Show VERY I 1 fit SERVICES such indeed were the services held over the remains ot of the lat late bishop 31 if jensen in the af mantua antua meeting house last wednesday morning the hall was filled to its capacity main room vestry rostrum choir aisles ansa stood where pr ill ili to listen H aan to that ivulich I 1 was sala said and done 1 the stand had been draped in white and a large card was suspended over the pulpit bearing the words our bishop th the e loral floral tributes were beautiful expansive and numerous completely covering the casket and forming a bank behind it the services were presided over by counselor peter C johnson and the 1 were elders johnson ole ola olsen sr S r michael L J li hailing alling J T AI jenson C IV knudson bishop T H 11 blackburn who nho also read a set of resolutions of respect from the stake pre and bishops of 0 the stake denmark jensen and pres oleen N stohl the testimonies borne of the character of bishop jensen were very similar and might be summed up in the words ile he was an honest upright man ills his Lr Ethron from mantua who spoke referred to the loss the ward had sustained which is some what staggering in its nature all the people of his ward loved him as breathed forth in the beom written uy oy some of the sisters and read by miss mirl larsen and which idich Ii ich appears in another column of this issue the musical numbers were nere furnished by members ot of the tabernacle choir from this city and the numbers were though copning dap Dop ning trials mv father knows 1 I know that my redeemer lives by victor E madsen tired by mesdames elfleda L je jensen an and morilla morella L spencer and some tiac well understand by isaac it and C ellas jensen the prayers avei were e offered by dishop thaddeus wight and elder john F petersen respectively the cortege which followed the remains to the cemetery on oil the brow of the hill was one 0 of the longest that ever guined out there were a great many carriage loads of friends brigham and other places in the county went up tip to attend the services |