Show lew yorks ThIr thirteen taen club now york hoa has a ri club that exists for tho purpose of combating the it thirteen superstition it started mth aith thirteen members who fled in the loco inca 0 providence by sitting bit ling donn doun together to dino dine tho club now hasla ahne 13 members and tho peculiar part of it is their death rate U no larger rind possibly anielle r ahrin is t clial lint of 4 other clubs at their dinners they hao ano 13 cou conrace co race etith 13 different wines there aro always 13 seated nt each table ind and the dinner always t at 8 13 1 u clio committed commit teu on arrangement com and reception committee each number 1 13 11 the nio dues are 13 cents a month tho ino list for tho the last dinner gl glan en december 13 ia to printed on blek cardboard in tho the shape of n coffin lid in which thero aro are 13 ild nails ono one eido side tells you in tho the root most reckless manner that death ie is saluted though it Is tamed down a little by being in Lat inand tho the other eido side lina ivi tho the namo name of tho the wines vines with a gold crown by an incredulous astonished ol 01 01 they dufy death and then have tho the courage to stand up tip and ridicule tho the euper etl tion in their responses to sar sarcastic castio toasts illicy hao dinner through tho the year and tho the liet lant woe was the uth from the chicago herald |