Show EXPENSES OF THE FAIR the floating debt of the worlds fair is IB and its outs bonds amount to mate mak ing a total indebtedness edne of the actual running expenses every day are set et down at in round numbers num bere a figure which the manage ment hope to materially reduce per bapp as much as or of but u it should hould be remembered that a as against this the receipts from the varl ous conceio are about an equal amoun tso that the expense of rubhin running a the big show to la practically nu thing ai least the receipts from admissions do not have to be drawn upon to any great extent to assist in paying the daily expenses tt it Is ie shown by a chicago paper that with the time yet remaining a paid attendance of adults daily would wipe out the debts of the exposition company if the attendance continues to improve from week to week as it has done in the past and in all probability it will the exposition will exceed this necessary average every week from the present time until the close cloae the average attendance per them diem has been over including ino ludine children the smallest amal lest attendance was on sunday two wet ka ago when only per sons paid to see the fair but on no other day did the attendance drop to within of this low mark and on the thursday following it rose to the paper quoted to is convinced and it believes the figures of attendance at the fair prove that if the gates were closed on sunday the many thousands of people of the nation who will not come to the fair under present conditions would more than chah offset the low loss of the small number of people who now pay their way into jackson park on sunday but there is still something more to be considered we are shown that the above computation has take i no note of the ghion the directors have said they would return to the national government if they bad it to give at the end of the exposition for in the pertinent words of the united states circuit court opinion the only way to tender is to tender probably this money could be returned by the directory for the salvage from the great structures at jackson park would add a large hum bum to the mot moi ey left in the directors directo reI hands from ad missions admissions and from the concession ers after pay ing all debts it this mm am were repaid there would still in all probability remain it a fragment of the enormous receipts to be divided among the stockholders of the enterprise include lug g the city of chicago so we may conclude that the money side of the patr air is in a prosperous condition and as it is a matter in which we are all cor corned to some extent this is a very gratifying state of affairs |