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Show SUGfR BEETSl I FALSE REPORT AS TO BEETS. Black Root Has No Effect on Beet Plants in This County Big Crop Expected. Some agitation has been caused among the beet growers in this vicinity vicini-ty by a letter sent to the Agricultural College by one Erastus Peterson, now engaged in irrigation work in this county, in which it was stated that the foccts in the vicinity of Richfield Rich-field were suffering and dyjng with a disease called "black root." E. G. Titus, of the Logan school immediately immediate-ly wrote to W. II. Sccgmillcr asking about the disease and Mr. Sccgmillcr turned' the matter over to F. B. Goold who has charge of the beet fields of this part of the country for the sugar company. Mr. Goold investigated the matter and found that the late, backward spring had caused a blackening of the beets, but this is common to this part of the state and is found on the beets at some part of the early season every season. In his study of the beet conditions con-ditions Mr. Goold has seen this every spring, and as soon as the weather warms up the blackness disappears H and it seems to have 'no particular H effect on the plants. JM He reported in this manner to Mr. H Titus, and added that, the beet crop M is looking better in this country than M it has ever looked since 'beet raising H was inaugurated in the county. M George Austin of the sugar com- M pany was in Sevier .County the past M week looking over the beet fields and M in conversation with a Reaper re- H porter he confirmed the report of Mr. H Goold as to the splendid condition of M the beets in the contry. The outlook M for a big crop was never more prom- M ising as this year. In company with fl Mr. Goold he had just made a tout H of inspection and he was more titan M pleased with the conditions. Rich- H field Reaper. H |