Show Coughs Colds and Throat Sore yIeld 1 readily to B H II Eons P ns Cap Cap- Capsicum Capsicum Cap Capsicum Cough Cpu drops 8 a GIVE IVE UP w If you art are suffering with low and depressed spirits loss of appetite general debility disordered bloods blood weak constitution constitution- headache or any disease of f a bilious nature by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bittens Bitters Bit- Bit tens You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow you will be inspired with new life strength and activity will return pain and misery will cease and henceforth you will rejoice in th the praise raise of Electric Elec Elec- Electric Electric Bitters Sold at t fifty fifty cents celts a hot hot hot- hottie hot Jle tIe by Z L C OM M II I Drug Stor StoJA Sto 6 B A REMARKABLE L Mrs Mary A Dailey Bailey of Pal Pa P was for six years with Asthma and Bronchitis durin during which time the best physicians Cn d give no relief Her life was f 1 of until in last October she procured a bottle of Kings King's New Discovery when immediate relief was felt and by continuing its use se for a short time she was completely cured gain gaining ng in flesh llesh 50 lbs Ibs in a few months Jj Free ree Trial Bottles of this certain cure of all Throat and Lung at Z C M 1 I Drug Drust Store Large LarKe Size 4 NOTICE r rI HAVE IN MY POSSESSION I One grey rey HORSE HOUSE about abot 8 ye years rs old I branded 3 A JH I IP P on left thigh If not claimed and taken away within ten 1 from date hereof will be sold to the highest at the Brighton right n Pound on Saturday July 1885 at 10 o'clock a m THEO THEO- MCKEAN JR District Brighton July 1 1885 NOTICE T HA HAIN HAVE IN MY POSSESSION I I IHA One light roan COW and CALF 3 years old If not clai claimed ed within ten days will wiH be besold besold besold sold to the highest responsible responsible bidder at the re residence of Anson C Call Woo Woodruff ruif Precinct County of Rich Eich Territory Terri Terri- Territory Territory tory of Utah at 10 o'clock a m July 1885 MARCUS C VORSE Woodruff July 4 1885 STRAY 4 NOTICE T HAVE HWI r IN MY POSSESSION I One brown h RE 8 or 9 years old white strIp on face right front and hind root loot white branded h on right thigh and re- re resembling tx m U slanting on left thigh shod One light bay HORSE HOK 10 or 12 Ii years ears old I bald face 4 white legs branded AR ARon en on left shoulder If the above animals are not claimed be- be be before fore July 1885 they will be sold at the District Pound Pound Ponna Payson at 5 6 o'clock p m m WM S TANNER DIstrict Payson July 10 1885 NOTICE J JOne I TT- TT HAVE IN MY IY POSSESSION I I One 3 2 or 3 c year old light roan FILLEY bald faced three three white feet feet visible visible ble One 2 year old black FILLEY left hind foot white If the above described animals are not claimed within ten days tays they thAy th y will be soldat sold soldat soldat at public auction at the Co op Co-op up store in this CIty at 9 o'clock a m the RICHARD PALMER District Cedar City Iren Iran Co 00 July 6 1885 STRAYED ROM SEVENTH SOUTH AND THIRD FROM West Streets Ward op Thursday July One bay horse 12 years old old branded N on hip and shoulder full fall shod shoes wore down Any person re- re returning returning re returning turning the same or gl giving information so that it may be recovered will wul be rewarded l lJ SAMUEL J BROWN BROWNd d s w Fifth Ward lard Ward NOTICE HAVE It IN MY POSSESSION I One red COW judged to be about seven years old white patches patch about her flanks anks and belly a little white in I left eft of forehead M in left ear upper and in right dewlap cut down Spanish brands brandson brandson brandson on left hip and left ribs also calf belonging to said cow If not claimed and taken away within ten days from the date hereof will be sold to the highest hest hi res responsible bidder at the Clover District Co July 1885 commencing at ten o'clock a m JOSEPH TANNER District Clover Precinct Tooele Co July 8 1885 STRAY NOTICE I I J E EIN IN MY IY POSSESSION Oise One s sorrel sorrel yearling MART l light mane and