Show TERRITORIAL FAIR MATTERS The secretary of ot the Deseret Agri Agri- A Agricultural Agricultural gri- gri cultural and Manufacturing Society has bas just returned from a flying dying trip through tb Cache Valley made la 10 In- In Inthe the Uie interest of the October Fair Mr visited i Logan Pr Provi- Provi Providence dance vi dence Hyrum Byrum Wellsville Hyde Park Smithfield Richmond and anet Lewiston The Tha orchards orchard and andfield andfield fl field ld crops ha he reports aa as looking mag- mag magnificent magnificent the latter being now DOW mostly cot ant an aa j i ready for tor the tha threshers bere in Lewiston e especially the wheat and aDd oats brought forth exclamations of 01 ur sur ur prise those crops oropa being very vary heavy be 7 The threshing machine is II buzzing In Inmany inmany inmany many places and the farmer Is ia con con- congratulating oon himself on getting cleared I up two weeks earlier than usual A Avery Avery very extensive and grains should be ba sent lent from this beautiful valley Lewiston L at one ona time tima was wae called callad Poverty Flat but bot now it i ia Is the best grain district in the county and the fine residences of the thu farmers and the sub sub- substantial substantial aub and capacious barns barna tell a tale of prosperity in language stronger than words The Tha irrigating canals canaTa canala come o De from Cub river and it la Is claimed that just t below the soil IOU ia is a clay that holds the that when ditches a filled the water stays ataya on the tha clay WAY and thoroughly soaks the soil IOU above U it thus reducing the tha labo labor of ot irrigation mater illy An any rate r te says lays Mr Piper tb the crops crop make one think of the Farmer The people are pretty wai wel 1 posted about the Fair showing that they all aU read the newspapers new paper The secretary arranged for exhibits ot of wheat oats corn cane can timothy red top tobacco and basket willows willow also alao of butter and cheese The I live ve stock tock Interests int r t were not forgotten and it it I if is more than probable that a ao o of oj carloads oar loads of 0 the ever popular Cache valley alley horses bon will comedown down sod and walk waft oft off with some lome of 01 the prizes oti Oi account account of the depressed condition ot of the be horse bone trade trail the dealers are much discouraged but they feel teel that it need needs just such luch ucb an opportunity a an as this to re- re revive revive re revive vive theIr business bUline 8 and that a good representation of itc-ck itc t ck at the Fair would b boom bm the county and especially the Cache Cc e horse borr interests The orchards seem i m to have hae reached their t state tate of 01 perfection in Providence 08 and Hyrum and no doubt will UI be r represented in October Cheese Cb an Q butter will be b shown by L lj Han Han- moo 10 of and probably by the theCa Cache be V Valley alley Dairy managed by Air Mr Merrill of at Richmond Th the secretary will next vII via j i i Weber county MX Mi Wallace of the American Biscuit tt company has baa b joined the big blE procession ion and will show how his bis bi best b at crack crack- crackers cracker er ers at the Fair The executive committee rejected aU all aUt t the e r special privileges and has bal called for tor new onea ones Too privileges include candy popcorn fruit cigars g merry merry-gl round program advertising Ice or cream am and summer drinks drink It Iti JI Is proposed to build a restaurant at atthe a athe atthe t the north end nd of or the Exposition build build- building lug ing and the bids bid for that hat privilege will willmot DO not be received until the plans are per perfected The appointment of ot Dr Park a ai as ai ae as- as assistant litant supervisor or of the educational department a good exhibit in i n that line The Tb doctor had charge of it in 1892 and made the bel but best school exhibit c of at f any an yet yei attempted H He und understands understand s wb what is i needed n d d ia is acquainted with the tte th e educators lI and will no doubt make Mr Melville s department a feature of be th e Fair Mrs Mra Caine JaiDe Is ia the first lady assistant supervisor appointed for tor many years yer and aDd she Ibe he will Wid relieve Mr Simon Of much anxiety in his bli department Mr Naylor is 18 the agricultural Implement im implement line and aDd Mr L E Bomberger in 10 the minerals mineral are enthusiastic In i n their JohnEL respective departments department and John JohnH n nn EL B Barlow Jr is II i a practical y and understands his hll bl business and aDd nd the showing of poultry |