Show A NEW SECT IN THE SOUTH atre eastern ami southern areli IRU te is quite worked up over the ap of w anew new sect th haa ban lately bitta aft itself i ansong among the tive people of an island community on the A coor dlo toi sol one authority these people have come to gebet or ff from different sections and IMI tt ewt r 0 organization g tiza tion carl christs 16 holy toot med of anund hind no 1 I they have bull built i a church costing coating about 2600 2000 in which conduct servie ex on anil and in the week aboy alt claim to be so BO that they are of san they hrold hald that all who are not sanctified will be lost loaf and that those who pro few to be christians christiana but blut are not bane tilled are no better than the most abandoned sinners they refuse to allow any regularly ordained minister to perform any act among them a and nd ac na have succeeded succeed ed in persuading the judge of the th a county court to grant to on one of their members license to celebrate the he marriage ceremony according to reports published in the secular papers the religious exercises held by ehtee people are extraordinary they work themselves into a fro fre zy of excitement jumping shouting and screaming until in many oases cases abey tb y hall fall exhausted on the floor it is also stated that some of their customs savor of socialism and communism and the thy they y have been subjected to the sever est criticisms on account if cf their social relations they see vision dream dr dreame earbe receive revelations and profess to have hame knowledge ot invisible things which are denied to other mortals As an above stated obese accounts of their creed and practices are given by UL t in sympathy with the sect and are therefore liable to contain exaggerations exaggeration if sot not untruths un truths it can readily be imagined that the claim to divine revelations would be looked upon a an in the highest degree preposterous we are used to hearing that all such things were long since done away it would be interesting to hear bear more and from the members themselves as to what their belief and doctrine really consist of |