Show 1 J 4 WESTERN NEWS ITEMS M h ft i L H Ii Murray a miner fell feU shaft haft in the Belle of Bulte Butte bd was waa Instantly ly killed ti has baa a surplus of 01 f aref t chew her The 78 schools are aref ar f about teachers ho bout t p e 0 dEVe and aDd nd barn barD at the Nine I near Cheyenne Cheynne Were ere wr d on oil S Saturday night The fire tA pee abY by the explosion of a lamp m ltV was waa de destroyed troyed a man named Herbert t Dewitt witt WM was instantly killed while g a steer ateer on OD a range rang in DIxie E J PJ ma county Cal by his bialt stumbling g and falling on OD him s j J Haley Idaho Idaho Times 7 K Harry Duke ill ft PI fer r of Salt BaIt Lake J City CUy arrived thief i i to spend pend a few days day at at his hil lawS brother Eph j ife where Were the Ibe latter latter a mother and aDd mar j M Mr Ill Duke are stopping for afew a few week 8 I Il l ij highwaymen held ap up one ODe of the ha hi n the Montana Central t st t Butte late la Saturday night and ted led him bla of ot 6 0 all an he po possessed po d E 10 19 were masked 0 and autt are be- be bebe bet 1 t be perpetrators raton of ot similar jobs job i 1 V 1 C Deeming a resident of Rock Rock- Bock 18 and brake brake- aged years yeara a e 1 eon on No 17 11 was waa struck truck on the theof the neck In lD the t i ia a arid n a l killed His Hr body I it b on 90 top Hr df of a refrigerator car i C cross the run running a ing board is 3 ie execution execution ha has hai been l issued against tS isitt itt of Pocatello Idaho to satisfy 1 f meat for tor recovered by rr- rr en As A there thre Is la no DO nor in the treasury and aDd the city was ng but it its lire fire apparatus tyre dae will HI probably have baW to levy leTy t l M rl White Pine Nevada New News New Alpheus Vaughn sentenced j i ed a at Austin on September n for oe he murder of the Leiser boys will no not ot stretch hemp bemp just Ju t yet as a the reme e court bas bai granted a stay lay of n until such time ai as an appeal ibe made malte and determined from near Dear the junction of f e La Laramie and Norte Platte rivers river le reat devastation by era hop hop- The pests pelts have bave eaten the grass grus i and aad the crop er p of hay bay will be ber r Mort Ky They appear however toz to z be gradually leaving ln the neighborhood Mil MI the the damage already u none one is II very T Hung aUDI a Chinese e highbinder Ue n n b for trial at Fresno CaL g tempting to blackmail two actors e Theater The trial I iB r elY kely to come cODle off oft there ai as Bing Bin is III Ant 1 b the authorities in Los LOB An- An An t deportation as a an aD convict ex-convict ex crime for Which bleb w he be was wai sent lent eDt to te the tl l was kidnapping fi f t deer tn In the mountains are tat fat And ad i waiting for cold lead says ay ys the uW Idaho Signal The old story atory 4 the scarcity of Jeer deer invariably is 1 by hunters who couldn't hit bit a aft U Jw wenty n J yards yarda After Arter wasting waiting lour to of f time and lead those thole would be h return to bore as 01 u with yarns ab ut deer being inc Jennie a disreputable woman of Pueblo Colo has baa been beeD bound over to the district court in iD for tor murder in ID administering to tob b her r paramour Carl Gruber a Rio Grande on August 9 a does doe do of morphine with felonious Intent She admits giving him the dose dof but butay says aYI ay that he be told her ber how much he wanted Says Say the he C Coeur d dAlene A Ie De Idaho M Miner The Rocky Becky Mountain Tele- Tele Telephone Telephone Telephone phone company is 18 i advertising for bids for telephone poles pole in this thia Is issue irue ue The Theline Theline line to Murray H will wUl be entirely rebuilt without delay also alio the liDe lines linea to Burke and Dd Mission Mi ion and it is r S the Intention of the company to add another aDother wire to thus thui forming a continuous circuit George Geora Brannan Bran Ban a young man maD from San BaD Francisco who was wai wa employed In Black Blacks Black's cracker bakery at Sacramento went dishing on Sunday Bunday last Jact a about out three miles milea down the river with three companions Aa As It was waa hot they went wentla In bathing although none DODe of them could swim Brannan went beyond belond his hie depth and was wai a drowned One Oae of hi his companions nearly lost JOlt his bit life Ute in ID trying to aid him He was waa wa fix about twenty six years year old The fhe new traffic arrangement between the Great N Northern and Oregon Ran Rall Ballway way Navigation Narration company is II i one of 01 the most mOlt Important of the year It gives tb the Great Northern the most direct entrance BCe of any road into loto Port Port- Portland Portland Portland land and aDd to the Willamette valley points It also al o becomes the abort hort line Into