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Show 260 -- MOBIL! FOR SALE Swamp cooler. 373 Haw Soars kerosene heater $100, Overstaffed velour choir and ottoman $50. New 6 piece living room set $600. 31- 0- HOUSES 9YJL poynwi Custom of 1315, built mobile Columbia 24x52. ham, ,o 2 bodroom, l'j baths, fireplace, e0VL,rV, P9Jlo carport, I" Co, ' cooler. Window Swamp 4500 CFM. Excellent mount, condition. 4 2 bedrooms, garago, 8 carport. Nice 3 bodroom split TaviT, baths, carport, Roy, $450. No !... 546- 0302 or . sssg 292- - 460 mi wwhordryor, woodburning tjwa, owning, doubk glass windows, fenced backyard. Hkw "j01 hompoolip RSifeis!" 1 Near IISTllTome. $150 adult "I gark. City Center Park , Layton area, 3 bodroom, 774 BUSINESS EXCELLENT RETAIL SPACE Yamaha Building 21 2 Wathing- - UNFURNISHED APTS A DUPLEXES Aportmontt al7 sizes, tom Shop Building For Rant 440 -- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 356 23rd St. 8 Claan I bad room, hoot, . frigeretor and stovs furnished. ' S56 fw wU. lASTIIDGI AFTSi OGDEN'S FINEST Now V ranting 2 bodroom apt, Join ui today! $1,000, 1974 Honda 975.. .1976 Stove, , while they last. Call Lee 825- - MOVINGI Hugo Garago Sale- Brass bed with mattress, baby furniture, SHOTGUNS ARIFLES DIAMONDS "GOLD PAWNS MONEY TO LOAN WASATCH GUNS AND LOAN 0 2606 Wall Ave. A Jr A A A A A A Atr Buster wheat grinder, Braun mixer. sewing machine and other miscellaneous items. 824 E. 500 S., 5 Clearfield, June 3, 4, 5. 1 and 540 -- GOOD THINGS TO EAT CLASSES OFFEREDi Show Handling guppy Kindergarten Perianal Protection Behavior Problem. IDLEWIRE TRAINING CENTER 1481 Gibson Ave. For Sale-AKAirdale Terrier; female lVi yean. Ready for brooding. $75.00 or bait offer, paper! included. For more information call 825-349- 0 aftar 5:00 pm. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Blueprint machine and developer, dart 100 $525.00. Office copier with heavy stand, great for $450. Call 295- - Rockwell 4 Mitro saw. Flower and vegetable hod, ding plants. See and fertilizer. Stangers Greenhouse, 3375 3 W. 5600 So. Roy $150 Block and. Decker Industrie Router 14P $50. Wood carving 8 Kent tools, $20. 3 bedroom Clearfield, stove, refrigerator, disposal, hookups, $325mo. $1S) de- ANTIQUES Glass, glass, just orrivad, Blow Blue, Duncan Miller. Pattern, Depression, Hob Nail, Amyth ist, Nippon, Heisey, Figurines, pictures, furniture? primitive old clothes COUNTRY ANTIQUES 4258 S. 1000 W. Roy, Open 11 a.m. posit. APTS. & DUPLEXES some 3326.'area, and 2 Many games. Wash. Rice Blvd , Electronics Phone S5.' . For rent, 4 bodroom house. Bath ond half, carpeted, 2 fireplaces, family room, large patio, fruit trees, double garage, RV parking, prefer non smokers. Close to shopping cantor, Hill AFB. Phone o25-684- 8 $525 month. Yard Juno 4, 9- - 5. Wide variety of items. 1696 N. Gregory, Layton. Yard Sale-Sof- bar stools, schools, church, HArB, rooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 4 ences required. WHY PAY RENT? New Homes at 8 interst, we can pay down payment or closing cost. Several choice locations. Call builder 544-088- 0 or 546 ' 1411. 