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Show I PROF. McKA-l&t M Jowa ."dairymen and cfoamcrymen M very much regretted to learn that M Prof. Geo. L. McKay, who has been H ingehargc of dairying at the Iowa A'g- H riuillural College for thirteen or four- H IcGvii years has resigned to take the M position of secretary of the National H Manufacturers' Assoc'ation. This as- fl socjation is composed of large cream- M cry operators and we presume that M Professor McKay will devote his M time to visiting the different plants M as' a sort of an inspector for the pur- H po'c of improving the output and B ccpnomy of the manufacturing opcrji-. fl tion. Professor McKay is one of the M most thoroughly competent and prac- H tical qreamcrymen and dairymen in M the qntirc country, and it is unfortu- H natc that the Iowa Agricultural Col H lege is to lose his services. H |