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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH WASHINGTON. SUITS AND COATS UTAH BUDGET Thomas J. Mooney did not receive full Justice in his trial at Sun Francisco for alleged connection with the Dr. Junius Seegmiller, 38 years old, died preparedness day" bomb explosion, aca prominent dentist of Richfield, an TERSELY TOLD cording to a report by John B. last week at the hospital following former special agent of the de- Return to Strictly Straight Line SIMPLE AND CHARMING DRESS operation for appendicitis. of Justice, who Investigated partment Predicted. Is Irof. P. E. Peterson Is auditing the "t the case for the government. The books of Cache county from January 1, WEEK'S DO- report, dated November 1, 1918, was 1913, to July 30, 1919, beginning In the A RESUME OF THE submitted to the house in to and of response Contradictions AND OTHER Variety IN THI8 Styles office of Leslie W. Hovey, county INGS a resolution. Between Paris and New York COUNTRIES. treasurer. Secretary Daniels approved Tuesday Provo City is now suffering from Expected to Continue. before the house naval committee a the greatest shortage of water since bill giving Admiral William S. Benson, Differing from the general opinion the past fifty years. According to Important Events of tho Put Seven chief of naval operations, and Rear abroad Is an American authority who the tabulation and flow of the river PreAdmiral William S. Sims, who com- is emphatic on the subject of width in Days Reported by Wire end taken by Water Commissioner manded American naval forces abroad suits and coats and makes the statepared for the Benefit of the Frank Wentz on July 18. during the war, permanent rank as ment that a return to the strictly Busy Reader, The Mountain States Sugar comadmiral. straight line tailored coat is certain. pany of which Ernest It. Woolley is house leaders have de- As this comes from one of the houses Republican INTERMOUNTAIN. president and Ben C. Rich, secretary, cided to call a party caucus to pass on which are not at all extreme and very has decided to change its' name to from France back James O'Neill, the enlargement of the legislative ster-in- well known it carries weight. It is corporation, according to stripes and one with four service No decision was possible, notes a leading fashion correcommittee. filed with the secarticles amended wound stripe and only 18 years old, is reached as to whether the increase spondent, that the next season will see state. of retary from the at Camp Lewis for discharge the same variety of styles and absowould be by four oj two members. Jack Dempsey, the worlds heavyarmy. His papers show he enlisted lute contradictions between Paris and Indications are that the two dreaded pugilistic champion, spoke at weight with his fathers consent when a copy foes of wheat, flag smut and New York that have prevailed for the foreign Bonneville Chion a park grounds in Salt Lake boy in the art department take-all- , will not become widespread last twelve months. : in week the Interests of the Sallast cago newspaper. Paris, quite as much ns China, is a in the United States. United The vation Army home service campaign. The town of Ballantine, on the Hunt-leStates department of agriculture an- place where they do things by oppoAn interesting program was arranged irrigation project near Worden, nounced Tuesday that the two states sites. Having discarded as much for the occasion. Montana, Is threatened with destruct- where these diseases appeared, Indiclothing from the knee downward as Three hundred farmers, at a meetbusiness buildings ana and Illinois, had taken steps which possible, in the warmest of weather ion by fire. Seven held at Bountiful last week signed ing are velvet and had been razed berets wearing would prevent the spread of the dis- they a velvet hats. It is fortunate that there petition for creation of the BonneTelephonic advices from Gold Hill eases. ville a is irrigation district, a project vogue for hats of black tulle and to officers at Wendover, Utah, tell of By a vote of nearly three to one, the which is to furnish water from the countsmart or would Parisian the Juab a murder near Trout creek, housa weary of talk on prohibition. Chantilly river irrigation water for apJordan doomed wear be to velvet but Gold of miles nothing south Hill, y, forty a bill for its enforce- on passed Tuesuay rethe warmest of days unless she proximately 5000 acres of land in the George Harris, a ment, with provisions and penalties so Tuesday morning. southern end of Davis county. a alto sorts hat the is homesteader and former soldier, drastic as to bring from the men who late