Show written for this paper WORLDS FAIR attractions CHICAGO sept 17 1893 to some of the readers of the newa aa a few items concerning tho the display of and mining appliances at the pair will perhaps prove interesting these exhibits are displayed in we tue mines mid and mining building situated at ai the sout ern extremity of the western lagoon near the center of the fair brunds and between the electricity guilding tuil building ding and the transportation building ing the mines and mining building As feet long by wide its architecture has its inspiration in the best beat types of early italian renaissance with considerable french finish the is entered irom from all four side dibut the entrances on the north anu ends are the most spacious and to the right and left oi 01 the eutran cep inside broad flights 0 easy stairs lead to the he galleries which are sixty feet wide and twenty five feet olgh ehigh from the ground floor both the main floor and the galleries are divider anto sections and booths to accommodate the exhibits from the differ ew voun countries tries and states mine mineral ralp are re on exhibition in a neat most ifton circumscribed by an architrave resting 4 ng upun coria hian the pace occupied is feet situ situated situates atel ventrally centrally on the east sid aid 3 of the main estele on either side of the entry 1 I 1 I 1 noticed the following inscription it ii letter 1918 stored under her mountain or 01 hidden away neata the soil moll of her valley vall eje utah has lor for mau maus maua a use granite marb a malachite limestone elate onyx nitrate of soua sulphur aalt coal petroleum asphaltum gu gli qs sou onite ite albor gamete gArDet 9 opals turquoise qu oise rook ory crystals stale P having entered the utah pavilion I 1 myself to Prote protessor Ksor don maguire who has charge of the utah mineral exhibits and to whom I 1 am tor for most of the information herewith presented mr maguire arat drew my attention atte ution to tile various decorations tec ec orations which beau tillou the utah pavilion amonis which way may abe noticed a number ot of metal shiel shields dt hung upon the different columns tur the ooola the outer edges of these chese are further by b presentations ase of miniature mining ing tools such as the gad abe drill mia mikers ervis hammer crowbar shield sh itla pick and shovel there is in out one jor for each important mining camp in the respective names of these Lap appearing in large letters in colors ul of silver saud as eureka mona ophir bingham Bing bam camp floyd silvea city deep creek silver reef dixie a camp fourteen mileto milen west of st george stats big cottonwood limit lia la plata frisco alta kud aud park city of shields ing ang coal mining camps there are three zi amely castle gate pleasant valley valle zana and coalville Co alville I 1 here are stacks 0 coal on exhibition from rum these camps and also specimens from coal minet mine amear ced r city iron county fur shed by core taylor san juan aud and orand counties are also represent ed in the coal line the home coal company has hag furnished the specimen from coalville Co alville of the precious loua metal bearing ore park city has furnished fine sped mans there are exhibits from the ontario daly crescent silver king glencoe and mountain lion bingham baa ba a fine exhibit furnished by the old telegraph samson south galena old boidan Joi dari daltou dalton yosemite nos NOB 1 and 21 2 the stuart no I 1 and athe nast pedro queen and a number of other mines minee little and big cottonwood are represented in specimens from the F emma mma flagstaff peruvian mckay read beed goodspeed speed and mines tintic has a fine exhibit from the keystone bullion beck back eureka hill centennial eureka and mammoth frisco is represented I 1 in IM the horn silver and the property of tile the cactus mining company there art arc also fine exhibits of silver ore from the fish springs mine in the deep creek country in which elder angus M cannon t annon x is in largely interested the sandstone silver bearing ore from silver reef beef southern utah to ie quite a curiosity on the fair grounds and is closely scrutinized by many expert miners and scientists there are on exhibition ores from twenty mines minee or more la in that district until the precious metal was disc discovered vered at silver reef silver ore had never been found in paying quantities in sandstone the mines in and around marysvale Marys Mary vale pluto plute county are represented by good specimens of df ore fro xi a the tate bully boy and the dalton mines minea jlia plata in cache county has a flue display or oi oret also the mines in the oquirrh range rane are well represented in from stockton ophir dry canyon and the mercury mines old lewiston Lewi near camp floyd ur or fairfield the bullion exhibits comprising gold silver ana copper are goo in tb precious line prof 0 ceder stroms onyx samples invite considerable comments A few days ago a valuable addition to the exhibits was wab received in the shape of a very fine specimen on of onyx from near spring valle utah county which measures feet ully polished and is 18 it to the chevery very fluent finest brought from mexico primm woolley lund and build of st george utah have on exhibition both coopt copper er ore and copper bullion irom their mines minea and smelter I 1 in D southern utah antimony from clyott creek diute piute county 9 is on exhibit from mines owned by wm ri 8 godbe ol of salt lake city of sulphur there are flue floe specimens from cove crook creek millard county and from desert springs south of frisco owned by mr nick Tro week beaver county Is ia also represented in specimens of ae bestus botn bota in raw and manufactured state elate this is a substance used to in the production or oi fireproof cloth being nor noc from the same county there are mica