Show AN englishman ENGLISH MANS 18 COMMENTS be describes society and the press in america DAVIS coulat bouay Y v sept ad 1887 imor deseret news x about forty five years ago a distin phed traveler and writer took notes MA a america samerica and as I 1 happened at the ame period to be traveling in about die same lo 10 localities as be and being gibout the right age to begin to take in tte political moral social and WB status of our great and growing lie ablia I 1 was forcibly impressed fath the remarkable courage with which he be recorded details of blatte batters rs and things generally and te Komi om nent national characteristics of people eople p particularly and should ste ike if you can afford space for the fit of the many readers of your tunable paper to make a few quotations from his conclusions though 10 ome of them are not particularly uttering to the people of that period pt let the old saying is ia good the there re pois hoofs of a friend are better than tie the aes of an eneidi enemy 11 peradventure ve of today to day may discover which way we are traveling in our natt national onal af and at what rate of speed brat I 1 will quote briefly from the GOOD FEATURES FEATURES speaking smug of the general character of w A american people and their social he says they are by na roe til lefrank frank brave cordial hospitable dd d affectionate these qualities are natural I 1 implicitly y believe to the whole people that uey are however sady sadly sapped and in their youth among the and that there are influences at work which endanger them still more ad give but little present promise of weir present restoration xesto ration is a truth ought to be told now come bout BOMB OF tae BAD FEATURES one rest great blemish in the popular of america and the prolific parent of an innumerable brood of evils is universal distrust you carry this and distrust into every trans tran 8 chon action of public life by repelling ex from your legislative as i blis si IV it has bred up a class clasa of V candidates candidate 6 for the suf frages who in ia their every act disgrace your institutions and your peoples choice e any man who attains a high place among you from the president downwards may date his bis downfall from that moment for any printed lie that any adv notorious villain pens although it militate directly against the character and conduct of a life appeals at once to your distrust dis and is believed you will strain at a gnat in the way waa I 1 ot truthfulness and conti confidence dence however fairly won and well deserved but vo vou u will swallow a whore caravan of camels if they be laden with unworthy doubts and mean suspicions another prominent feature is the love of smart dealing which ch gilds over many a swindle and gross breach of trust and many a defalcation public and private and enables many a knave to hold bold his bead up with the best who well deserves Bk halter 11 after dilating upon a third prominent feature denominated the love of trade he I 1 TOUCHES UPON THE PRESS I 1 as follows but the foul growth of america has a more tangled root than this and it strikes its fibres fabres deep in its licentious press while ther the newspaper press of america is in ia or near its present abject state high moral improvement is hopeless year by year it must and will go 0 back year by year the tone of public c feeling must sink lower down year by year the congress and the senate must become of less account before all decent men and year by year the memory of the great fathers of the revolution must be autra outraged i ed more and more mere in the bad life of the their 1 r degenerate child among the best of journals which are published there are some the reader need scarce scarcely lv be told of character and credit laut but the name of these are few and of the others legion and the influence of the good is powerless to counteract the mortal aortal poison of the bad when an any man of any grade of descent in intellect intellect or character can climb to any public distinction no matter what without first grovel groveling 1119 upon the earth and bending the knee before this monster of depra ty y when any private excellence is safe from its attacks when any social confidence is left un broken by it or any tie of social decency and honor honoris is held in the least regard ard when any man has freedom free doln of opinion and presumes to think for himself and speak sneak tor for himself without humble reference to a 41 censorship which for its rampant ignorance and base dishonesty he be UTTERLY LOATHES AND DESPISES in ib his heart when those who most 1 acutely I y feel its infamy and the reproach it casts t s upon the nation and who most denounce it to each other daze dare to set their heels upon and crush it openly in the sight of all men then I 1 will believe that its influence is I 1 s lessening and men are returning to their manly senses but while press has its ts evil eye ye in every house and its black hand in ever every appointment in the state from the resident president to a postmaster while it has ribald slander for its only stock in trade so long must its odium be upon the count rys bad and so long must the evil it works ace plainly visible in the republic yours respectfully A HAZELTON dont you dawnae fred no dear boy I 1 am invited out for my facial expression expression I 1 I 1 at a restaurant walter waiter this salmon fresh how can that be sir its just off the ice sir then its your ice that fresh waiter |