1 ?2 neeD A Everything Goes... Many models are priced under $7,000 TERRAIN 135. Machines. WEST 10, 1 THREE esan C30DB7. CJ 0 5SC4 185, cc WHEELS i0 rod, Bright approved fox 920 -- AUTO SERVICES PARTS A ACCESSORIES Shelby mage, S lug GM with chrome lugs and 3 steel bolted radial tiros. $160 for everything. Phono 544-856- 9 leave name and number. license MONEY NO I MONET NEW '83 SUBARU DOWN N- DOW- wall credit 60 payments F E equipped 13tt annuel percentage roto ond preparation Sport coupes your choicel C U Add 2 I960 Chevy 21 ft. Fiberferm Cuddy Cab, like new only 96 hours, 26C H.P. Volvo Pinto Inboardout-boar- d with trim tabs. Many xtras. $13,900. Call 392-002- 8 Mikado shell, Call 1 9 START IhA ww NO MONEY ual ly MB,Y DoW,1 48 f'0'0 c'1 pey""i 'ECU annual parcentas NEW BRAND DOWN o6erT.. 113 PQiyQim M?fJ8..p 1983 febarv liMtaaicji REKOLUNTIONI ryj NO New 6909 roi Fantastic SUBAR MONEY '83 DOWN SUBARU or w 4x4 buyl Well equipped just license and preparation add tax, owm LUV 4x4. with trim, $5,500. 4B mos PORTING GOODS Guns, and antiqua Shaw, SLC Ut. June So. 5189 State, 4-- 5 Starts 9 A.M. admission. $1.50: Bring ad for $.50 Dis. eer Mirth NEW F O I '83 SUBARU WAGON UgAan 980 Chevrolet LUV, excellent condition, 37,000 miles, '82 RAMCHARGER 4x4 DODGE condition see ond drive to appreciate charges, just odd tax license 1 preparation late '81 5 year 50 000 mile worronty Lew mtleo very thorp! Just odd tax license and preparation 'dden CHEVETTE Like new inside on No hidden chorges ou1 New tire- - low m les we1! equ pped iu$ odd tax license an preporot on LIMITED BUICK REGAL Beautiful we" kept one owne' sport coupe M 47 Loaded extras Just odd tax license and preparation to 2029 510 CHEVROLET '81 '82 SUBARU WAGONS Discounts DATSUN No hidden Sports sedon Very sharp tike new nj rfe ona ou No chorges, just odd tax license ona P epiration SUBARU (Front wheel drive) 4980 Yes... Wt art open King Cab pickup, AMFM radio, air, jump seats, speed, blue and black, utiful truck. 0 1972 GMC Slat bed 7$5000 Cal 4 $25day, 825. 15904 raduc 1982s LAST OF THE 54d-601- '80 Datsun -- TRAVEL TRAILERS font trail- - with good credit Coptielliahon cost ol S 000 n auomad l C 9 TrodaU,ly Top 4 272-352- 6 lees non recourse mcluU.gu.gnminlla. 1975 4x4 Chevrolet, automatic transmission, Power stoeringbrakes, air, CB 2 tanks, shall, hitch. $4,200. -S- ' Double Savings ' 5 79 50 add year-- 000 mile worronty Just tax, license & preparation HONDA new condition preparation Like '58 Ford 16 ton Stepside, 223, 6 cylinder, 20,000 on rebuild, low No w th CVCC mechanco! Excellent miles new engine hidden charges just add tox, license and needs some work. 72 Datsun pickup needs cylinder head after 6 5 8 22 ft. Roodrunner 5th 77, whael. Excellent condition, brakes and plate included, after 4pm. $6000. 394-001-6 Shop Want Ad That Now Car For AVAILABLE & 590 -F- IREWOOD PINE AND PINION Now taking orders for summer delivery, any amount. Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden SMUG 600 -P- ETS 6 SUPPLIES hunting dogs, dqgs, AKC Vizsla Sreat family Phono 5 Outstanding 1976 V.W. Springer Spaniel best field bred pups in Utah. Ready for fathers day. l M?W.tTil s0JTl?lJ '80 BUS if 1980 TOYOTA '81 FORD '80 CELICA 2 door, standard. COURIER CITATION Very low miles. $3,888 4,988 '78 AUDI 5000 '82 TOYOTA '78 SR5 PICKUP NEW YORKER Clean Shell Blue TOYOTA COROLLA a school that has jan instructing CHEV IMPALA 1 ,888 '73 DODGE 5288 TOYOTA PICKUP 1981 DATSUN CLUB CAB PICKUP '81 DATSUN '81 DODGE With shell, 4x4, very low mileage, Vi ton. With shell, Stock MAXIMA '77 DODGE '81 DODGE PLYMOUTH '76 DODGE '80 PICKUP Vi '75 TOYOTA Station Wagon ton. 3,488 '80 '74 PLYM VALIANT t very clean. "77 FIAT CONVERTIBLE '81 DODGE Vi TON very low 8,888 '81 DODGE '77 CHEV CJ5 CAMARO ' 1981 CHEV 6,388 '81 DODGE CITATION D-1- SE loaded. clean, air conditioned. 