exhibits this is a sort of jaing ising glass glase used for illuminating purposes there are also specimens of allum associated with sulphate of iron also allum in a lure u re state from la birken tunnel in southern utah then there are nitrate diorato of potash nitrate of soda from emery county hitre nitre of potash from weber county trl polite from thoele tooele county taken from the base of the oquirrh range etc also a collection of petrified wood from southern utah of building stone there are fine samples or of granite from little cotton wood canyon the same as was wag used in the erection of the salt bait lake temple also red sand stone atone from the diamond breeb a tributary of spanish fork river and from quarries on the weber river also a beautiful grey specimen of sandstone from the kyune ayune quarries in sanpete county among the hydrocarbons hydro carbons there is ii a flue display of ela terita murt muri zite and uinta hite also petroleum and oil and irom from the mountains near soldiers summit dummit GilsOul te is the name of a mineral recently discovered near port duchesne in uintah county and named in honor bonor of its owner mr sam H bilson of now new york city the raw material to la shipped irom from the mines to akron ohio st louis mo and other places where it is manufactured into a liquid form it is a pure carbon and is used chiefly chit fly in the manufacture ul of lacquers and varnishes on wood paper iron and other substances it ta practical use is ia nicely demonstrated in the many excellent specimens on exhibition hibi tion lu in preparing it tor for use it in ig mixed with camp campli bine lne alcohol and several secret elements there are fine specimens on exhibit in the utah booth julias morris and company COMPa DVid exhibit of slate taken from mines near provo utah has ban received very favorable comment from botn bota welsh walsh mind and pennsylvania sate makers of KOU good samples of pressed brief brick buth both red and white are exhibited b by y the anderson andersen Pres brick cum company pany of ogden and the salt bait lake pressed brick company these wares compare favorably with bricks or of a similar kind manufactured elsewhere in the united slates the rook salt exhibit from salina salt na sevier county are gloo lake salts are represented rb in good samples furnished by the inland salt company ot of salt daft lake city the syracuse salt works owned by fred J kiesel kiese of ogden and the jeremy salt company the analysed water from the great salt lake to is represented in 28 large flats lars iare in so many different forms form both in liquid and solid state showing the many different compounds or of the peculiar brine tor for which the me great dead sea of america is renow renowned neu of simple products there are on ex bibi hibi tion a very fine collection or of kaolin a substance used in the manufacture of are also ul pure silica or quartz also fel requisite dWite used in connection Connect io with other chemicals in the manufacture of glass or porcelain pir celain ot of glass sands pottery clay lime utah cement nr ard clay etc etca there are good exhibit both jim in raw and manufactured stylea also beautiful beaudu lul of calpito and aud quite a collection ot of crystals of sil enite emite irom from mining claims in wayne county owned by dr james jamea ETa E palmage Pa image of salt lake city also a che chemical substance known as aa realder and poisonous alabaster in pink white and aad gray A bate of barium used in the adulteration of waits lead to te exhibited it was found near ogaden of lavas there are good specimens from a mountain known locally as shinobu kalab lying northeast of kat george southern utah beaver county exhibits marbles irom from the rob roy buy gold mine and the iron mines near cobar city are represented in a fine exhibition arm fram the ine treat areat blowout iron mine there is id also ore from the Magai Magui tite professor don quin informer formea in ou me that thai some of the iron ore their are five or six different kinds or exhibits exhibit a had find been pronounced by specialists to be as ghou ast aa any represented on the fair grou grounds it to la every whit as good as the missouri iron ore and will even compare very favorably with the 8 swedish exhibits which are recognized as H the best beat iron ore in the world toe the ogden iron company COMP mali dy furnished the only pig iron irom utah exhibited at the she fair of f exhibits may be mentioned stowe aeme specimens of red iron found in morgan and beaver oun 0 matiee bounties ties there to la a so a very good display of gypsum or plaster of parle ms manuras Durac terou by the nephi plaster from raw material found loudd in halt dalt creez creek canyon the superior quality of the article la Is demonstrated by the most moat excellent casts caste made from it which are also on exhibition aside frum from all these exhibits richard andy landy L bait lake county has a private collection on exhibition in the utah pavilion it consists of specimens irm ir m every mine that has ever been worked or devo developed loped in the territory of utah there are over specimens all of bioti are properly labeled and nicely arranged mr mcintosh tosh has been 26 25 year gathering up his specimens which bloh Is said to be the mist unique collection ot of mineral ores on exhibition on the fair grounds taking it altogether prof maguire claims that mineral exhibit to in the fair compared most moat favorably lavor ably with the exhibits from other states anti and territories in ID fact act it represents a great areat er variety than that exhibited exhibit eti by any other state in the ution and it is but justice to say that utah is tetter better represented in the mines and mining building than to in an any other department of the Wor liVis columbian exhibition ANDREW JENS |