the Palouse and Walla Wall Walla districts of ot Washington the Coeur d dAlene Alene Moscow and Snake River BiTer RI er ale dis- districts di ol of Idaho I Grass GraM Valley Telegraph Some very rich ore from the South Booth Idaho mine has bas lately been shown on the streets The rock was waa filled with pure quartz gold and was wai wa of that nature which would command attention among miners even though bough no o gold fold was waa vial vial- vl i-ble i ble to the eye The rook rock came from a depth of feet and a hole two feet an and a half halt had bad been drilled into the ledge and aDd still till Its if width bad had not Dot been reached W H Greene and aDd Charlie Benton came down from Gold Hill HUI Tuesday says ys ay the Saratoga l W Wyo yo Sun They are both quite reticent about the camp but we Judge jude from their looks that neither of 01 them her are very much dis- dis discouraged The Rock Springs gentle gentle- gentlemen gentlemen men who are operating the hydraulic placer works on mile Four creek eighty y miles south of ef Rawlins have bave baT a agoo goo good brick valued rallied at 2000 the returns from one week weeks week's up clean J James amel V Odell Odeli one ODe of the leading l lawyers of ot Colfax Wash wallowed swallowed a glass of potion poison by mistake thinking It was waa water in a drug dru store etore tore Monday afternoon The glass contained Ia atrol-Ia and aDd sulphite of zinc SIDO Odell became delirious and his hia life Ute was waa despaired of 01 for a time but the doctors expect him to 0 recover er Odell la is one ODe of the olde t tand and best belt known attorneys in the northwest and one of the framers of the first constitution of the state tate of Washington Manti ManU Sentinel An AD accident OC- OC occurred oc occurred at Gunnison a few days day ago alO by which Guy the year old son ion ot of Anthony Metcalf lost loit hr his life lite The boy boys were hauling grain IralD a id Jd when about two miles milea from home o on oil the t e county road some of the bu dl slipped In trying to keep them themon 00 on the wagon the little fellow fell feU be- be between between be between tween the horses honea and aDd the wagon wafon The wheel passed pared over bu his shoulder houlder and bead killing him bim instantly The funeral was wai held at Gunnison last Saturday a large concourse being present A dispatch from Rook Rock Springs Wyo says ay there i if in a band baad of ot horse olle thieves operating in the southern part of Sweetwater county About twenty bead of fine horses hones have bare been stolen from the and Valentine S Hogs HoYs ranches during the past pait month A Afew Afew Afew few days day ago a o J John Blair and Paul Paol Walker who were in 10 search of cattle caUle on Bitter creek were held up by two horse thieves near La Clede Clods springs ge The men were driving about twenty twenty- five bead head et of horses south louth toward toward the Utah line Jine All efforts effort to capture the be th h eves eve have baTe thus thui far been una unavailing and a number Dumber of ranchmen propose to organize a pOl posse po e e and make a raid on OD them Two members member of a gang gaDI of festers felters who have hare been and pa passing spurious cue odo a at Ph Ariz for lor a week past pait were arre arrested ted this evening On One ia is ram James Young Younk the tae other ia is known aa as Murray lb The latter in is 55 85 or 40 years old well dressed premature gray ray and di dl distinguished heu looking Bad quarters quarter and half baIt c r were found upon each with u jl evidence that they were made here A search learch ef ot the room of one ot got the men mea revealed nothing The room f of t the other has baa not Dot been located Both prisoners are non committal The town has baa been flooded with the noun coun counterfeit money Butte Mont Inter Mountain There Is very Tory little Dew news newa of ot Importance ce to note in the be mining industry in iii U this ll district this week all aU of the big copper producers being actively engaged in 10 turning out their usual quota and metal It was waa wa hoped by those thor engaged Inthe in the copper business that the War at In the East would strengthen the market In that metal and though there la J a bare abare possibility that it may yet yet op to the present it has haw shown hown no DO teDd tendency DOY to do 10 so It Is II i said laid aid that when When the the fighting begins in earnest there will be bea bea bea a demand for tor more modern ImpJe- ImpJe ment ments implements implement of warfare than the bows bow and lad arrows with which the be majority of the Chinese troops are now DOW equipped and this demand will undoubtedly help the copper market Mc-Cammon Mc The coroner wa was wai summoned to Me Cammon n a few days day ago says ay 8 the Pocatello Idaho une