Show NEWS FROM washington washington INGTON july 7 1898 the silver men were daneu blazed for a day or two after dout cleveland issue his proclamation calling anettra an extra session of congress to meet august 7 fur the purpose of repealing toe sherman bherman sil ail ver law but it did not last laai boig and they are now bard at work for the great battle battie that bat la is to be f ugh in congress anu and general warner president 0 of the el bi metallic league says it will be absolutely impossible to get a bill for the repeal oi 01 we sherman law through the senate unless it be coupled with a substitute to the silver men members of the administration say a bill for repeal will be passed by the house sod and that they rely upon the force of the public demand for repeal to influence enough senators to got get it through the senate and they point to senator hills recent declaration in favor of its unconditional repeal as proof of what that public demand has bag already done many conservative men who are anxious for the repeal of the sherman law think it would be very unwise to repeal it without enact lug something to take its place because of the effect such euch a course would have upon our entire financial system that there Js is to be a fight Is ia now certain and the probabilities at this time seem to tavor favor a 8 in the end rather than a positive victory for either side it is IB stated here that one of the numerous financial measures that will be introduced in congress will be a bill providing tor or the of gold anu the making of silver the standard the statement comes from what are known as silver men and those who are classed as gold bugs lay eay that it Is only a joke we shall see the august extra session has already ready made ducks and drakes ot of the plans of the senator senatorial itil ul committees entrusted with various investigations for instance the committee on immigration of which senator hill la Is chairman intended visiting the pacific coast in august to complete the study of the immigration question begun in now new york the committee on territories has been waiting for the committee on immigration to complete its work in we east as several senators are members of both committees mit tees beffre starting upon its tour i of the that want to become and now they cannot go the committee which was charged with ug the Calif california ortila ports san padro alusa and sa ta monica tode to decide cias which ie best adapted for improvement into a deep water harbor also post boned its ita trip too long but these things are not misfortunes except to 10 those deprived of a pleasant ant trip at the governments government expense as quite as reliable as aa woul woula A have been beau gained by a personal visit cm can be obtained ty tsy the senators right here to lu washington miton ane corres indents pride themselves on keeping posted ou oo everything that goes on here whether it be on or the surface they were therefore somewhat surprised to learn byway by way or a telegram in the local papers from findlay ohio that for or months past and at thiu this time a lumber of agents employed by the mormons cormons of utah biah are engaged it in spending a million dollars in washington to purchase pur chaee statehood lor for utah brought right down to rock bottem this sort ert of stun stuff is the rot there are no agentz to in washington lobbying for the mor mons and there is nothing to loob hoiby y with as ae congress will not be here fr for a mouth month et at that utah mao as well weli as ais tu abe e other territories appi applying ying fr state statehood bood will send men here to 10 agitate aud and puah me matter blung when congress meets probable Is but unless the delegation utah sends sands differs irom from that which wan wait here during the last congress it wt wi I 1 re preset t the gentiles as well as the mormons cormons of the territory whenever an organized lobby WILD even one fourth of a million dollars at its diep sal mats its appearance in ILI ita presence will not be an bounced ou need from any outside town in view of the unusually large appropriations made by the last two congresses lor jor rivers and harbor the opinion of representative holman holmand who was wag chairman of the committee on appropriations in the last house and who hopes to fill the same position during the coming congress but its is not sure of it as to the almut am mat that will be appropriated for the same purposes by the fifty third congress is timely and interesting he says saye at the next session we will probably have to appropriate from to that is the effect of the vicious system of continuing contracts the first session of the last congress made contracts which compelled it after appropriating then to make an appropriation of sit at the second session sea the system Is all wrong it la in running into debt |