Show SECOND COMING R se Delivered in the Tabernacle ake ke City Sunday Afternoon April A AY byl BR JOHN MORGAN BY Y ARTHUR WINTER to address the con con- con con 36 this afternoon I desire an anin anin in your faith and prayers and that I may mar marbe may be guided and by the inspiration of the Holy a as d d ng to the truth of the principles ot of life and that the Gospel of thebus the bus ferus Christ as it has been re- re U re-U re- re anew in in this dispensation of the of times will lead those that 3 back into the presence of our and God and will in the end te and sanctify the human fam fam- fama a Tso so o the earth upon which we wes s and fit tit and prepare it as an place for those who have kept commandments of God We today all aU the principles of the theT j that t are necessary for the salva- salva the whole human family and for J of the earth from under e that rests upon it and if we these principles and live up the e result shall be the triumph principles and of those who r them Our elder brother Jesus J bas marked out to us very clearly the path for or us to follow Paws laws of the Gospel that we aref are today are not man man made made but les that have emanated from ce of all light and intelligence been brought to the cHildren the divine inspiration of the thet F Ht t of God f madeI of salvation was made I to fa our father Adam and to his i and they were informed that of time there should 11 if Redeemer to the earth a aj and a Shiloh to Israel and as of iK His coming and of His death red sacrifices The Prophets y A rho lived i in subsequent ages informed 10 in relation to this and taught that the time would f when there should come a Savior Ith th and in very plain and dis- dis they spoke concerning the they y His coming they pointed out d wherein I He e I e should be born to ti the village that He should ss His Hi native place depicted the Add the tribulations that He should pointed out in detail c d with His that career career 5 should be shed for the salva- salva of bf of the souls of the children of I men and that through His death and resurrection there should come a resurrection resurrection resurrection of the dead a dead a restoration of the body and the spirit into a living soul During the time that He sojourned in inthe inthe inthe the midst of the children of men He laid down in great plainness to His disciples and to those by whom He was surrounded these principles of the Gospel ospel that the Latter-day Latter Saints have embraced He who came as a fore fore- forerunner forerunner runner before the face of the Son of Man came as one crying in the wilder wilder- wilderness wilderness wilderness ness saying Repent and be baptized for or the kingdom of heaven is at hand Men went into the water and were bap bap- baptized baptized baptized at the hands of John the Baptist for the remission of their sins But He told them that there should come one I mightier than he the latchet of whose shoes he was unworthy to unloose who would baptize them with fire and with the Holy Ghost In due time the personage personage of the Savior was made known to the children of men and He went about among them teaching the principles of eternal life and His last injunction to His disciples was baptizing Go ye therefore and teach all nations bap p baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever whatsoever whatsoever ever I have commanded you and lo 10 I am with you always even unto unto the end of the world After His resurrection and ascension on high His disciples following that injunction called upon the assembled multitude upon the day of Pentecost to repent of their sins to be baptized for forthe forthe forthe the remission of them and to have hands laid upon them for the reception of the Holy Ghost which when re- re received received re received should bring things past to their remembrance and show them things to come Men obeyed that injunction and andI went into the waters of baptism and reo re- received re received I the laying on oh of hands The re- re result result re result sult was the heavens were opened to their vision light and knowledge came down from op OJ on high and illuminated and made known unto them theme e s of God Among other things that were made known to the disciples in those days was the fact of the second coming of Christ When the Savior ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives the disciples were gazing upward when they beheld two angels standing by them These angels said unto the disciples Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up nto heaven This same J is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven As His first coming was foretold by bythe bythe bythe the holy men of God from the days of father Adam so His second coming has been prophesied of by the servants of ot I God in all ages They declared that in inthE inthe inthe thE latter times in the dj dispensation tion of the dispensations fullness of times all other dispensa- dispensa dup should be gathered into one that all the gifts authority t knowledge arid and light that had been imparted to the children of men from the beginning beginning- should also be gathered into the dispensation of at the of times that the earth should be filled with the knowl knowl- knowledge knowledge knowledge edge of God and aud that in due time righteousness should cover the earth as the waters cover the mighty dee deep that the heavens eavens and the earth should be brought together and mercy should come from heaven and righteousness from the earth and that there should be raised up in the midst of the people Prophets of God to enlighten their minds and to prepare them for forthe the second coming of Christ When the Savior was upon earth He said unto the people that the kingdom of h heaven was among them but they perceived It ft not So in this age of the world it pas come near unto the world but they have not recognized it It is today as it W S anciently Can any good come out of Nazareth Can any good come fr from such a source as the Latter day Said The enemy of all righteousness hath bath covered the earth with a flood of ot Ji lies H aThe The minds of the children of men hUe lwft ha been prejudiced as they were anciently They have been led in in darkness they have indeed looked through glass darkly But the purpose rind designs of our Father have not faltered in their course but as the years Iu e hr rolled by His purposes have been ful- ful 1 filled fulfilled in in the i imen midst of the childre m men His servants have been forth in this our day and they proclaimed the truth to the They They have raised a warning voiCe voice and td d dhave have told the nations of the it was the day of Gods God's F For r sixty years vears have the Iders tit been traveling in in the midst of th the dren of men proclaiming these tI s fats facts f ts ISI 4 endeavoring to prepare 0 l di r these great events that ate are at of d O One of a famIly an and two of ofa f fa a uty b obeyed the warning vOIce voice and gathered ered from the nations of he the the Their hearts have been s sire ild j the c truth They have call an so far as earthly a i j cern ed and they have bave gate it b fi strange land and in the midst j strangers testifying by this act ct ef f gathering to the truth of the work Worl c n which they were engaged Th The Y hive re had faith in God and In His SOD S Sus us Christ they have repented of their v they have gone down into the wa wat of f baptism and have had their sinS sins r given given them they have had hands laid upon them for the reception of the Holy H Ghost and God has t testified to them th tI m through that Spirit that He lives that I His Prophets are upon the earth that He