Show 4 w TIM FARM AND bomb mattries MAT Trims 9 oz CM k 91 MANY TOPICS ittes of bany k albfro 8 some iolet or n about detato mifot abott coultry A new cook beet cook wastes arho subjects of tho the waste wastes that are continually going on on moat most farms and among most farmers Is I 1 one that more thought sa aal 1 requires more attention than almost any other part of our farm work A fla source of thi this evil among many is carelessness and the result ie ia of hard heird nod tho 10 many privations that follow the inter coson sense n with many is ono of comparative comparativo ic inactivity activity and aud could bo bly employed ed fn in a revision of tho the poat past woric work and its results in doing tic lot us meka a noto note of alt all mistakes and plan our next seasons work so i that thoy they will dot not occur again iho waste of timo time and material are am among n tho the greater wastes aud ore there therefore 0 foo tho mst to bo be guarded against I 1 ho cormor is more from luck lacic of method than anything clo also and ronny many H n hard man wastes much valuable time by rushing head long loog into hie his work without having taken proper timo time to think it over and lay bli his plane plans systematically onallee B dy anticipating our work wo we are enabled to plan it to tho the boat best addan tago possible by so doing doln wo we can oo 00 com much more mom and also will have tho the satisfaction of having avory thing pass oft off smoothly and quiet quietly avora y without any special effort there ore are things about a farm that can lo 10 done lu to tho the winter which if not attended to will tako take timo time during tho the busy season kloro the commencement of what ie to termed the s rings work everything that ie Is likely likely to bo be needed either for the farm or household should be provided so that in the event of a late spring which is a common occurrence in this climate not a day would bo be lost in the forwarding of the work on hun hitzl L iho waste of material Is per bars tho the greatest waste with which wo we have to conte contend carelessness in regard to this has more to do toward ron fing farmers unsuccessful chaa any od ir ono thing in the whole routine of airm life itle am ata cultivator potato aught the experience of the ohio station people in trying to fight the potato blight with copper remedies the past season has not altogether been WIS factory some soma row rows were sprayed with the Por bordeaux deaux mixture others with the ammon leal solution of carbonara car bonata of copper lad some wore left without treatment the bordeaux mixture was maba by adding six pounds of copper sulphate oad and four pounds at 01 amo to fay galloni of water the carbon ate was made by adding six ounces of copper carbonate to two quarts of ammonia and diluting with fifty gallon gallo of water four ap applina gions by spraying epra ying were made during lag ing the season tho the blight came and continued to increase in to during jul july and the first half halt of august fiffe little difference reace in the degree of affection could rould be detected between the vines untreated and thoo those to which tha carbonate solution bad had boon applied the disappointment disa for me lies especially specially ally in the that oven the rowe rows treated with the Borde bordeaux juc mixture were at attacked ticked to a considerable consi lerable extent stu still there was a decided difference between betwee a them and tho others by the ath of august the plants wore waro practically all dead except la in the dorveaux DorJe Dorl aux eaux mixture rows which were yet greem and growing owina er the difference indeed was very lag fair and tho bordeaux mixture rowe rows held out two weeks longer thila the others consequently there was a decided increase in ia yield la in these rowe yet further experiments will bo be casary to determine whether the blight nn can bo be prevented entirely b by the use of fungi hidoa and whether als this can call be done cheaply enough to hare haro ha ro the in creaso of crop compensate for the outlay it seems to me that one point lq in air already a dy well established namely that the a application must be begun early and before the blight has taken firm arm boldon hold on the plants the whole treatment should be preventive rather than curative A good knapsack sprayer can now be bad for 14 and I 1 hope advantage will be taken of this by many growers eo so the question can be definitely settled bettl wd tho the coming season corn com Sed ling ln of fruit rolt the dependence on nurseries rather than on 00 homegrown home grown fruits diminishes the be chanco chance for finding now and valuable seedling edling ae vs ti ettes occasionally a ts graft or a bud falls and the natural sprout taking its place Is supposed to be the improved variety until it gets into bearing unless those these instances are wrongly reported P a larger proportion of fruit has considerable consig erable more value than is often thought the proportion would bo be still larger if seeds from only the best of fruit grown in years favorable for ite its highest ex oo were used for nursery took the plan of many nurserymen is however to get apple seeds from the refuse in which only small and inferior interior fruit I 1 Is used for grinding in this way they