4288 5r988 '80 CHEV. CITATION the choice of many persons who Cosmetology wish to go into business for themselves. It is a promising field for men and women of all ages. Since the great majority of beauty salons are small establishments, ownership of a business is within is reach of almost everyone. '81 OLDS '81 TOYOTA Cutlass CELICA MEN AND WQMEN DON'T DELAY YOUR CAREER EASY PAYMENT PLAN OR CASH DISCOUNT 4x4 4,388 SHORTBED '80 78 '82 '80 D-- TON 4x4 TOYOTA TERCEL TOYOTA CELICA CHEV CAMARO '78 FORD GRANADA 1975 PLYM 2,688 CHEV DODGE 6,388 6488 JEEP CHEROKEE MONZA 6,488 4 door, cream. 79 TOYOTA CELICA TOYOTA CELICA '81 TOYOTA 77 77 TOYOTA CRESSIDA TERCEL TOYOTA PICKUP TOYOTA CELICA '81 TOYOTA PICKUP '81 DATSUN MAXIMA WAGON Loaded. 6,888 8,988 '82 '80 TOYOTA SUPRA 77 78 79 '81 78 78 78 '80 TOYOTA CORONA 1981 FORD 4c4, VALIANT 1288 MG MGB V.W. TRA DODGE D-TOYOTA CRESSIDA DATSUN 210 DODGE PICKUP DODGE ASPEN 6388 '79 FORD MUSTANG '79 FORD MUSTANG 2 door coupe, ready to roll. 78 FORD MUSTANG '81 TOYOTA CRESSIDA 78 DATSUN '66 FORD MUSTANG '82 , 3,488 70 TOYOTA ROY OGDEN 2971 Wash. Blvd. 392-5- 7 S7 2300 S. HIGHWAY 91 BOUNTIFUL 298-245- B210 COROLLA CHEV CROSSFIRE 1 295-340- 1 3003P. 4,988 Standard. air. Dnrfgs TOYOTA 5523 S. 1900 W. 310 Vi TON SHORTBED 76 78 78 75 '80 '80 75 TOYOTA COROLLA MAZDA PICKUP TOYOTA COROLLA PLYMOUTH VALIANT TOYOTA COROLLA TOYOTA CORONA TOYOTA CELICA Classes Start Second Tuesday of Every Month COLLEGE OP BEAUTY DATSUN 4,788 6,988 Automatic, air. GMC, loaded. '80 '82 79 LS Vi TON 4,988 Loaded. RELIANT 1979 TOYOTA TERCEL '80 10 '82 PLYMOUTH TERCEL '82 CHEV 4,988 DATSUN 1,288 '80 SR5 '81 CHEV '76 318 engine, headers, loaded. 6,388 7,888 Station Wagon. 5688 3,788 PICKUP Sunroof. IMPALA 3,588 '81 DODGE Short. Bed Station wagon BUSINESS OWNER '80 Sun roof. 5,488 4x4 silver. '81 AMC Station wagon. 2,788 '82 DODGE SPORT Sunroof, 10,688 JEEP 5,888 4,488 CRESSIDA 4,488 ARIES Blue, very low miles. silver. mileage. TOYOTA TERCEL SR5 ARIES '81 TOYOTA Air conditioning. 988 4,888 '81 DODGE 5,588 '82 DODGE RAMCHARGER MUSTANG '82 RELIANT standard, 5,888 ' 4,588 1,088 CHEVROLET BLAZER 3,788 '81 PLYMOUTH Vi TON SHORTBED 3,988 4,388 very clean. 5,788 very clean. 1,988 TOYOTA COROLLA Air, clean. 8,388 TRAIL DUSTER '80 AIRES SE clean. Short bed PICTURE YOURSELF 3,788 7688 D-- 024 Clean, clean clean. 1,788 '80 DODGE OMNI Anniversary model. 4,388 W100 '80 RX-- 7 Clean 3488 3988 1980 MAZDA 6,998 7688 COROLLA 3,588 '77 071 6TA. 1980 TOYOTA 4 door, blue. 4,488 CHRYSLER CHEV 1981 DODGE 4,888 staff of proven ability. Scholarships Available 6 "WM i ) fipnii. ""1 N 0" o f V choose tN.A g f MICE! 4 $4,300. or LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY 823-310- to Mony 950 -T- RUCKS BOATS FOR RENT '76 Ph. YOUR CHOICE! in Quality UHimote 06011, SAWDUST, ANY AMOUNT Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St Ogden Ridgerunner with wide wheels, Fora 5 hole $80. Cafe Business $1500. Phone Enroll in FROM M4N0 75. 