Show BY TELEGRAPH Jl WES fEUN UNION ION c TET TELEtta EG APR LUTE DiE AMERICAN MEWS MINNI 12 12 Shortly Shortly after I 6 o'clock this afternoon a heavy wind and rain storm passed over Lake Min Min Min- Minnetonka Min The small steam yacht Min Mm- Min Min- Minnie Minnie nie ate Cook with eight persons aboard ws capsized and arnd the entire number drowned The news of the accident spread d rapidly and created the wildest excitement when it became known that all the victims resided here The unfortunate party was composed of Mayor Mayor ex-Mayor A C Rand Kand wife and two sons Hane Harvey and aud and and- frank JR J R CO Coy Coy- Cov vendall and wife their son son-in son law son son-in-lawand Jaw and G George orge McDonald engineer TwO bodies have been already recovered recovered ered The storm as described by eye eyewitnesses eyewitnesses witnesses was The waves rolled high spray rain and hail filling the air Lar Large e steamers put pint into shore with great ditl difficulty culty It U was impossible impossible ble for for small crafts to live Other boak and lives are believed lost Latest reports show that ten persons were aboard boar and all aU perished RICHMOND a d Va Ya 1 Three 12 12 Three Three white I convicts who esca escaped ed this afternoon from the th were hotly sued r sued antra ant a number of citizens d din in the el Shot g guns ns and pistols were freely used To the surprise of the rs two bf Mt the convicts re- re re returned turned the fire tire whit w pistols Before being bein taken one of ot thi convicts Ed- Ed Edward Ed Edward ward Green was shot twice in the hip and leg eg and another Hugh Nixon Nixon 1 re- re received received re received a load of 01 the back The third convict Jeseph Bauley RAuley was taken without injury Two citizens Huntley and Wesley Smith were shot by the wound is in the groin fatal Green was serving serving serving ing a a term of 84 M years for horse steal steal- stealing stealing stealing ing Nixon 18 18 years for rape and Rauley Hauley 8 years for murder CHICAGO CHICAGO- General 12 G General who leaves ago 10 to night to-night to-nis to nh bt it for the scene of ted Indian troubles trouble in In- In Indian In Indian dian Territory said rn in an n interview to- to today to today day I is s opinion then the th Arapahoe tribe 10 ww 1 Jec peacefully inclined mcline That the Wily only were likely to torise torise torise rise an and that the occasion of tile the whole u di di tur anc was the ments meats of colonists and cattlemen men on Indian possessions ons ess CoJo Colonel el Sheridan who the General 4 stated positivelY that n ao oo order had bad been Is- Is is issued sued to j disarm t the i l qI AlEI Nj Ki LONDON 9 Tie e Pail Pott Mall Mali Gazette reproduces artic articles es favorable to it course course from front Christian religious religions news news- newspapers newspapers papers tt the Western and the Belfast News Nelos together with letters of Mr John Brinton Liberal member of f Parliament ot of Kidder Kidder- Kidderminster Kidderminster Kidderminster minster and other persons nence T Tiro T-oe T gazette tiUs Ws ev evening ing publishes an e hor l tb thanking kin ing city authorities authorities tie ties for the attempt t t to suppress the sale of t the e par thereby breaking the of or silence maintained l by preas bythe-preas ss concerning the too grave k The police poUce seizures seizure of the p r are ae cummon in Vienna cont continues the such high high- hi highhanded highhanded h- h handed outrages es on toe the freedom of the press would have been Impossible in inthe L ondon don Instead Of wa Waging lne war against the street boys let the authorities take action against the responsible parties in this business If we have published anythIng obscene let them prosecute us We deny that any anything thinK has been published by us ns deserving of that cen cen- cenSure cen- cen censure censure sure and We declare the authorities to tobe tobe tobe be cowards or worse worse-if they fail to proceed against us after hatin having charged chairge char char- charin ged ge d in op open n court that the Pall Matt M Mallette ll Gazette obscene publication We reluctantly reluctantly- adopted this mode of publicIty in order to arouse men to a ajust oust sense of the horrors existing ig all allaro allaround allaround aro around nd them and now the mor more pub pub- pub publicity the better Weare We are prepared to prove our o r we can sum sum- summon sum summon mon witnesses from the Dean of Can Can- Canterbury Can Canterbury and the Prince of Wales down downto downto downto to Mr Jeffries Jeffries e We will put our chief informant and anU his assailants in the witness box The chief director of If the Pall Mall G Gazette ette secret inquiry commission through which the revelations were obtained writes concerning cone the whole matter as fl follows fallows The investigation tion on began on May and the work was unremitting to 10 date The com corn commission commission mission had valuable assistance front frolI the Salvation Army from the London committee for the suppression of the traffic traffie in Engli English h girls and from the vast experience of Mrs Josephine Butler The commission was com com- composed composed posed of a number of the Gazettes Gazette's staff and independently of the police The home office