innovation.giycerined paper killed and Jesse Application was made by the Mounhave to shot leged framed it the prediction that it would of The white velvet Is, tain States Telephone & Telegraph course, very Cone of Trout Creek and to have serithe liquor traffic on much smnrter forever suppress must If one than black, Company last week to the public utiliously wounded James Sabey, a dep- American soil. Lewis wear summer on a velvet ties commission of Utah for a hearing day. sheriff of Callao. uty By a vote of 38G to 37 the house put forth some charming models in in which the company will seek to Definite relief for stockgrowers in the bill providing a leghorn nnd milan, but they proved passed Tuesday have the rates established by Postthe regions of the minimum wage of $3 for all governwho the for too master General A. S .Burleson made Parisian, commonplace northwest was Tuesday ordered by the ment employees except those in the refused to wear them. permanent. Date for a hearing with railroad administration, both in the service. The wage is exclusive One of Lewis best liked models Is the commission has not yet been set. matter of reduced rates on feed going postal bonus of $240 a year of white velvet in a rolling brimmed of the The state road commission is adverinto these areas and on the shipment allowed employees. sailor shape with a huge pouf ot for bids for construction of of livestock out. tising The known casualty toll of the race marabou in white also. It had the about three miles of cement road in Thomas Carroll, engineer, Charles riots which broke out in various sec- merit of looking summery, at least in Provo canyon, commencing at a point R. Hobbs, brakeman, both of Evanston, tions of the national capital Monday color, and does not look ns out of place in the canyon a little below the first Wyo., and Arthur E. Woods, fireman readied three killed and twelve as did some of the velvet high dugway In Wasatch county and of Ogden, were instantly killed at night, which sound in description a seriously wounded, besides numerous 4:13 oclock Monday morning at Cur-vending at the Deer Creek bridge, a minor casualties Inflicted by bricks great deal like our own Greenwich vildistance of 2.92 miles. On account sixty miles east of Ogden, when and other missies. In addition to the lage headgear. of the heavy traffic this year the the boiler of locomotive No. 5008 exof one city detective and the roads have become very poor. Details of the accident are killing ploded. fatal wounding of another by two neBAG TO MATCH Business men of Ogden, through the The superintendent of the HAT THE AND lacking. been three patrolmen had Union Pacific system at Green River gro women, of Ogden, have taken up merchants wounded by negro rioters. Two nehas started an investigation of the exthe matter of raising a fund of $3000 groes' were dead and four others were for the Martha plosion. societys two new dorreported to. be (tying. a dress of yellow voile bead- mitories and cottage for the matron This is Joseph Folkman, 50 years of age, on cent the Federal taxes of 10 per and his son, Lee Folkman, 25 years of ed in blue and white, with a sash of of the home. The decision of the merof grape, apple and logansales gross Folk-maage, were instantly killed; Josie blue; an exquisite creation so sum- chants to render aid and support to Juices have so increased prices 15 years of age, a daughter, was berry the well known organization, which mery and beautiful. to consumers that the - industry Is maintains the home for children, was probably fatally injured, and Gwendolthe house with' announced recently. yn Stewart, 12 years of age ,and Viola threatened meansdestruction, was told HERE TO STAY 0VERBL0USE committee and Prof.. J. C. Hogenson, who for the Knight, 15 years of age, were serious- ways of Washinga by delegation Monday ly injured, when a Utah-Ida- h seven years has been connected Central ton and past the Forecasts Show Garment and Fashion repOregon congressmen electric interurban car crashed into the with the Utah Agricultural college as Is to Be One of the Popular of the industry. A tax Folkman automobile at the Harrisville resentatives state leader of junior vocational work, . Fall was 2 cents a gallon or less, Adjuncts. urged road crossing near Ogden, Utah, five of extension and as such established an at presthat miles north of here, at 4:55 oclock the spokesmen declaring international seems of It that One reputation for expert and garment type ent prices sales were decreasing rap Saturday afternoon. efficient to has accepted a new pothe advise work, safe average perfectly Five persons were instantly killed idly. sition with the college. Henceforth