMPANY this company have hane just fairly opi opined cd up in business with a fine new now large store building good ware house hous awl and a large laze cellar cell ir nil all of which are filled fill 4 with bright a clean new goods the comp iny is composed of four of our best leading loading c alcis they cannot doing ci what ia is al ready apparent namely a first el clasi iss business they aso also carra carr every aver article wanted by b y a western family THE titz SALOON au 16 kept by J B milburn mr milburn has been in business as long iona a as any man in our town and tho tile oasis has hasal aiwas was been fon conducted ducted in a careful manner minner outside of his business mr 31 is abw always djs 1 to lend a helping hand liand to every enter prise cither either in the torn town or tile county country TUB Is kept b bj F 11 lang As with the oasis s with III the c 6 magnet but few men have hai e nude made more friends than F K B lang we know that many people arc am prejudiced against tho the liquor trado trade but we doubt if all any Y town iu in utah can furnish better and more popular well than the WN of the oasis and magnet MATHIS HOUSE this new and well furnished house is kept by mrs emma mathis who is experienced jn hi the hotel business the trai traveling cling 0 public are 2 welcome rates rm owl good LYMAN hoisa mr 13 L man is prepared 2 the traveling r boardl by the day or week great care to make his fol table next in the hotel line t burn south of the rail at the milburn the st strait as those acquainted are 1 of good accommodations gibgot mrs gbson at the cornei and north streets new few day boarders her waa wa a 8 supplied with the be bo A ballingor ballinger a county coant i 1 1 attorney for einen emer COO er of good merit and I 1 ly to any any business Im sines I 1 hig his care S K king taj i L burlington C colo where 4 a cry largo large practice in i KINO hoi le heal real estate Estat tt and an d will pell sell farms farm ton I 1 i 1 Ola 1 1 iros etc wo we ila e given above abott bial list of the business town wo we haie ua beside carpenters blacksmith A etu eto what we want next 9 0 gon oon maker A binm do well 0 but nil al of of more and better se no bett better r place in inn first lasa college or i price as this is 9 the a pp point r n for a terri territory torl miles lu in width b one ogg fifty in ION length th filosi susceptibly to settle |