Show S UM M 0 N S biliousness la Is an affection of tt tte te e liver aud and can be th roughly cura by that grand regulator of the liver aud and Billa ryO agans SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR manufactured BY BT 11 H zealin CO pa H I 1 wis afflicted for several years with disordered liver which resulted cd in a severe attack of jaundice 1 had bad as good attendant attendance e as our section alfords ali who failed utterly to restore tile me to lo the enjoyment of my former toi mer good health I 1 then tried the favorite prescription of one of the noal renowned physicians of louisville ky but to no par purpose pose whereupon I 1 induced to try I 1 found 1 i immediate T m c irom its ita use and i it tu ultimately iti restored me ine to the full enjoyment ul of heal ah A 11 II SHIRLEY richmond ky HEADACHE proceeds from a torpid liver and Impair ales of the Ston stomach lach it itigan can be invariably eared cured by takli if SIMMONS EMMONS LIVER OR let all who that SICK NERIOUS mim mm KOBUS can be prevented by taking a dose as soon as their symptoms indicate the coming of an attack ds d s t w W 4 BABY HUMORS and all skin and scalp diseases speedily cured by Cuti cura our little son will be four years of age on the dinst in may he was attacked witha with a very painful breaking out of the skin we railed caled in a physician who treated ann for about four weeks the child received little or no good from the treatment as the breaking out suppose by the physician to be hives in an aggravated form became larger in blotches blotcher blot ches and more and more die distressing we were frequently obliged to get up in the night and rub him with soda in water strong liniments etc finally we called other physics physicians au 8 u until antil no less egg than sue six had attempted to cure r e h him in all ing and the child steadily getting worse and worse until about tile the of last jul july when we began to give him hill ili SOLVENT internally and I 1 the fie RA and externally anil by the last of august he was so nearly well that wo we gave him only one dose of the about every second day for about ten days longer and he be has never been trod troubled bled since with the horrible malady mii lady in all we used teas less than one half or a bottle of a little less leas than one box of and only one cake of cu SOAP H E cayuga livingston co ill ube cubed and sworn ta to before before me tits this fourth day of january 1887 C X COE J P scrofulous HUMORS last laet spring I 1 was very sick being covered with some oine kind nd of scrofula the doctors could not help me I 1 was advised to try the I 1 did so and in a day I 1 grew better until I 1 am as well as ever I 1 thank you for it very much and would like to have it told to the public ED EDW HOFMANN ANN north attleboro Att leboro mass the great skin cure and SOAP prepared from it externally and the he new blood purifier internally are a positive cure for every amrin of skin and blood disease from pimples to sold price 50 cents SOAP 25 cents v prepared by DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO boston mend head for ill illow to cure likin diseases Black blackheads beads skin blemishes I 1 I 1 bay humors use Cuti Cu curia soap IN MINUTE aake rb rheumatic neuralgic sciatic su sudden d den hard shard s and nervous vains rains and weaknesses relieved in one IT minute by je e ant lera anti pain rianner at druggists 21 2 i cents potter drug and chemical co boston consumption UR AND LUNG AS affections IONS Tone treatment celebrated cerman physician Is 13 a la inn every stage ama ceat R to any Bua brer or vi FG co aw easthampton 1 1 ct soldiers attention LL SOLDIERS TO ALT INCREASE restoration or to arrears of pay fay ani anci bounty 4 on of mister mi anter R removal of 0 charge of desertion or to a duplicate di dr charge ch rr wn can have their CLAIMS prompt ItT LY ATTEN ATTEND D ED BD TO by addressing addre fing the un der special attention will be given aven to OP WIDOWS ANU AND MOTHERS AND KB ICE CLAIMS il with mel merit it and especially especial I 1 when lien nc new evidence can be furni furnished alle w specialty specially made of INCREASE BOUNTY LAND DUE TO SOLDIERS 0 the he old wars war and three months montha extra pay Y and JPY homen turned over r to the government during the last war can till still be collected the addrene and aad of 0 old id alean Mol dierx wanted the under undersigner undersigned signed has haa had 14 14 years year ex ermence eri ence m in government CLAIMS al rig NATIONAL CAPITAL address addre RUA I 1 mm LOCK 1111 I 1 co r P street if W ZD D 0 4 av 6 Graefen G raef e aber ben PILLS pa these PILLS act with great mildness and may be taken at any time with benefit they cure all forms of malarial diseases and fevers and should be used to stimulate the liver and kidneys to healthy action they are invaluable for headache and bowel complaints SOLD of by te pea ml GRAL EFENBERG CHILDRENS PARCEL test best medicine for children 50 beatt per boewe bot graffenberg EFENBERG GRA CO ill chambers st N Y WE ta am 01 A SURE CURE FOR PILES M LES SALT RHO M and all stin skin diseases A new method ol oi 3 ng tax tar A cure guaranteed guarante or money rerun fled sold by dromi ts a and at t coa aa W price 61 00 NOW THE TIME TO LATE amar A fluctuations IN THE market ket offer opportunities to speculators to make money in grain stocks bonds and petroleum prompt personal attention given to orders received by wire or mail correspondence solicited full information about the markets on our book which will be forwarded free on application on I 1 H N D KYLE banker an I 1 broker 88 38 broad and 34 new ats new york city daw bcd A J A oca deasi A LOWE fill vom ay lod a MT X 8 OPE ACME i AVANA harrows aras pras nih R GARDEN GAR DEN A tools 4 QUIN plows SAW MILLS WAGONS C sten engines W ac M i con X LEFFEL bugal ess CARTS 0 mp FIRST M PI CLAS ula A fl VEHICLES adul of nf ALL ALL ATI VW barb fence wire iron steel J I 1 CASE T M GOS COS AGITATOR A G I 1 T A T 0 R AND woodbury W 00 db arv ly horse db NO 46 se power SAW MILLS ENGINES I 1 ES A slut of or hard SW FOR FOK cripes AND TERMS WRITE studebaker BROS MFG SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 4 |