comto now with woman the purchase Housewives are rather fed up with aud a sixth so fortable assurance that it may be worn he will be in charge of farmers' inbadly injured that his congressional investigations of the life is despaired of when an interur when fall comes around is the long stitutes, handling agricultural correhigh cost of living and would prefer bau electric car ran into an automoor blouse. These blouses spondence work. of remedial enactment legislation, bile Sunday are rather expensive just Somewhat of a departure from the unfortunately evening at 6:10 oclock at a railroad crossing four miles north Miss Jessie Haver, legislative reprenow, and Mrs. Average Woman will practice of former years will be made sentative of the National Consumers of Nampa, on. the hesitate a little before purchasing a in the convention of district school a electric line. The dead are Mr. and Mrs. league, wrote Saturday to Representagarment. superintendents of Utah, to be held at tive Tinkham of Massachusetts. Mr. F. Ullery of Blouse makers have announced that the capitol, August 8 and 9. HeretoNampa and their Tinkham has introduced a bill approdaughters, Lina, aged 16, and May, they have confidence in the continued fore speakers from among the superininfor a nation-wid- e aged 12, and Mrs. Charles D. Sellaber-ge- r priating $30,000 vogue of this type of blouse, now that tendents have been assigned to various quiry into living .costs. American women have finally agreed subjects of interest. In the of Nampa. A novelty ftappy summer hat, lined present to give It a real tryout, and because of case the FOREIGN. for preIn rose with a band of that shade. The principal resposibility DOMESTIC. are this confidence they bringing ouf, It is possible that former Emperor The navy rifle subjects will be placed on the range near Caldwell, William may not be tried in London, bag (to match) Is soft, with a lining or planning to bring out in the fall senting state supervising staff. and Chinese beads. where the national rifle matches of rose, strings lines, long blouses that will be sold at were to be held in according to an announcement made in At a mass meeting of the August under the the house of lords by Earl Curzon of reasonable figures. of Salt Lake county, held in auspices of the navy department was Water. Javelle Therefore the woman who does not flooded last night when the Passiac Keddleston, government leader in the Midvale last week, about 200 persons is fine for removing care to wait until fall for her water This liver overflowed its banks. upper house. Take one pound of sal soda blouse may watch for special and were in attendance, representing every of reconstruction Loucher, stains. Minister IV of section of the county. chloride lime. of to worth arnings Mexicans were Thursand 5 cents bargain sales and lay in as many as day found posted on the walls of sev- has begun negotiations with Baron von Put them In an earthen bowl, pour two she likes without fear that the fall will A resolution was unanimously adopted Volsner on the question of the coal eral business of soft boiling water over them find the garment laid on the shelf by asking the government to remove all buildings at Nebraska which is to supply to France quarts water is best). Let It settle, Dame Fashion. Germany City, Neb. This inclination of restrictions on the price of wheat, They were placed there under the terms of the peace treaty. (rain during the night. then pour off the water and bottle it. blousemakers to stabilize what has up pointing out that from present indicaTlie first hitch in Eight hundred natives were killed It will remove fruit stains and even to the present season been a decided tions the wheat crop of the county negotiations beSoak till stain disap- novelty seems to Indicate clearly that would be 50 per cent or more under tween Pacific coast Iron tradesmen and 1600 wounded during the recent indelible ink. disturbances in Egypt, according to pears; then quickly wash in warm the long blouse has arrived and that It normal. and employers of shipyard labor for from Gen. E. H. H. Allenby. water. a new is here to stay. , The merchants of Ogden passed a working agreement was appar- dispatches de Yalera, president of the ent when the Eamonn resolution protesting against the employers expressed opIrish republic, was' presented Mon- FAD FOR STRIPED CRETONNES position to a coast-wid- e of the state board of equaliproposal bordered with narrow agreement, black silk, and announced a at San Francisco, with an ento increase the assessment ratpreference for indi- day braid, and a black silk tassel swings zation vidual contracts with each district graved sword