100 , 6 ft. Screen TV. Color $650. 5 horse roto-till$95, 5 in. screen TV $35. '55 Chevrolet 2 door, $1500. '71 Harley !20cc, $3100, 4 tires, 1115LT t 544-310- TO ATC RENTALS Hondo, Yamaha, 200, 670 -- BOATS AMARINE range, 3 new doors, clothes, games and much more. Saturday June 4, 10 am-- 6 pm. 2685 S. 3rd W. Kaysville. lo largo family homo, close 7 bed-- , Pinto $400. FEED 3701 Yard Sale, Sat. June 4, Sun. June 5, 9 am, no early shop-per5377 S 2300 W Roy. YARD SALE 9 am-- 6 pm June 4, 1983. 537 Coates Ave., 72 OR 580 -- HAY, GRAIN best offer a pi Rental Information Service. Fee Ogden's Personalized re. control. cruise 1 Tjmbertown 804 W. 17th St.. Oaden Yardman 18 push mower. Excellent condition $100 or SES excellent con- dition, AMFM cassatta stereo, now radials. $1700 or offer. 74 Muttanglf, lecart, excellent condition, SOD DELIVERED INSTALLATION We sell and rent computer software, both business and Ogden 4 7 a. Furnished two bedroom No. Salt Lake apat.. $350 o month, gas furnished. -S- $4400. CHOOSE 6 731-14- 7359825-5$0- 550 -- PLANTS -T- REES HRUBS Mi condition, after 4:30 5 770 -- ALL N Ford Tractor with leader, recent rebuilt, $2,300, Clearfield Hay Loader with 4 wheel wagon $350. 8 ft. 3 point cultivator hitch, spring-toot- h with 2 ft. removable wings, 9 Ford 1981 Thunderblrd, excellent all options, asking T979 OVER SUPPLIES 1980 Yamaha 850 Special, 3000 milts, mint condition, medium, sized, windjammer, 9 $2, 1 95beet offer. 71 Harley 1200cc electric start, recent overhaul, $3100. 5508 1979 lockwood Tent Trailer, sIggos 8, stove, sink, icebox, and heater. $2,493. 392 RHUBARB 40lb.or 15 lbs.$5 Built. 760 -- CYCLES 4 392-735- I2M Town: Burnsr IBOOcc, 4 tpeed, runs great, needs starter work. $500. Also, 3 speed transmission for '67 Ford Van. $75. 6 Phene 71 Capri, for appointment. wheel weighfs, or,25week sleeps $1 2 RESTAURANT STOVES General Electric. 3 phase Call 9 na ARM 8 hotenback, 3242 mpg, hat everything. $4900 or fake over 0 ,199- - 1981 Skylark India- condition, and fluid $7,000. Call 295- 8824 Trencher, 1982 Caw. walk bo- hind Tt 100, $23&0. Phone 680 Gold 1977 Lincoln, Feed Mustang, liHback. AMFM Cassette, 4 cylinder, excellent mileage and condition, $3,750 544-945- 0 1980 vinyl top, Datiun 510, 47oar, '11 call MAKES -- ALL MAKES 990 ' MAKES Imi pale, new now tires, power steering-it- , air, $930. 393-195- 9 $10,350. gonoi 990 -- ALL 73 ssmt IMPLEMENTS TRACTOR Massey Ferguson 1976 MF40 large icoop, box scraper, ripper teeth, canopy, 250. terior, $7,800 6 in- 11,000 mi. 17,900 Mutt 3 to appreciate 8x35 ft. frailer, Farit model- Tip out, Air, microwave, top BOWEN ENTERPRISES 839 W. 17th St. I cylinder, Celebrity, new, 7000 mi. air, tilt, deluxe 9B AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE generator, Wooden Feed Boxes, all dzet, diesel, at Par rent class A type, sleeps 6, 23 ft, roof air, PINE POLES AND POSTS CEDAR POSTS 1 Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogden lighfs. 990 Lakeside Review North, Wed, June 1, 1983 ALL MAKES 82 Chevrolet 2 evenings 1982 TraneAM leaded with T- Tops, low miles. Rrdlil new, 740 -- MOTOR HOMES Far Rent Clots A Type, lloopc 6, 23 ft., roof air, POULTRY Beautiful Black 1 1 month eld Filly, lire Black Chic Bar, 4 $400. -F- AUTOS FOR SALE CARS 73 MO Midget, now paint, excellent condition, $1550, 990 -- ALL 6 630 AUTOS FOR SALE 970 -S- PORTS 730 -- CAMPERS 972, 1 It. Bell Cpbever Cam-pe- r. stave, Icq box, furnace, 825-5- 710 2 l824l0W 1 8 Purebred Cheep peak Pupi, Chamjatoranij) line! $100 For RHUBARB 404lb.or 15 lbt.