Show SALT biake STAKE ACADEMY A successful institution the good work being done TIM THC examination TO DAT at 10 this morning the ex wai nation at the close of 0 the first term ot the intermediate department of the salt lake stake academy took place at the social hall professor karl karig G maeser principal of the academy came up from provo to attend the a exercises among amona the visitors present were apostle franklin D richards president angus M cannon elders wm win B dougall Bou gall A E hyde francis cope ellas elias morris milando pratt win amm M stewart ste wart george eorge 11 taylor harrison harrelso sperry robert obert morris D L davis I 1 brom brockbank ank sisters zina D young lucy B young zina Y williams and many others the proceedings were commenced by the academy chair singing arise arise with joy survey the glories of the latter day prayer was offered by one of the students brother thomas curtisb and the choir sang merry merry children chil dran sweetly sing of the happy days that the seasons bring the class elass exercises were conducted under the direction of elder willard done instructor brother clarence taylor acted hs as monitor a position he has ass occupied during the entire term the first exercise was a class catechization upon the principles of f theology and the replies to the questions of the instructor relative to the book of mormon its translation and the history and travels of the people ot ol whom it is a record indicated that the students had been made familiar with the subject exercises then followed in reading both individually and in concert and in mental arithmetic after singing Il joseph oseph smiths first prayer brother I 1 er heber iverson made an address in behalf of the gentlemen students in which he expressed the gratification of himself and associates at tle the school discipline and the method by which the pupils were taught the principles of the gospel in addition to regular school studies miss margaret D smith on behalf of the ladies made a very neat speech expressive of the appreciation ot the efforts of the faculty and of the good feeling which existed elder willard done then said that he felt indebted to those of the saints who had taken an active interest in the school for the results attained ishad it had been with some misgivings that he had taken charge of the department knowing that a school on this plan was a new venture in salt lake but it was not long before those misgivings gave place to a confidence which still remained main edHe he felt that his labors had been guided b by the holy spirit he had never haa had a class of students with which he had been better pleased they had bad united with him in performing the various class duties the exceptions to this rule rale were rare no special ex freises had been prepared for the brief review which had taken place and those who were interested were invited to inspect the records of the school As the school was especially designated for letter latter day saints the teachings had bad been beela conformed to the spirit of the gospel he had endeavored to place students upon their honor with regard to their conduct and had taken their word on an all occasions in only one or two instances had this coul confidence dence been misplaced placeda the plan laid out at the opening ot of the academy had been adhered to throughout he helas was dest desirous arous to see the young 0 u people of zion progress in the 1 knowledge 0 w ef the truth elder karl G maeser followed ats stating ame that when he was invited to take charge of the academy he did so with reluctance knowing that he had not sufficient time to devo teto it without neglecting his duties lie he bed bad however obtained the consent of the brigham young academy directors to take brother willard done from that place in lathe the middle of the term and install him as instructor here he had selected brother done as one to whom he could safely trust the entire management of the school and have it conducted according to the desired plan he then read the following principals REPORT to tu the general committee of the salt sall lake wake stake academy January the salt lake stake academy opened with an intermediate department in its ts present resent locality ho bo vember 15 1886 an and was placed ia e in charge of brother willard done one as instructor the plan and bogra pro gramme me having ving been previously arranged the ex exercises commenced at once with ith si students in attendance while an almost equal number of applicants cants had to be turned away f for 0 want of more accommodations the general statistics of the department at to days closing exercises of the first term show enrolled 88 left 2 one of the two left on account of protracted sickness and the other for want of sufficient preparation for the grade of stu studies in the department statistics classes Stu students dento weekly Se citations theology 88 6 5 language lessons A with compositions 13 5 language lessons B with compositions 75 6 5 arithmetic A 14 5 B 31 6 5 0 43 5 fifth reader beader 74 6 5 r fourth reader 14 I 1 6 5 penmanship A 44 6 44 6 5 orthography A 74 6 5 orthography B 14 5 geography 53 6 5 atura tory alternating with Hygiene 39 2 US U S history 34 2 draw drawing g A 11 4 drawing B 16 4 singing 32 3 2 making a total of 18 classes with 79 weekly recitations all conducted by brother willard done the weekly register of studies shows that the plan laid out oat for this terms work has been tilled filled and the examinations both oral and written prove that the work has been done with very satisfactory thoroughness theological statistics the students of the department are recorded theologically as follows priests A 4 teachers 1 deacons 22 lay members 61 total 88 9 domestic statistics the students are tabulated domestically as follows from salt lake city 74 from su sugar 9 ar house ward warda ta 7 from mill creek 1 from davis county count 5 from cache county 1 total a 88 theology the principles of the church 01 61 jesus christ of latter day saints underlying all our teachings and di discipline I 1 pline a variety of theological exercises arc ses arranged according to the grade of the intermediate department has occupied a prominent place in the daily pro gramme very gratifying results can be reported already in regard to testimonies borne uy ily the students as well as to the readiness with which they have complied with our to them at first unaccustomed domestic regulations and spirit of discipline general arrangements teachers and students unite in expressing their thanks to the general and executive committees for the commodious and complete accommodations by which the performance of their respective duties has been made so pleasant the faculty consisting thus far only of a principal and one instructor full fully realizing the importance of the worl work assigned them thel feel to express their appreciation of I 1 the generous spirit of the board of trustees of the brigham young academy of provo which surrendered willingly one of their teachers in the middle of a term in order to take charge of this department of the salt academy and permitted the undersigned undersigner under signed to pay occasional visits to this city during school timeto to render any ady necessary assistance to the new enterprise the examination the students have bave been engaged during the past week in written examinations in the various branches of studies the propositions eions tor for these examinations are all on record before us as are arc also all the written answers of the students properly classified the oral examinations today to day clay before you were merely intended to demonstrate to the audience our method of teaching and a conducting classes there are on the she table