Show conference AT OGDEN 3 28 this evening has closed two tavo days conference meetings in ogden ogden as in tei esting as any any that have beba een held la jn this acty for years past at ten on saturday morning the latter lay day saints in this thi city and ana from many of the wards in the different parts of the stake commenced to file into the tab er nacle at former similar gatherings there were but few of the saints present on 04 saturdays bui on this occasion it soon be became ey evidente denb that that the tabernacle would be filled which was the case in abe W afternoon every seat was waa I 1 occupied and much of the standing room of the aisles but today to day every foot of space was densely packed and very many fafty were cable to gain aan sion the carpe doors in id the east end were thrown open and masses pressed as closely to the he as possible to listen to the folce foice instruction and learn the progress 01 6 work of god in the weber stake of zion president lewis W shurtliff presided besides the general and local priesthood of 0 the stake there were represent we present apostles F D grant after the usual opening exercises the clerk of the 7 stake read tile the REPORTS which showed that steady continuous improvements have been going forward in every depart mentor t of the stake since the reports at the h 1 last t quarterly conference the latter day saints leel feel better stronger and are trying to live nearer to their G Go godana dand more in accord with his word and will the meetings both sabbath and add week even ings are usually much better attended than formerly especially th latter reald to be the mhd off officers leers are in inspired tr 04 with increasing desires ado to do 9 mir 4 lip duties aties in 14 their segert al calli callings tiki not with wit any undue excitement tei but with co commendable m zeal to promote the best interests ot of those for whom they labor fast meetings are crowded quite a number of merchants and other busi dess men close their establishments during the hours of service on that day and mihoe their voices I 1 in tb the congregations testify ingot the thea rork tr and goodness goodne of god t to them i the he more g like ito them a number of aug men priests and hoid bold block ck dr or district meetings at which these young men take active active part in expounding the scrip scriptures tupes prophesying and bearing testimony to the great work woi k the lord to la doing on the earth in this dispensation the in of the young both male and female are in and the members are qualifying for for positions of usefulness honor and trust to which they will surely surel be called in the due time of the lord I 1 I 1 1 I LADIES are powerful institutions for good an and are invaluable aids to t the e shops in searching out the poor oar the sick and the indigent ann A administering to them not d 0 4 I 1 jer only I 1 y Abut U dt we e solid coe comforts 11 of life i as aeu w ag the necessities food fuel and clothing are supplied to abe W worthy needy tho sabbath schools are filled to over flowing and in some places there is not room to accommodate all who doire dire td to attend the reports further farther show that the people are prompt in pitying paying their ti things and their offerings an and that they are improving in moral inoria rectitude lae pressure from without is drawing them closer together in unity ity faith brotherly love and charity and a firmer reliance on OH god to protect protect them in their rights ke the instructions of the speakers were suited to the times and circumstances of the people whether they related to their religious social or moral status they were seasoned with reproof correction admonition caution icil against the evil elements and temptations ta to which are subjected their close proximity to the institutions and ana snares that would lead both old and to perdition the saints were counseled to shun the practices which vitiate their bodies corrupt their spirits and tend to he destruction of both T they were enc encouraged outraged to colley continue to pursue pursue the paths of peace pea ce by cultivating all the virtues and graces that are inculcated in the gospel of jesus christ they were assured that if they will live closer to god and consecrate themselves fully to his 8 services er and to his will only he will give them tile the victory over their toes and eternal life in his kingdom the vote to sustain the general gene iral and local authorities was unanimous THE statistical REPORT showed that the latter day saints in the weber stake number souls these include 1918 families 1 apostle Se seventies high priests esis 11 IDA patriarchs elders 99 priests teachers rea chers deacons there are now 20 wards inthe stake since the last quarterly artterly report there have been 48 qu baptisms 50 marriages births 78 73 of which are males children have bave b been een bl blessed ea d the deaths have been 36 20 29 of them males 7 have been excommunicated in munica ted from the church persons in the state receive support from the donations and poor offerings in addition to the above named quo quorums runis there are over one thousand members of the mens improvement associations 30 0 home missionaries about 26 sabbath schools officers and hera and pupils these I 1 latter a are re still increasing with all these tf forces arees organized and directed by the inspiration of god and nd operating under that intelligent influence coupled with the unwearied zeal 01 of those who are appointed to take part in the work vork of this ministry the leaven fleaven will continue to work until the whole body attains that union and anc faith by which they will prevail with god |