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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH , 3m SOUTH CACHE Work is being rapidly pushed on1 the Anderson & Sons Store room 1919 Friday . Aug. 1, building on lower Main Street. The building when .completed, will Entered at the Pootottue ..yrurn, Utah add considerable to the improvea second class mail matter, under the Act ment and appearance of Main of March 3 1879 COURIER Street. J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager Mr. Robt Bradshaw of Shelley, Idaho, one of Hyrums early pioneers, was a Hyrum visitor the forepart of this week. Mr. BradWANTED Chickens, highest shaw has been on a tour visiting his cash price paid. Jensens Grocery, children in different parts of the Adv. country, and stopped off in this Ilyrum. Miss Zina Liljenquist left for Salt city on his return home. Lake the forepart of the week for a The latest returned soldier boys Local News visit with relatives and friends. from overseas, arrived home ThursWANTED Fat and Feeder hogs day. They are J. I. Gunderson Mr. highest market price paid. A. D. and Raymond Quarnstrom. Adv. Gunderson arrived at his home in Allen, Ilyrum. Cotterell, Idaho, on the 22nd, but Mr. Ira T. Williams came down came to Hyrum Thursday to visit from Arco, Idaho, Thursday, for a his brother Oliver and other relashort visit with relatives and friends. tives and friends a few days." Both FOR SALE CHEAP Singer Sew- young men look fine, but expressed ing Machine, latest improved, near- themselves as being pleased to be : ly new. Apply to Mrs. 'Flora B. home again. McBride. Adv. am in the market again for Liberty Bonds. Bring them in the A. A. first two days of the week. Adv. Savage. I JACK HARTEY BLACKSMITH Horseshoeing a Specialty Mr. W. A. Liljenquist who has been confined to his home for sever- Shop Located on Center Street Next to Jensens Coal Yard al days past through an attack of HYRUM appendicitis, is on the improve and able to be about again. Public Needs and Public Obligations T HE ability of a public utility to serve the public depends upon the attitude of the community toward the utility. The initial appearance of a needed utility in a community is always cordially welcomed. It is recognized not only as filling a decided want, but also as an evidence of the growth and development and prosperity of the community. So long as appreciation of the utility finds expression in the publics willingness to grant to the enterprise revenues adequate to meet its honest requirements under efficient management, so long will the utility be able to serve the public satisfactorily. But there must be mutual understanding and mutual confidence. Neither a public nor a private enterprise can build permanent success upon revenues derived from a public that has no faith in nor respect for the institution. The utilitys obligation is to serve; the publics obligation is to create such conditions as will make it possible for the utility to serve. Mrs. E. Nunlist of Idaho Falls, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Allgaier for several days past, has gone to Logan for a short visit, before returning to Idaho Falls. The Telephone Company is subject to the same economic laws and principles as those governing other industries. The permanency and adequacy of telephone service depend upon the same factors as are involved in the security and permanency of every other established Principal Hickman of the Hyrum district schools is here again after an absence of about three months. Mr. Hickman has been engaged in taking school census in Hyrum the past week or two. Mutual understanding of each others needs and mutual willingness to supply such needs will insure adequate and efficient service to the public and financial security to the Company. We take pleasure in making the announcement that your Drug Store has been appointed the Rexallj Agency; in the future we will have a full line of Rexall goods King of all goods. Hyrum Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. Allgaier attended the German Conference held at LoThe meetings gan last Sunday. were largely attended and much enjoyed by the German saints, Bro. Allgaier reports. Dont fail to attend the Fall and Winter Millinery Opening at the Hyrum Millinery Store, Aug. 4th to 15th next. Call in and. inspect their new and stock just arrived. Adv. industry. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company -- The foundation is ready for the new building of the Hyrum Garage Co. adjoining the postoffice. The new building will be of pressed brick and when finished will add greatly to Hyrums business center. Mr. Hyrum Christensen who lias been in Idaho for some time looking after his farm, came home July 24th, to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Dor-the- a C. Bastow of River Height, Logan. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Christine Christensen, and brothers Ezra, Ileber and Wiford, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jensen, and Mrs. Lais Sorensen, all of Shelley, Idaho. County Assessor C. F. Olsen and County Commissioner E. Bergeson returned Friday from a business trip to Salt Lake City, where they went to interview the State Board of Equalization, on the proposed raise, in the valuation of taxable Mr. property in Cache County. Olsen stated to our reporter that before they were through wrestling with the tax question, they had the promise from members of the Board that they would cut the proposed increase in half. This in itself will be a considerable saving to the taxpayer, and should certainly be 0$ O that Columbia Six sold by Nielsen Service Co. Hyrum. Ad. Do you need a 12, 14, or 16 foot Cant Sag Gate? Ask Anderson & Sons Co , Hyrum, for prices. Ad. . Langham Clothes Made by Leopold, Chicago Clothes Can Give You High School Boys of real Pleasure, so why not get those that will assure you the. greatest amount of enjoyment---fo- r instance THATCHER CLOTHES For Younger Young Men Tkey are especially designed for you of 15 to 20 years and we know that they will give you the maximum amount of satifaction at all times. Suits with all the tie style ideas. Close-fittin- v-e- st body-tracin- g, mo- g Seamed waist-line- s. Military backs. dels. Youll like the styles and youl like the fabrics. Thatcher Clothing COMPANY Main Street, - Lagan LOST A Liberty Bond, between the residence of Jens Petersen and Julius Sorenson in the 2nd ward. Finder please leave same at this office and be rewarded. Adv. FOR SALE OR few more hay ranches,-a- t from $50 to $70 an acre, all crops included, if taken at once. Good terms. Enquire of T. L. Pearce, Hyrum. Adv. TRADE-- A $ Drop in and get a cold drink of Soda or Becco or a dish of Ice Cream, it is cold, it is clean and refreshing. Our Line of Candies are always Fresh and the Best 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 SHEPPARD & CO. of Idaho Falls, have a number of very fine farm homes for sale near that city. A letter to them will bring a prompt reply, describing some of these Adv. places. HYRUM DRUG CO. Bids Wanted. YOURS, FOR SERVICE Sealed Bids will be received by Hyrum city for the construction of 180 rods of cement curb and gutter, and 80 rods of cement sidewalk. Plans and specifications may be had from the City Engineer or City Recorder. All bids must be in on or before 9 p. m. Aug. 4, 1919, at which time the city council will meet to consider same, A certified check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany the bids. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the City Council of Hyrum City, Utah. JOHN W. JENSEN, City Recorder. 1919. Adv. 7, July $ j Tires Call and inspect our line of Good-YeAll kinds Tubes, Garden hose and accessories. of oil. We have the kind you use. We also carry the Hood tires, with a 7500 mile guarantee, and the famous Vulca Patches that are izing. Free air day and night and distilled water. Let us charge your battery. ar self-vulcan- -- YOURS, FOR SERVICE Hyrum! Service Station |