Tribunes to hold boW an inquest on OD the body of a man named l d who had died suddenly at that edID place had lust Just arrived ed in ID this thil country from Panama and aDd coming W West 88 engaged as a a farm tarm laborer with H ti O 0 Harkner Harkness at He worked a day and a quarter and aDd was taken sick iok and died The investigation investigation tl gation lation developed the fact that he died of Panama fever the germs germi of ot which be he bad had brought with him bim from that tropical climate and a verdict in ac- ac accordance ac ao accordance with these facts was wa ren- ren rendered rendered rendered dered by the coroners coroner's coroner jury was wal wa a native of Lorraine Alsace and about aboa thirty years year old He H la Is supposed to have bave friends In New York Lung Wing a R Chinese foreman In InA InA inA A F Tenney A Cos Co's Co canning went ment at Folsom street San Ban Francisco nearly neaily lost lort hid hij life on Sunday morning by being caught in the machinery He went up into the rafters ratten to te oil oU a friction wheel and the lower lowr part 0 of his trousers leg caught a screw crew head headon on OD the shaft haft which was waa revolving rapidly In an instant Wings Winge body was seen o to be whirling around the shaft haft while the sound BOund of ot breaking bones mingled with his bf screams for tor help belp The machinery was wax stopped flopped and the Chinese was wai removed from his perilous position petition p and lent sent to the Re- Re Be elving hospital It wax was found that the bones of his bli left leg had bad been shat- shat shattered bat battered below the knee and it u is feared that he be sustained internal Injuries Tile The police surgeon believes that b he can cn save are v the leg lex That the man did not oot have are hi his brains braiDs dashed out to Is ex ex ex- ex explained d by his hie throwing br his arms arm I around the shaft haft when he be lost JOlt his balance Th The sensation len atlon ef ut the hour hoor at White Oaks N M Is ii the recovery of a gold goldbrick goldbrick goldbrick brick stolen tolen from Colonel W H Weed Weedon Weedon Weedon on August 1 The brick which Is 11 valued at was wai a product of ot the South mine in io which b weed fa Is Interested and aDd bad been kept secreted st t bits bl residence a bile prepares prepare prepare- lions tieni s were being befog made to 0 forward it U to b the mint It was wai missed allied the nex next day after aUer having been beeD taken takeo out cut of ot the house bouie and aDd suspicion at once tell fell upon Phil Schwartz who with his hie wife were on Intimate terms term with Colonel and nd Mrs Mn Weed and were cognizant conlan of the presence of the treasure in the bou house e the matter was wa kept very Tory quiet and the case ca e placed in the hands hand ot of Deputy Sheriff John Preston Pre who soc suc- uc-oe uc fully fattened fastened the theft upon Schwartz and a brother law named Rosenthal and not only obtained a lon of ot their guilt but recovered h the gold cold ai as well No criminal action l ha has been taken ai as yet against the thieves who for tor the past pa t two years yearB have been engaged in the dry goods business at White Oaks Oak and had here here- heretofore heretofore been very well thought of ot A remarkable bicycle trip was wai con concluded eluded at Fre Fresno no Cal on Friday night W B Holland left Fresno Freno three weeks ago on a wheel and after visiting Monterey San Francisco and Sacramento crowed crossed the mountains by byway byway byway way of Lake Tahoe to So Carson Canon Nev From there the difficult journey be- be began gaB be-gaB gan aan He determined to go 10 to Yosemite ito Itt ite by following sheep trails tram from Mono lake The people in Mono Hone valley Talley had never seen leen een a bicycle After crossing the valley ralley covered with sagebrush where there bere are no roads road he Ise reached the foot toot of a mountain which rose roee ro e feet with only a narrow rugged ragged trail leading up He hired a Chinese to carry his hi bl wheel on a hos horse bo ie up this trail nine Dine miles mile and then set et forward for the be Yosemite fifty miles mlle distant with only oaly sheep beep trails to follow and in iu some places scarcely any path at pushed hl his hil wheel and slept in the woods at night and a d after fter several everal days came down dowa the other side of the mountain into the Yosemite where he be could again ride The entire trip from the time he leI left Jeffe elno UH tiff his return covered miles mile and Wiles miles ot of this was wai over country where no DO bicycle had eve ever been before The longest rl ride In one ODe day was wai miles dle the t nine ni e miles There was wai no noa a accident or er breakdown OB on the road not Dot eye even a punctured tire |