deprecated on grounds journalists to interview the police The commis commis- commisSIOn commission commission sion applied to the Archbishop hop of Can Can- Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury the Bishop of London and Cardinal Manning for these great authorities on morals while de- de deprecating de deprecating pre the risk in the com com- comi commission's commission's i missions mission's task all warmly supPorted its object Ready help was accorded to the Commission from Catholic and Congregational clergymen a also so from the Miners Joint Protection Commit Commit- Committee Committee Committee tee while the Ribbon Army Society for the Prevention of ot Cruelty the Children Chil- Chil ChildreD Chil Children dren dreD the London City Mission Reformatory Reformatory Reformatory matory Refuge the Union Rescue Society Society So- So w l the PUblic Pubic Ladies Association A iu-f-ir iu ri and the Moral Reform Union all lent their aid The Commission visited all the hospitals homes and refuges where harbor is given ven to the unfortunate The inmates readily gave ave all the information information information mation in their possession Most of the revelations however were ob- ob obtained ob through interviews and every every- body everybody high and low likely to have the information desired by the Commission fro from from Lord Dalhousie to Mrs Jeffries was was subjected to an interview by some member of the Commission Mrs Jeffries shed a flood of light upon the whole subject under investigation The cost of the investigation amounted to 1500 1600 newspaper newspaper Thirteen newspaper v venders who had been arrested fOl sellin selling copies of the Pall Mall Gazette were arraign arraigned d before the Lord Mayor to-day to The City Solicitor il in presenting the cases a against the prisoners prisoners charged them with publicly selling obscene literature litera- litera ture tura and said he bad haa marked for the courts court's perusal passages in in the Gazette's Ga- Ga Gazette's Ga zette's sette's articles upon which the charge was based He must he said decline the reading of the passa passages es in open court and and said he thought that the repetition of these objectionable state state- statements statements ments menti with little alteration daily in- in indicated in indicated no good object The Solicitor then stated that he would require fur fur- further further fur further ther time to consider what char charge e to formulate against the prisoners The Lord Mayor said he thou thought ht it would be best to await the decision of the government which had before it for consideration the same case The proprietors of the Pall Pale Mall day Gazette day to-day asked Sir Richard Cress Home Secretary for protection against the crowds in the Gazette office Mr Michael Hicks Hicks Beach Chancel Chancel- Chancelor the Chancel or of the Ex Exchequer introduced on behalf of the new government the budget It retains all Childers Childer's pro pro- proposals proposals pro proposals which were not affected by the recent votes Sir Michael Hicks Hicks- HicksBeach HicksBeach Hicks Beach Beach in presenting the bud budget et said the government re regretted retted that the ex- ex expenditures expenditures ex expenditures on account of the credit ex exceeded exceeded 4 which Mr Childers Childers- estimate limited the then theng g government He pro proposed to issue 20 in treasury bills bUls to cover the deficit of the past and pr present sent etc Mr W H Smith Secretary of Warin War in replYing r- r to Mr 1 McCarthy anU said I the government was unaware of any reward having been offered by the British in Egypt for the head of Oliver Pain Right Hon Mr Shaw Lefevre late General Postmaster General announced that the committee on An Anglo American American lo-American service postal-service had suspended its in- in inquiries in inquiries f for r this session of 01 Parliament Mr Albert Q Gray Liberal member for tOl South Northumberland gave notice of his intention to ask Sir Richard Cross Home Secretary morrow to-morrow to whether orders had been given by by the Home Hom Department to the police to tomake tomake tomake make every effort possible under the law to suppress the abominations re- re revealed revealed re revealed in the Pall Mall Gazette azette and whether he intended to introduce into Parliament bills for such amendments to the existing criminal laws Jaws as would secure the punishment of the the the- perpetrators of the crimes crime's related The House agreed to proposition to issue Treasury bills to meet the deficits of last y year ar and aad the present year The debate on the criminal law bill amendment bill was resumed LONDON Lord 9 9 Lord Mayor Fowler gave gave gaTe notice in the House of CommOns this afternoon of his bis intention to ask the Government if it they intended to erect a monument in Trafalgar Square Mr Albert N Grey Liberal member for South Northumberland eom- eom com 5 corn that public access to the I r f Y 1 t f office of thi the the Fad Daft Ma Mall Gazette Gazette was was ob- ob obstructed obstructed ob obstructed Sir Richard Cross Home Secretary replied that the duty of the police policeto policeto policeto to keep the streets clear and to pre pre- preserve preserve pre preserve serve order Mr Charles Edward Lewis Moderate