has established His Church in the earth with all the ordinances and author author- authority authority authority ity with every key and gift ift necessary fi f t sale ion ot of the cl of men H s als totem to them that this is isa isa isa a p work to the second corn com corning corn tug ing f t the Son Of Man when He shall again stand upon the earth not endur- endur M endur the contempt and scorn of the chil children dren of men but He shall come as asKing asKing asKing King of kings and Lord of lords sur- sur surrounded sur rounded by hosts of holy angels and that that that-He He He shall establish upon the earth a kingdom that never shall be thrown down but shall stand forever and for for- forever forever forever ever immutable and indestructible Doubtless lin in the days when the Savior r a die A- A l 1 l- l li i TV lived upon me earth those by whom He Hew w was s surrounded looked upon the claims that He made as being very pretentious and aDd in like manner the children of men today very vety probably consider that the day Lat Later day erday Saints make very great claims Well they do and they are i entitled to do so because of the work in which they are engaged It is a work which will fulfil the sayings of the Pro F ets from the beginning until now ud an is preparatory to the comi coming of the Son 0 of Man and the ushering m in of the millennial reign wherein there shall be beC peace on earth and will good-will to men C t Bu-t t before that day should come it has be been n declared that there should come comein comein comein in the the earth earth a situation of affairs 1 that hat would cause the hearts of men to fail for fear fehr ot of the things that were coming i them In the chapter of M it is recorded ex And AnS na Bs As is He sat 1 upon on the mount of Olives Else disciples came unto him privately saying Tell us when these things shall be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world His disciples had been calling His att attention to to the mighty temple at Jeru Jeru- Jerusalem I salem to its ks size to the the proportions of the etc etcy and this called forth from Him the me remark See ye these things verily Isay I say unto yo neni t shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down Whereupon the disciples asked Him When these things should be EVidently was further conversation for they asked Him What shall be the sign of thy doming and of the end of the world Jesus answered and said unto them Take heed beed that no man deceive you For 1 shall come in my name saying I am and shall de deceive ive many We We heard bard b heard ard at our recent conference hat at there were right in our own Terri Terri- tory Terri t a number Of individuals who embed to be Christ and who ho were tO the people telling them li t had come and that He lived i i a certain section section section of the country D Doubtless if we we had the correct number bf those thoe tho who have come since He was 1 the b earth declaring themselves as Ch would be astonished There has baS be beena great number of th them m and andin andin andin in tb this s day they seem seem to be multiplying Jesus however however cautioned His disciples against s such ch individuals and said fur fur- further further ther tiler And nd ye ye shall hear bear of wars and rumors rumors of Wars see ee that ye be not troubled for all these tut t st come to pass but tut the end is not y yet t rot for n nation tion shall rise against nation and kingdom tn against kingdom and there shall be famines nd End pestilences and earthquakes in divers places All these are the beginning of sorrows Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted d l L u I i and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my names name's sake And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one an- an another another an another other And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive ma many y And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold But he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come This Gospel of faith repentance bap bap- baptism baptism baptism and the laying on of hands of the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment was to be preached in all the world for a witness Was it taught in all the world for a witness in His day dayNo No Looking forward to some future time when that Gospel should be upon the earth He saw a time when it should be preached in all an the world What for For the purpose that these Elders of Israel have gone to the nations of the earth earth-as earth as a witness to the world that the day of Gods God's judgment is at hand and that the end of wickedness on the earth is approaching And And this Gospel of the kingdom shall he be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall shan be And except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved for the elects sake those days shall be shortened For there shall shan arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew chew great signs and wonders wonders wonders ers insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the elect Behold I have told you before I Wherefore if they shall shan say unto you Bc- Bc Be Behold I hold bold he is in the desert go not forth behold he he is in the secret chambers believe it not e s But as the days of ot Noe were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be For as in the d days ys that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noe en en- en entered entered the ark And knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall the coming of the Son of Man be The Elders shall proclaim the coming of the Son of Man and the dawn of the millennial rest but before those events II shall transpire there shall be such tribu tribu- tribulation tribulation tribulation lation in the midst of the children of men as has never been dreamed of Eye hath not seen ear hath not heard neither hath bath the mind of man conceived the condition of affairs that shall exist before that coming comine Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven beaven and the power powers of the heavens beavens shall be shaken And then shall appear the sign of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall shan see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven beaven with power and great glory In this description that He gave in an- an answer answer an answer to the question What shall be bethe bethe bethe the sign of thy coming He said that before these things should take place this Gospel of the kingdom should shoula be preached in it all the world for a witness There are today hundreds of Elders clothed upon with the holy Priesthood raising their voices in the high places of the earth as well as among the lowly in inI I proclamation of that Gospel and men everywhere are hearing the sound thereof there there- thereof of ot Some are being brought to the knowledge of the truth of the Gosp Gospel l L I The great body of the human however faY however treat it as the the Gospel was treated in the Noah But what was to folIo proclamation of the Gospel tion commotion wars and rum wars pestilence famine ind tod nd quakes We look abroad upOn of the-earth the today and what hat find Is t there ere commotion Is fear fear Is there dread Are peculiar influences taking hold hearts hearts of women and men and ca them to make movements 3 1 not explain Who is there toda today the wisdom of the world can t gt philosophy of this movement tha thais thais thatis is sweeping sweeping across our la land and aad anding Bing ing men together by the Is their faces turned toward the ca Y our nation Who can explain wisdom of the world the co that con that environ our own |