Show EXPORTING WOOL OVER half a million pounds of wool grown in ia tooele thoele county was sold a few days ago to an eastern house and will be shipped out of the territory and yet there are several woolen factories in utah which are either idle the year round or which run only a portion of the time said to be for the alleged reason that raw material is lacking there Is something wrong here mill men and wool men both concede this what is the trouble the wool men reply that the highest price offered by ally aey utah purchaser for the above lot of wool was nineteen cents per pound and that an eastern party loff erect ered 2335 per hundred pound or over twenty per cent more for it this wool may go to boston orphila or philadelphia delp tila be mixed with the proper pi 0 portion of shoddy manufactured into overcoats blankets etc and shipped back to the community of financiers out here in these mo to be consumed thus utah furnishes employment to eastern mill operatives and pays freight both ways on the wool she produces bemid besides as tile the profits which eastern men make on the clip both beforehand before and after it is manufactured it is well that utah has a heath healthful ful climate and abood a good soil if she did not have some advantages a vantages t to offset the fiscal policy she pursues in some mat poverty would reign throughout her orders borders if utah capitalists and financiers have any shrewdness enterprise or patriotism to boast of it is not in connection with the she fostering of woolen manufactures fac tures their record in this regard appears in a still more unfavorable light when it is remembered that our population embola embraces i ces an abundance of skilled laborers of the kind required in woolen mills but when we trace step by a step wi ep the causes that produce the cond condition I 1 of thin things ga in respect to woolen manufactures m in this territory which all thinking citizens deplore we shall lied fid that the blame for the existing state of affairs is divided between different classes of the community the masses of the population lack the abou thoughtfulness at and patriotism to ask for home made articles when makine purchases merchants are too selfish and too lacking in public spirit to try to push home made goods wool men are not as accommodating in the terms of sale they offer to small manufacturers as they might be without detriment to their own interests as they usually demand spot cash which small mills cannot often pay though worthy of credit home made goods like an honest man who takes no pains to appear to be e what he is not may in some cases be less leas handsome in appearance pe arance than they might be made and hence less in demand mill operatives here demand higher wages than the same class of labor is e ethere paid and the capitalist in this new finds many lucrative fields of investment this question to a certain extent is an ethical one and the remedy so 80 much desired must be like that f for or any public moral evil the result of the operation cooperation co of different differ eat classes of the community one thing is clear if the people will insist upon having homemade goods a supply for their demands will certainly be created |