claim to get ret more vigorous vigo rois stocks but it Is 4 at the ax vas of fruit it la is likely balso that ebeo base stool aphea I 1 rhen gritter gritted grit ted nw arf longer in coming isto to bearing thun than stocks took from cultivated fruit of the aich oal oft quality would bo be abow kw cook book Mat material orial ie is now bolog being gathered for a now cook book raloh it Is talin intended ded shall be tho the most cowa 1 work of its kind and will bo be a croat aid to tho the housewives of tho the country wo up pond a few of the prescriptions clear soup tako taka two pints plau of water wah wash thorn thoroughly on oa both sides pour into a diah or something and stir around the kitchka until tired plum ilium plo illo got botne dough hammor out a front nod back bacic breadth lino a dish with il el lorla put la ia a veneering vono oring of dough fill tho dieh dish with couch cough drops put on tho the to ton cruet crust list leathor stitch around tho the ceges and bako bake in r a tinker furnace fur naco pound cake mix up soma flour and thine put thorn them into a dish boko bake for a while tiou tt on crow screw in a tho the handlo and commence to pound stomach cake Cak line a small boy with eroca groan apples and this can bo be prepared at shark short notice calve calvos foot jelly jolly got trotted for a chicago calf they havo have the largest foot cut off the call which can bo be used for making hasi bast or chicken salad wash tho foot toot thicken w with ith irlue elv s ada a fow tow molasses through a chini seated chair pour it into a blue bowl owl with rod pictures on it set it in tuo tile shade to cut got touch tough theo send it to a sick friend ico ice creamery Cream Dry a ploce place of ico ice in tho the suo sun stir in ia soma cold broam or vaso line fan art it until it garnish with christmas green thie ills should bo be served with tho the soup hash chop u up everything add some ready mixed paint then throw it away soft boiled eggs put a botting of eggs into a kettle of hot water at 6 57 lot them boil until tho the clock strikes serve servo on half halt shell to stains to remove fruit stains from a tablecloth saturate the cloth in benzine kc ke rosine and coal oil CA sprinkle with gunpowder apply a lighted match one two three Cake Ono egg two flour three bounce an inexpensive dish buy a fivecoat plate to drop eggs let lot azo of them lemon pie lino a aple plo plate with puff paste soo sao vaga put in your lemons build bull aage a lattice work over the top and bake three weeks clover causing urfa heaves there are two reasons why clover hay h a causes heaves in horson one 1 Is that it often beats and whoa when it dries out become becomes dusty the hay removes move tho the difficulty the second reason is that horses ilk clover bay eo so much that they overload their stomachs and cannot travel give mbeni only a small amount ot of clover and add oats to make up tho the full ration aust as would be done in feeding time timothy y hay bay Hous ulato savo the leathers when picking poultry A frequent rub with chamois will keep the nickel part ol 01 0 tho the stove bright flowers will remain fresh for a fortnight if it a little carbonate of soda is mixed with the water put flut old ola rubber rings of cans into weak ammonia water and they will recover their elasticity lemons I emody will keep fresh for weeks if covered with water A small glass jar Is s a convenient receptacle even the broken tacks are in this utilitarian age they aro are excellent for cleaning bottles mildewed linen linon may way bo be restored by soa plair tho the spots and while wet wat covering them with powdered chalk paint splashes may bo be removed from window panes by a very hot solution of soda using a soft flannel flan nol flood tho the watte water pipes every week with boiling water and occasionally a ily with a Is hot solution of sal soda among the poultry it Is difficult if no not impossible to cure the geating egg og eating habit once it is acquired one danger with the amateur Is attempting tomp ting to keep too largo number ct of varieties in too close quarters in many ca cases ses those who make the poorest success are the ones that never try to improve upon what they aro are doing it is a serious mistake to allow food to bo be kept before the boos hens all tho the time they are certain to keep too fat to lay well wheat can be fed fad cholm crushed or 4 craik Bd with good results it is ono one of the best materials that caa can be sup illel for eggs eggl whether early or late into turkeys pay the best is bard hwd to determine it costs more to raise the late ones but they generally bring better prices many prefer to oed feed a mixture of bran and in preference to meal using five pirt of bran and one of scalding thoroughly if it pays to raise mise fowls for or market it t pay pays to fatten wall before selling early irly in the fall or in the middle or latter atter part of winter Is the best time to market poultry when it can be done it will pay to visit the poultry shows much can be learned that will beof a benent benefit not aply as 08 regards varieties but also as to the management if poultry Is to bo be fattened la in ue winter it is necessary cenary no that they have warm quarters and be fed plenty of fat forming food giving a good variety to keep up the appetite |