by a representation of Considered from each corner of the square, when ing of merchants in Ogden and Weber Effects Are Pleasing council, of which there are six on the the Hindustan Gadar party. With it Smarter for Hall, Living Room-an- d It Is thrown over the foundation shade county 100 per cent and farm propcoast. he received a silk flag of the Irish the Porch. which is of chiffon. erty 25 per cent. The resolution will be presented to the state board at Salt About thirty families does show not The were made republic. orange by day, but that there was a moveThere Is a fad for striped upholster-ing- s Declaring lomeless and a fire a soft glow through the thin Lake. captain lost his ment on foot to depose the governthis year and just now these gives silk cover fe in a blaze when the lamp is blue Charging that freight rates on gasofifteen that destroyed the president of Honduras in striped effects are considered smartline and other petroleum products to frame houses occupied by ment, lighted. room and porch, er, for hall, living outh Chicago steel workers Thurs-u- council of ministers has issued a deSalt Lake and intermountain points existence of a state than the flowered patterns that are the cree declaring are night. unreasonably high and discrimin. Soap Experiments. Stop Captain Hugh Murray, of war, according to a dispatch re- reserved for sleeping rooms. Some of the Utah State Automobile asnot does with atory, commanding an engine company, was agree Soap every have great ceived at the state department. The the broadly striped designs overcome by smoke and died. a with few sociation, Indeed, through the Traffic Service exceptional no details and Acting dignity and character and they do skin; Bureau no of can be The first bale of 1919 cotton was dispatch gave used at soap sensitive, Utah, will shortly file suit ly Secretary Phillips announced that the give a room a certain distinction a substitute must be found, with the Interstate Commerce comand Ruined at all of newness their Seeley, Calif., Wednesday, department had cabled for further inprobably because nnd was sold borax, creams; these mission, seeking a rate adjustment. immediately for 35 cents formation, that is fancied at the moment more Soap allpowders, be tried, and when a woman John W. Jacobs of Williamsport, Pa., may flowered Pound, with a bonus of $25 and all of chintz. A wireless dispatch received from than the gayety with such a skin finds the one she recently appointed secretary of the ginning costs. It brought a sum In a has smart pattern A specially Moscow, dated Tuesday, says a Bol can use she should stop trying ex Utah Public Health association by the excess of $200. ground with very wide stripes shevikl wireless message received nnd stick to that one. executive committee, has taken up his perlments Frank L. Polk, center of the down and of there asserts that Ukranian red troops of deep blue, duties. A campaign for the improve8tate sailed runs a narrow, blue each stripe New York from Monday have captured Konstantinograd, forty An Blouse. Attractive ment of health conditions is being arA black. of !!n tlie country for miles southeast of Poltava, and that definite stripe steamship Imperator cance to take the to French is have in ranged by the association. room batiste, pale pink going color, house living place of Secretary the Toles occupied Tarnopol Monday. covers of this blue, fashions another attractive blouse. It Alex Hunt, 20 years old, of Roosechair ansing at the peace conference. and curtains is acute. The German coal situation cretonne, used Is finely tucked and hemstitched velt, was Instantly killed by coming Vorkers on the black and nation-wid- e elevated famine threatened. is A surface, u subway car lines in Berlin and The railways have only enough fuel with a deep blue rug, some pieces of throughout the body and has little In- Into contact with a live electric wire. so electricians and gas workers, went for ten days left. All the great Ger- old, beautifully polished mahogany, sets of the batiste and embroidery in He was at work on the Uintah Power 8lrilie Monday in nd lamp shades of deep blue printed old blue. The tucked jabot and collar $ Light companys line when the accisympathy with man industries are threatened with to 8 are in one nnd are edged with Val- dent happened. He had been with tha eiik. internal demonstration. because of the lack of coal. of enciennes lace. are squares merely Those shades company for two years. Dens-mor- e, . g y drought-stricke- n war-tim- e o, n, over-the-skl- rt Boise-Namp- wheat-growe- over-the-ski- rt wheat-growin- g : , orange-colore- y . tan-colore- d under-secretar- y tan-stripe- tie-u- p d d rs |