Show THE RAY HAY RACKET caution to hay and lucern buyers editor deseret news it would be to the interest of persons who buy hay and lucern lacern if they 1 would I d when buying bryin by weight see that t they ey get and kiep keep the weigh bill there are no doubt many who sell hay liay and lucern who are honest in their deal and quite likely there are very few exceptions but I 1 think the public should be informed of cases that lately came under my observation that they may protect themselves accordingly in one instance hay was sold by weight to a party who took tile the word of the teamster that there was so much and paid a stated price per ton for it but bat by accident the actual weight was afterwards learned when it was found there was over half a ton short on the two loads in another ca sethe teamster brought in a very heavy load of hay bay sold it to a party arty and got his money mone then he bought bought a smaller load on ze the street and delivered it to another party from whom he had an order to deliver a load but he collected from the last named jamea for the weight of the first load presenting the weigh receipt which was about 1000 pounds more than the load actually delivered now if the first party had demanded the weigh bill the second party would not have paid tor for 1000 poad pounds too much excuses have be been en rn made d e by teamsters that they had to take the weigh bill back to the party they bought the hay f from rom so they could settle with them but if buyers would in s such ach cases give the teamster a note saying they had received and paid him for so much hay the teamster would not then be able to use it on another person on or with a lia lighter liter load of mrs hay if purchasers would demand the weigh bill they would protect themselves against another class of swindling cases where teamsters teamster have shave got thep the parties artles atthe at the scales to throw off eff four or five hundred pounds from the weight of the hay bay on the ground of its being batand the parties buying it haye have taken the word of the teamster who has only paid the party he hauled it fro n for the weight as shown by the weigh bill yours respectfully J the foregoing relates to a cause ef common complaint the facts in the instances cited were all carefully verified and the parties were only saved irom prosecution on en giving I 1 satisfactory Batis factory assurance that they would go and sin no more |