Show WE ARE BLESSED I 1 the melancholy days dave have come the saddest of the year the post poet bad reference to this his time of the yar and he be must have been in as gloomy I 1 a irame frame of mind when he be wrote those lines as was waa pue poe when his somewhat immortal verses on the arven were evolved from his bla peculiar mentality theme ore are not dot melancholy days day they are not the thea saddest addest of the year nor are they specially sad bad at all they are beautiful bright and radiant radian days daye such as aa should cheer the th soul and fill the heart with renewed hope while the mind should fashion only words of praise for a season so BO ful and so BO auspicious to mankind but this is IB sparingly engaged im ID except all aa to a very tow ew comparatively it ii la Is not engaged it at all the chief of the bipeds the lord of the animal kingdom has baa not of late jae made a j reat dual deal of money and because of this overpower log fact he be oan can ese ee no blush upon the face vt ft nature when the nun fun first kisses it and he be wieber that the be golden tint which are cast athwart the landscape landa land cace scap were gold of a kind that he could handle such is man the community was waa never healthier we believe the same cao can be said of the nation at laree the weather was wag never fluer finer except in isolated cases there la is no DO actual aaret waret and where it does doea exist it would most moat likely be re lieveld it if made known A moro more do de spectacle than this valley never greeted the eye of man the birds bird twittering among the burnished leaves the serenity which pervades perva deg the social body I 1 the he reposeful calm of the element slid and all all thiis 8 seem to blend in harmonious unison for the encouragement of our kint kim let us then oe be hopeful COIg considerate ideate and at above ove all grateful that our situation to la BO so pleasant in the midst of the few drawbacks which prevail |