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Show H Of all the people in tbt B world who M Ought Nat f H H be without a "Bell" B Telephone I It is the Farmer 1 B ' There are time when a Hie-jk H phone it so much needed, that H being without it mifht almost M be clawed m criminal rl-M H gence. m H Whatever the emergency may ' B be, if a telephone is at hand, aid ' B can be summoned instantly. B Oftimes the minute thus , sbbm W saved mark the dividing line beV tween loss of life and property, and its preservation. t M Is your household prepared H for cmergenciee Have you a, H BELL telephone? H 1 Get a "BelT now Don't pro-. H , crastinatt and regret K Everybody everywhere rings, ! , THIS Bell. I . Rocky Monatafe Ml ; Tritphon Co. I BiSiSBaMSMniSllSlMiWBTTWSSSSSSl! BBSS!1 BBBBBBBBsl I ffrBrfffin AbbBMSBSmMIJ W I H THE SCENIC LINE M Connecting at Ogden Union B Depot with all SOUTHERN PACIFIC AND OREGON SHORT LINE TRAINS. m The Only Transcontinental H Line Passing Directly M Through Salt Lake City. 8 Splendidly Equipped 7ast jfc Train Daily between B Ogden and Denver C Via Tkree Separate aad II Dkthtct Scettk Routes. W H THROUGH PULLMAN AND ORDINARY SLEEPING CARS, DENVER, OMAHA, H KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS H AND CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE. FREE RECLIN-H RECLIN-H ING CHAIR CARS. - - - H Personally Conducted Ezcvr- H ilons, DINING CARS, SERVICE A LA CARTE ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. B For rates, folders, fr Illw-H Illw-H trated booklets, etc, inquire of B your nearest ticket agent, speci-H speci-H fying the Rio Grande Route, or H address H LA, B2NTON, G. A. P. D.t Salt Lake City. BBBBH 5? DR. W. H. STROTHER, O. D. Authority on Eye Troubles Broken Lenses Duplicated By Mail ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call, or Write to Mc if Your Eyes Trouble You. Examination and Consultation Free With C. E. W. BOWERS, Jeweler 73 Main St., Salt Lake City ! He Who Travels j VIA THE I File) : 1 PASSES THROUGH THE ' , BEST DRY FARMING DISTRICTS IN UTAH 1 ' AND NEVADA. FOR INFORMATION RE- 1 i GARDING RATES AND f ; LAND WRITE OR CALL f , ON I J H. BURTNER, P. P. A. 1 169 Main St, Salt Lake City. 1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UTAH BEE-. KEEPERS' ASSOCIATION. President, E. S. Lovesy, 355 Sixth East Street, Salt Lake City. First Vice-President, R. T. Rhees, View, Weber County. Second Vice-President, W. Belliston, Nephi. Secretary, A. Fawson, Grantsville. Asst. Scc'y, Jas. Ncilsen, Holliday. County Vice-Prcsadents: Salt Lake W. C. B ergon, Mill Creek. Utah George Hone. Payson. Wasatch J. A. Smith, Heber City. Davis H. J. Butcher, Kaysvillle. Box Elder J Hansen, Bear River City Juab. Thomas Belliston, Nephi. Washington J. L. Bunting, St George Cache Nephi Miller, Providence. Morgan T. R. G. Welch, Morgan. Emery Chris Ottoson, Huntington. Carbon. W. H. Horslcy, Price. Sevier R. A. Lo , Austin. Sanpete Walter Cox, Fairview. Weber Mrs R. T. Rhees, View. DeBouzek-Huntze K Engravers and Electrotypes Successors to DE BOUZEK ENG. CO., 27-29 W. South Temple St SALT LAKE CITY |