$5 -- MISCELLANEOUS TRAILERS 16 ft. trailer, tandem flott- d, 3 ton payload. $1 190-u8 or 730 SUPPLIES DOG TRAINING count. . ETS Obedience TO BUY WANTED: Swing sot, camping equipment: Tent, heater, lantern, small raft, ate. Grain 5655. $289month plus electricity, plus deposit. 2 bedroom, Cable, carnet, air, close to town, $280. 310-HOU- 0 Miscellaneous siios and stylos of Sculptress Bras $2 to 10 bodroom apt., carpet, drapes, heat furnished, with all utilities paid. Materials. 510 -- WANTED Electric Train Layout, many extras. Large Woodburn-in- g apartment. All utilties paid, cable TV. Clearfield area. Please call for appointment. PonennntiL rmr HWOrd776' 627-2000- . 1 750K On-O- H.O. Two bodroom basement sixes, CB Honda No. 150 E. Centerville. items, 392 7594onFd Studio, Apartments bedroom $130-$24- MATERIALS Railroad ties for sale, all sizes, all grades, all shapes, will de6 liver, will cut to size. A&K Railroad or Garago Salo, Saturday, June 1889 4, noon until 5:00 Brentwood Apts. Apartments all. 0 500 -- BUILDING tion, firm on all prices. Phono Ne. Ogden, duplex, large 2 fenced yard, rt- . bedroom, 300 -F- URNISHED unusual Kitchen ap- road bike $425. 1975 Pontiac Astro $800. All excellent condi- Nico Area, dean 2 bodroom apt. loundry facilities, cable $300mo. plus TV, disposal, Call 9 or see Wonagpr at 4380 Horrison 1 . Blvd. located at 4564 Apt. appointment INSTRUMENTS Vintage Stratocoster, 1960 Tremelo model $700 Ogden. r392.7359 By 480 -- MUSICAL For sale 1973 Ford Von Near WSC 2 bodroom apt., carpet, coin waih jrapoi, $269 month jslus utilitia, ant 2 277- - itoms. pliances, light fixtures. Too much to list. MUST SEE TO BELIEVE 3224 Gramercy Avo. catad at 4380 Horrison, liztt clothing, cor, tuir kitchens, iwimming pool, loundry, covarad parking, contra! air, HBO Cable TV, the lor gait highly insulated oph. in Ogdon. Each opt. like a, homo. 13,Used'Rofrigerotore, (round shoulder-typ$65. ea. 8 gat and electric stoves, 4 burners, 22X24 in. tops. Just right for trailers, campers or cabins, $75. ea. 3946375 TANTAStlC GARAGE $ALE Woantsday through Sunday. Juno 9 am to o pm. Many antiauti and colloctablos, Qualify used furnituro. Sharp OT5n94',M , or 6 ' -P- drgrs. EES WANTRDI If you know whore a swarm is. give us a bun, tor reward. Extractor wonted. Largo swamp cooler m -- APPLIANCES, TV, STEREO days. Phono 360 -- OFFICE 290 af-t- 4 Kenmore gas .dryer used 10 month, includes! gas shut-o- ff valve and flax line, exhaust al 4 duct and clamps, ter 6:30 pm iainkew Vacuums New with power nozzle and 4 warranty $430. Sears 1 7 cubic feet froetfree refrigerator. Hookup for White textured door. $450. Call 773-316- 8 WasharsDryers Whirlpool or Kenmore only bought and sold. Export overhaul or repair service. Good selections of rebuilt washers ond electric or gas Everett Olson 731- - fte2Si IfFT $150. Color T.V., washer and dryer $135 ana up. Guaranteed 30 546-313- dining, country kitchon, 2 car garage, largo poho, air conditioned homo in 600 440 -- MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS HOMES USED: |