for inspection besides the copy book compositions examination papers specimens of penmanship and drawing also the general record of the academy the register of studies the term record the theological record the record of examination propositions and the daily pro gramme alg REMARKS day saints of salt lake city having felt fir a long time the want of a school conducted according to the principles of their faith were enabled by the efforts of friends of education to see this academy started last november the faculty fully appreciating precia ting the confidence placed in them to have the orvaul organization zat n of this institution entrusted to their the r charge realize at the same time their vast responsibility which they would not have dared to assume if depending depend it g upon their own capacities alone b but t knowing that this one department is the nucleus of a future academy destined to take a leading part oart in the educational affairs of zion they have accepted the call relying upon the guidance of the holy spirit the co opera tion of all friends of education the confidence of the authorities and the faith and prayers of the whole people there Therea are remore more such institutions institution sto to arise in zion but here at the headquarters of the church israel will naturally look for an institution patronized zed by multitudes of students conducted by faithful teachers supported by the he liberality of the people approved in its labors by the authorities and above all sustained by the blessings of almighty god KARL KAKL G at the conclusion the choir sang try it again and the remainder of the time was placed at the di disposal dosal of president angus M cannon president of afie aca academy demy board of directors apostle franklin D richards Bic hards was first ft called on to address the assemblage he said that it was with pleasure that at he be had bad listened to the exercises on the present occasion when the academy was waa first opened with professor maeser as principal the feeling and spirit which accompanied its organization was one which angered success and gave every encouragement coura gement the speaker congratulated the faculty on the progress the pupils had bad made and the effective work done the great work in which the latter were engaged was extending on every side it was the desire of the speaker that brother maeser maes e r should likewise extend his labors as an aa educator among the people not No tonly only should this class of schools for the moral education of the galt young kunfe be general among the saints of salt lake ke stake but bat throughout zion the they should be conducted according corling to the plan followed by brother maeser a plan which thad been his life study and on page 44 continued from page 42 41 which in his later years was proving a most gratifying success when the faculty of this academy were ready to 4 form a more a advanced d class they would not want for room in which to prosecute their studies the speaker was ready and willing to aid all he could in the work ot of educating the youth of i sister zina Y williams said that as she looked on the pleasant faces of the students she thought of the saying of jesus to his peoples people ye are the salt of ef abe earth 1 she felt that the lord thought it was time that the principles of truth whre taught to the children of the saints they should work while the day lasts and if they improved their opportunities they would look to their time in school as the most pleasant part of their lives this school was only one ot of the many that would be organized in zion the young should look to inward adornment by cultivating their minds they should not follow foolish fashions and violate the laws of nature put but should learn true principles and rise rase above the follies of top the world elder francis Cope jelt highly agrati tied ined at the evidences of success which he had witnessed he felt that when higher classes were formed and accommodations provided the people would iSee that nothing was lacking for their permanent establishment i ape schools on this plan should ue be generally established among toe the people and they would accomplish great things among the young elder A E hyde also appreciated the good that was being done done another department wa was s to be added to the school at the next term and he looked to a time in the near future when an Aca academic demid department would be organized circumstances had prevented v him from doing as mauch ewh ashe as he desired to a s 4 member of the executive committee and the greater patt part of 0 tae work had devolved devolve d on brother dougall but he was desirous of aiding 1 in 11 the ithe f further advancement og 0 the school elder wm win B dougall said the executive committee had endeavored to provide f for or the comfort and congeni I 1 1 ence of the students and thanked the latter for their appreciation of these efforts ila he mention mentioned ed one instance iastan cecii in which this appreciation was shown there kasnot was not a scratch or anything to deface any of the furniture or buildings used py by the school lie he H e exhorted them to t continue e their efforts to obtain knowledge that would benefit them in time and eternity and said that it was intended to organize a higher department as soon as practicable sister zina D t I 1 thought the necessity of educating the wa wag not fully realized among the and alad said saia the value of proper instruction could not be too highly estimated her earnest desire was for the success of ef this class of schools which had been inaugurated under divine inspiration k sister lucy 13 young referred to th the time of her youth when the children of the saints were compelled to hide of attending school those of the present day could coald not ap appreciate the advantages they possessed inthe lr opportunities gort port unities of acquiring knowledge she he exhorted the students to prepare prepa e for the future when the cloud would would pass arpin over the latter day nass saints an t ind and they would be called forth to exercise powers of government and labor for the good of all mankind they should be prayerful and watchful uj ania anU earn to obey all proper pr P r 0 per discipline elder E lder daniel harrington who has been the new dei apartment part aram ment e t organized expressed his desire e to do dg all in his bis ower ower for the welfare of the youth he considered that their moral as well as intellectual faculties should be improved and felt that the safety of religion as well as of government overn ment depended on the pro proper e training ining of the children elder arvin V wm siewart commended the work of the academy an education meant the growth of the whole human being as designed by the almighty and the development and establish est establishment ablis ment 0 of character an eminent educator ha had said that lot ot all the evils of our public lie schools the greatest was the evil of excluding religion this school was without that fault he exhorted the students to strive to become pure and hour honorable arable men and women president angus M cannon spoke in praise of the manner in which w school had been conducted and trusted that the interest in atwould it would continue to increase encouraged those present to look at the future and be prepared to acquit themselves ah as became the sons and daughters ot of god the do doxology was sung and elder daniel harrington Harring tun pronoun pronounced cea the benediction v this evening a party will bergiven be given in the social hall to t the e students and r those who aidea aided in establishing the th as entre academy academy ca 0 on demy monday 6 u the second torm term bof the intermediate d i t department commences |