Moderate ate te member for the City of Londonderry Ireland gave ave notice of ofa ofa ofa a motion approving Earl Spencers Spencer's execution of the Irish Crimes Act wh while e Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and reflecting on Mr Parnell's motion for an inquiry into intoE E Earl rl Spencers Spencer's execution of the same law Jaw VIENNA Serious to-Serious 10 Serious floods are re- re reported re reported ported in Th Q Vistula river has risen 10 feet swamping a large portion of the the-e ty of Cracow and the town of Many mIles mites of rail rail- railway rail railway way have also been destroyed des LISBON A 10 10 A mysterious epidemic has bas t broken out in this city and various other parts of Portugal The victims are attacked without warning and die within a few minutes after seizure The disease is a mystery to the rs who as yet have found no effective method of of combat tine it LONDON 3 p m The 10 10 The excite excite- excitement excitement ment o erth over the Pall Stall Gazette Cassette revelations revelations continues without abatement The windows ws and doorways of 01 the Gazettes Gazette's publication office are barricaded barri barri- barricaded barricaded and the polite police are arc in control of the mobs The Gazette says It receives every every day numbers of cablegrams from the United States askin asking about the pro progress ress of its ex- ex exposures ex exposures ures Cardinal Manning has ac- ac ac accepted the proposition made by bv bythe the proprietors ot of the Pall Mall Ga a Qa- Qa Gazette I Izette zette to submit the complete proof of all its revelations Including every name and detail derail to a p part party of leepon responsible responsible sible men to include the Cardinal and lion tIon Samuel Morley the examiners to have the privilege of reporting to the public upon the affair as they may deem best In the Commons this afternoon Grey Liberal member for South Northum Northum- Northumberland Northumberland Northumberland berland in accordance with his notice notie noti e of yesterday asked Cross Home Sec Sec- Secretary Secretary Sec Secretary whether he could assure the House House- that government had given orders to the police to do their utmost to suppress the abominations in Lon OOn- London London don revealed by the Pall Stall Mall Gazette DUBLIN During 10 10 During the band per per- per performance to day to-day day at Black Rock the British flag was haul hauled d down and the green flag hoisted in its place PARIS The 10 10 The ministry is t being eing strongly urged to annex Anam The pressure in this direction is almost ir- ir irresistible ir irresistible resistible and it requires all of De Freycinet's skill to prevent his col- col colleagues colleagues col colleagues leagues from acting precipitately in inthe inthe inthe the matter ma ter He is adverse to any step that might revive a mIsunderstanding with China and renew Frances France's east east- eastern eastern ern troubles It is reported here bere that the Black Flags lags will reinforce the in any the latter may decide to wa wage e against tIle the French I ISenor Senor Zorilla the Spanish revolutionist revolutionist revolutionist in a public letter denies enies that he is engaged in fomenting or aidin aiding the revolutionary movements in Spain He declares that as the kingdom is isnow isnow isnow now being devastated by cholera it is id not the proper time to attempt the restoration of th tit Spanish Republic and even if the attempt were made Senor Zorilla says it could not in such a crisis have nave any chance of suc- suc success success suc success cess MADRID Dr 10 10 Dr Ferran has arrived here to protest against the govern govern- government's government's government's ments ment's stopping other doctors from practicing inoculation In an inter inter- intervIew interview interview view with the Governor he informed the latter that the government day to-day to alSo withdrew w the permission given to him Dr Ferran said he would leave Spain It is believed that the govern govern- government's government's ments ment's action is due to his treatment to a foreign doctor It is thought that Dr Ferran will write to Paris that Ie fe made no secret of his system and de- de denying de denying I nying that he made any charge for in- in inoculation in inoculation The statements have been current that h he has been making a handsome profit There are a few cases of cholera in Madrid The rhe dis- dis disease dis disease ease is less virulent and a general de- de decrease decrease de decrease crease is reported everywhere A LONDON A 12 12 A dispatch from Leri Ler- Lerida ida Leri-ida ida ida Spain says A serious riot occur occur- occurred occurred occurred red there on account of the opposition of a portion of the populace to the payment of certain taxes The goV- goV governor gov governor w who 10 endeavored to pacify the rioters was stoned by v them The mob became more demonstrative and threatened to burn the town by the use of petroleum The military were called out to restore order and fired on the rioters killing three One soldier was also killed and many rioters oters wounded Another dispatch contains the intelli intelli- intelligence intelligence gence that shops were closed and the streets held by soldiers lt It is officially announced that the |