Show ANOTHER ANTI FRAUD UNVEILED A SHORT time since oance a highly sensational item was spread broadcast over the country by toe the electrio electric flash in re lation to the advent of an alleged mormon elder named baker in chicago with a poly amons family his expulsion from a hotel his demoval to another and his arrest on a charge ol of bigamy were duly detailed we W were perfectly satisfied that the fellow was an unqualified impostor but were not at toe tae time prepared to au supply pee y the proof to establish the fact we are now however enabled to do da so in a manner which shows one of the innumerable w ways a 8 in nw which the e latter atter day saints are slandered and the public lic at a distance imposed upon by unmitigated auti anti mormon frauds in this connection we give space to the following letter FRANKLIN idaho may editor deseret news mr W 0 garrison of preston idaho Ida bolett left his home come to go east but at the time of his bis leaving it was not known what was the object of his departure arture it was commonly reported departure def however that frank larson a pen oen tile of bear lake county idaho hired mr W 0 garrison to go east through the fhe united states to exhibit a mormon polygamous family for which this same F larson gives W U C garrison aper per mouth month and pays transportation por tation from place to place about the of april mr G and family left here on his bis eastern mission his polygamous family consisted of one woman he calls his wife and some four or five dye children by the same woman also another woman known as mrs taylor its it is stated tw tast t she has a husband in england y this husband she has one child she has been living with garrison several years and has bad two children by him but has never been married to him about two years ago garrison Garris was cut off chirch of Jesus Christ of lat ter day saints for adultery when mr garrison and bis his motley train arrived is in ogden they were joined by another woman oman and these constitute the alleged mormon polygamous fai family faintly nily on the of april frank larsons Larso nW C garrison and these three women he calls his wives and eight children arrived in chicago and put pat up at the national Hot elFrank hotel frank larson lareon gentile was registered as elder john nelson utah and garrison as elder joshua baker utah mrs Bak baker erand aad five children dren mrs baker and three children utah mrs baker no children childre iri utah mr garrison while in chicago asserted these women to be his wives and children he was arrested on a charge of bigamy and expelled from the hotel the entire company then removed to the barnes Heuse by byj J B stoddard of ogden and regist registered tred at that house bouse as elder nelson W C and family mrs eliza johnson and J B stoddard the query th in the minds of the people here is wb who is at the head ot of abis grand fraudulent scheme and what to is the object of the exhibition who is furnishing the money to carry on this slanderous imposition Is it the notorious utah lea league ue or some christian association what what next W here is a pretty picture tic picture ture the projector or agent of t this is sensational episode in the annals of anti mormon ism asmis is a 8 Ge gentile litile the principal is an ex mormon expelled from the church for adultery and the alleged mormon polygamous family isan aggregation of such motley constituents that a fitting title by which to properly designate it would be difficult to hit upon just what precise position if any the rev J B stoddard a pet ot of the anti io religions fanatics occupies within the c circle I 1 acle ot of the variegated za domestic domain does not appear it is a pretty correct old saying that birds of a feather flock tc together gether whet iier they be buzzards or snipes ipes the same rule holds balds in relation to te animals whether they be polecats pole cats or S skunks kunk 8 |