tall tail small white wite strip in face branded M Mon Mon Mon on right fight thigh B toj BOne One Oise brown HORSE HORSE 4 or 5 years years ol old white whitecorn strip in f face ce rands resembling B FR ER combined corn on left thigh L One red and white STEER 18 months old brand resembling 0 L on left shoulder 0 If said animals are not claimed before July 1885 they will be sold at public auction to the highest responsible bIdder Sale Sale-at 10 o'clock a m ill H A SMITH District per Draper July 11 Hi 1885 r I I 4 ROYAL ROYALa a N Y Id IdO O s POWDER Ab Pure Thus powder ponder never varies A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness More Mort ic nl than the ordinary kinds and bigot hc be sold in om competition petition with the mul of lots test short weight alum 0 oi lo powders Sold Saki only in caVIS nOYAl POW it Co Wall Street New York THE TE WEB BEST Js I OF ALL LINIMENTS 1 MJ AID SST Par For more thin no a of ofa a been l known L to millions ll all over the world astie as tie Lie only safo safe reliance for the relief o of accidents and pain ft t is a I above price e find and praise abe be t of Its bind For cv every y of ext sal p painI pain f 0 i I MEXICAN I Mustang I Liniment is without no nt equal i It penetrates and ami muscle to tl t r I I the the very bone bone making r i nee e of pain and r ible Its effects upon Unman F Flesh esh and n the IBO Brute Brut Creation are equally won tivi er Tho The Mexican MUSTANG I I Liniment is Deeded needed by somebody In fn every house huse Every day brings news ot of the agony oay of ofay ap awful scald or burn subdued of rheumatic martyrs tyr rc JC re restored stored or a valuable horse horae or 01 ore O saved by the tho healing power of this thin f Vii LINIMENT TM T TI I which S1 cures such ailments Of the HUMAN b FLESH LESH as Swelling puff Joints Joint t nt M JU Burnand Burns Burn Bud and Scalds Cuts BuiRds Bruise a ant and Sprains Poisonous Pois Bites Lites and Stings Lameness L mene Oh 01 Sore l fb a chilblains Sore Nipples Caked Breast Breut and andI Indeed every forua Conn of external dif dl- I cane It lit heals beals sears sel For the Baum it cures Sprains Stiff JoInts Founder Sores gores sores Ils Db Rot 8 Screw rew Worm onn Scab ca follow ht WindI ind- ind fU Spavin Thrush Thi I e Old Sores Poll Evil Film ups 1 the e Sight and every p i il th i- i tt er m to which the or of the th Stable And Stock Jock i- i Huble Th The Sha Mexican MUS ug UH l alwa always cares and sever J and l U t la is is THE T i BEST BESTOr P Jq Mi saaB wi W Or AU ALL AL MAN iLlif on aP rY Es N NOTICE TICE T RAVE HAVE IMY IX I MY MT POSSESSION I 1 One bay toy HORSE 3 or 4 years old bran brande brandeon brandon on left leff thigh JP combined white si strip ip o 0 face One ba bay HARE MARB ARE 2 3 or 3 years old brands brandson brandeon on left thigh Q star in forehead One black MARE MAKE 3 or 4 years old bI brand branded au ed j white stripe on tace race right frog frOli foot And left hind foot white they as ar arall all quite te gentle If said animals anini ts are claimed befog 1885 tn they will be sold at auction to the Uie highest responsible bidder Sale at ten o'clock a ih in SAMUEL BArrE BATEMAN District I West Jordan July 7 1885 1685 l rOB FOR SALE I Horses Wagons Wons and Harness We have some surplus stock which will be sold at reasonable prices Apply Apply Ap- Ap ply at o office office-in f in Wasat Wasatch h Corner or at atour atour our barn A J GUNNELL Co Agents Coal D Dept U UP P Railway LEGAL NOTICE i In the C County Court for the County of Tooele Utah Territory V f READING AND FILING THE PE- PE PEtItion PE J ON J of Thomas as W Russell that a certificate be given gives him of his to te t the waters of oi Barlow Creek in Tooele County for tor the purpose of irrigation it is ordered that Mon Monday ay August 1813 at 11 o'clock m be beset set for the purpose of h hearing aring said petition and that public notice be given to lt all persons interested to show cause why aa a aa aa a certificate cate should not be given to saId Thomas W Russell in accordance with hIS said