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Show 4A lakeside Review South, Wednesday, June 1, 1983 ' Davis Art Festival Days to Feature Music, Crafts, Food BOUNTIFUL The Peanut Butter Gang, Confectionaires, The festival is the ''" ' tV !k ' ' ijn,t4k ' U. y e r,V, VA A , JrJ 'tXiM ,5 2 ( .v s xi W eW' lAf'A .1 - Art Centers primary fund raiser each year. Beginning at 11 a.m. each day, singing, dancing, and instrumental groups will entergroups that will be performing during the BountifulDavis Art tain the crowds. A special feaCenters Davis Art Festival ture each evening at 7 p.m. will Days coming up this weekend, be performances by bluegrass Friday and Saturday, June 3 musicians. On Friday night the and 4. Pee Wee Pickers will perform. Tabernacle Square will be the They are a youthful group of setting, and with the weather musicians who just last sumpromising to remain mild and mer took their first tour of the inviting, a good crowd is expect- United States. They appeared at ed. The festival will begin on the Festival of the Bluegrass in both days at 10 a.m. and conKentucky and at the Worlds tinue tuntil 8 p.m. Each day will Fair in Knoxville, Tenn. Rebe filled with booths featuring cently they played in Hooper for more than 60 artists and President Ronald Reagan. On Saturday night at 7 p.m. craftspersons and their work, both for display and for sale; the festival will conclude with food, including Festival Sloppy the group of bluegrass musizucchini, cians known as Bittercreek. Joes, deep-frie- d nachos, and corn dogs; and They play both Rocky Mountain-style and traditional music. exhibit will be held on Sunday, June 5, at the center from 2 to 5 p.m. Award winners will be announced at the opening. The juror for this years show was Frederick Wong, a professional painter, graphic desig N Pepper things to eat? No, they are the names of only a few of the Friday, Juna ner, calligrapher, and teacher for the past 25 years. The public is invited to the The Ninth BOUNTIFUL Annual Juried Show of the Utah Watereolor Society will begin Sunday, June 5, and run through Sunday, July 27, 1983, at the opening reception and en-at couraged to visit the center any other time during the show. Located at 2175 South Main Street in Bountiful, the center is BountifulD.avis Art Center. An opening reception for the Bountiful-Davi- s Starburst, Salt 11:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Watereolor Society Show Opens Sunday v . -- open from 5 to 7 p.m. on Monday evenings; from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays through SMITH-CORON- A PORTABLE TYPEWRITER CASH REBATE ULTRASONIC 20 Electronic portable with one-ste- p memory correction, speed cushion, snap-i- n printwheels List 3 Super Kids Drill Team Ladies vocal group childrens dance group Confectionaires, 8593.00 Sale $410.00 Rebate $20.00 Made U.S.A. Starburst Noon Fri- days; and from to 5 p.m. each Sunday. There are no admission fees to visit the center. 2 REBATE CT ENTERPRISE Intermediate electric with cover-u- p keyboard correction ' List GETTING a push from sister Michelle Peck, 5, is young Benjamin Peck, 1. The children are enjoying the warm spring weather in a Woods Cross park. 16495 'Freedom' Group to Meet The public is BOUNTIFUL invited to attend a meeting of Citizens for Everyones Free- dom, a group working to pre- pare an initiative petition ask- for the repeal of a new de- law restricting cable television by a vote of the public OR BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE . Gerry Snow, state chairman lIC and founder of CFEF, said the meeting will be held to discuss g plans for the groups future, gation, repeal initiative, lobby-cenc- y ing efforts and election time plans. JTIME CLOCKS COMPUTERS 'PRODUCT! FO THI OFFICB'TCUUTORS 1885 So. State, SIC, Pt 3 2419 Washington, OgdM, Fb. 3 J 487-881- liti-in- hi s?ATTENTION WE MEET in November. IU1 $299.95 Sale $179.95 Rebate $15.00 382-750- CTD INI FARMERS! Used Equipment Specials.. . htiXNtfNcWr NEW BURCH ONE-RO- Now you can budget the same amount month for your electric bill .. . with Utah Powers Equal Payment Plan. W CORN PLANTER 14 UNITS $2S00 AVAILABLE R9 $475.00 (To be wed with 2V4x 2V4 Bar) HERE'S THE "WINNER'S CHOICE" DEAL each on haytools, forage equipment, loaders, manure and tub grinders. spreaders, grinder-mixer- s 1 A.P.R. A.P.R. on a one-ye- on a installment contract ar two-ye- installment contract. ar on a three-yea- r installment contract OR FREE FINANCE 1984 on hay and forage equipment. Until use date on spreaders, grinder-mixer- s and until April 1, tub grinders. Aik u to carnpMt tojill. each month's New Holland rMorvot (ho right to i change or cancel (hit program at any time without notice or obligation. Sp-r- ry will bill. each year, your Equal Pay amount will be checked against your actual usage and your Twice GAC1 PADf.'l GGQVDGG 745 WALL AVI. be. Each month be the same amount for a full years time. We'll estimate a year's electrical costs based on your past usage. Then we'll divide that amount into 12 equal monthly, payments. You'll be able to keep track of your actual usage on bill will A.P.R. I Our EQUAL PAYMENT PLAN lets you know exactly what your electric 399-554- 1 J monthly amount as necessary. will be adjusted Youll be able to join Equal Pay anytime, Just mark an (X) in the appropri- ate place and you'll be on your way to a balanced budget! Or, - contact your nearest Utah Power office for more information on Equal Pay' POWER... helping you live UTAH oaGcfe C20SIP U& LIGHT COMPANY bn a budget. |