petition By order ord r of the Court JOHN W TATE TATS County Clerk July 1 A D 1885 wit at II I AVERS AVER'S HAIR RR Restores the color gloss and fre f of the hair stimulates a rich and luxurious growth thoroughly cleanses cleanse the sc scalp lp prevents dandruff and humors and is the most cleanly and effective preparation for the hair ever eyer offered to the public Rev J W v Davenport Illinois Bend Texas writes Ayers flair Vigor used in my family for several tears ears has no equal as a dressing nor for preventing the hair bait from falling out or tugging ing prematurely gray It ranks W WANTED A T B D FOR SPOT CASH Ten Yoke ok f Good Goad likely young Work Cattle GEORGE C O KIDDER w Park City Utah NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of James Robson Deceased IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE THEL NOTICE L I undersigned Administratrix with the Will annexed of the Estate of James Robson Robson Rob- Rob son deceased ed to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said Raid do- do deceased de deceased ceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four fogy months after the ahe first publicatIon of this notice to the said Ad- Ad Administratrix Ad AdI I Elizabeth B Robson Ward Salt Lake City in III the County of Salt Salt Lake Lake j Dated at Salt Lake City May 28 ELIZABETH B ROBSOL Administratrix with the will annexed of Es- Es Es Estate tate tate Late of James Robson deceased No More Mere Bald Heads He ds To produce a new growth of at hail bat hailon hallon on bald h heads ads in the case of persona advanced in years is not always pos pos- possible possible sible When the glands are decayed and ami gone no stimulant can restore them j but when they are only inactive from the need of some excitant the application tion of Ayers Ayer's Hair Vigor Vigo will WiH renew their vitality and a new groWt will te re- rel re l L V Templeton New If hT X- X C writes After a protracted u il with Vitia fever my hair all came out i m me among the first e house luxuries of Miss our HA g VIGOR g of Mired Ye R w batty bettl flair S-L S K Kati ate Rose In- In Int Inand AYERS AYER A YER'S HAIR AI R t and be- be ersoll Ontario A I W bad 4 used writes While While keeping l my head clear of dandruff and preventing Scald Head Bead Ayers Ayer's Hair Vigor has also caused my hair to grow luxuriantly luxuriantly luxuriantly antly resulting in my now possessing hair two two forty inches long and as thick thick as could be desired wife The The wife of Dr V S Lovelace Lovelaceville Ky had very bad tetter sores upon her bead head causing the hair Imir to fallout fall out Ayers Ayer's Hair Vigor healed the sores and in less than twelve months produced hair a n foot toot long PREPARED BY BYOff DR Off J J C A AYE AVER YER CO CD Lowell Mass Ma 0 Q S 8 A For asie by all ril Druggists t L all Its Ita a thick growth of ot hair nearly t fp Ve I neDell long covered my head kin I Md writes If Baldness is isI I hereditary In tn my family Five yeah ago the hair on the top of ot my y head bead wits was be- be beI becoming becoming I coming g weak and thin J 1 I p prot procured d r Hair flair Vigor the application ft of which in- in invigorated in invigorated the hair roots roote sad ont hont out a anew new growth of young lair hair To day my hair is as thick and vigorous as ever e r I still use the Vigor occasionally to keep my scalp in a healthy condition ion AYERS AYER'S AIR S D VIGOR HAIR HAIRs s HOWARD SEBREE CO GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CHAMP CHAMPION L LAb i Ab AXE Strongest Strangest Best Cutting Handiest Mi lost lost Darn Durable teaNe lade Made o I I x t t M r I THE THE BALL SALL JOINT JOI T R WE Wl HAVE A LAiI LARGE E STOCK OJ O ot THE Champion Reapers Mowers Harvesters tight light Corri rr d Butlers Binders I Which w we sell LOW LOWER than eVer before offered o- o I BAil nH ONS I HAY RAKES SAD lAD 1 I C WAGONS WAGON BUG BUGGIES 0 U aARD HE OC Q D A rA aSI TY 0 e a Write for Prices HOWARD An t Co 0 Caldwell and Idaho Salt Balt Lake an and anS Odes O den den Utah edw edwi Aw I i 1 |