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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE COURIER Suits for $1.25, at Adv. Hyrum Clothing Co. Friday, June 8, 1917. Dr. Eliason and T. W. Hutton, Entered at the Poatoffice at Hyiutn,- - Utah, our druggist, took a spin up Black ai aecond clau mail matter, under the Act smith Fork Canyon Friday afterof March 3 1879 noon on a pleasure trip. Dry-Cleane- d Boys blue overalls rum Clothing Co. 75c at Hy- Adv. Mr. Thos. Adamson came in from Pocatello valley the forepart of the week for a short visit with family and friends, and incidentally to welcome the new daughter which Mr. C. F. Olsen was called to J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager came to gladden their home last Paradise Tuesday evening to deliver 6th. a patriotic speech, at a meeting held Wednesday, June Loccl News there in honor of , Registeration For Fire' Insurance go to Hans Day. Mikkelsen, Hyrum Tithing Office, Mrs. Clara Williams and Miss Suits made to order for $15.00. Jennie Christiansen left for Salt Adv. Lake City, Thursday morning to Hyrum Clothing Co. attend the M. I. A. and Primary Mens blue overalls SI. 25 at Conferences. Adv. Hyrum Clothing Co. Mr. J. W. Simpkins, representing 5th to 10th FOR SALE 2 good city lots on the Western Dental & Surgical reasonable terms. See Roheit Supply Co., of Salt Lake City, made via Baxter, Hyrum. a pleasant call oh Dr. Hubbard, our OREGON SHORT LINE local dentist this Friday afternoon. Look out for the new 0. L. & I. (Union Pacific Systen'l R. R. train schedule to take effect A new O. L. & I. R. R. train June 10th. schedule will be effective June 10, FOR You can buy a Liberty Bond at 1917. Important changes in train the Hyrum State Bank for $5.00 a schedules have taken place on the Electric Line. See detailed display month any time before June 16th. Adv, containing full information.' Conventions f ft Fishermans Headquarters ? CAME LICENSE f Salt Lake City June T LINES POLES RODS SPINNERS AMMUNITION ?T daughter arrived at the Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hall and cbi home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Allen ren came in from Pocatello valley last Wednesday, All concerned are last Saturday. Mr. Hall went back See Agents for rates on the improve. on Monday while the family will and further details. WANTED to exchange a small visit with relatives and friends a work horse for a larger one. Will short time. tmiimmwmn:nnmnnmanmKro pay the difference. Smith Bros. Lumber Company, Hyrum. Phone 19. Adv. t THATCHERS are equipped to furnish all kinds of mens OF ALL FLIES REELS KINDS T ? ? t? T t t9 t ? t ff t Will Pay I t For Veal, 14 Je. For Hogs, 16c. For any Live Stock Good and Fat The Highest Market Price. ' In a letter received by Cashier H. W. ' Oakes of the Hyrum State Bank, from Mr. Soren Hansen of Hollywood, Cal., he states that he is eating green corn every day. "It makes my mouth water to read about all these good things, says Mr. Oakes. HOOKS . LEADERS HYRUM DRUG CO. Y.M. &Y.LM.1.A. A fine GOODS VERI-BES- T t tt t Excursions to ')! . FOR YOUR . Wagons or Farm Implements OF ANY KIND Ovtdoor Clothes, Overalls, Khaki Pants, Curderoys, Work Hats for the Field, Work Shoes for Men and Boys, in fact GO TO R. A. ELIASON if it cannot be found at THATCHERSS, it will be hard to find anywhere. . HYRUM 5 $ This Sale Begins Saturday, June 9th, and Ends J - O KTE are overstocked in all Summer Merchandise. .We must unload regardless pf prices. Our policy has been to never carry goods over from one year to another, more especially since the styles have changed so often. We feeFthaJ, we would rather give you the, benefit in the way of offering you Big Inducements, in high class merchandise, for Low Prices. We made great preparations in the way of large purchases for the Spring and Summer of 1917, knowing that merchandise was going to be scarce and prices soaring upwards almost daily. It is almost unbeliveable that hundreds of articles have doubled in value since we purchased them six months ago. Our policy has been, t doesnt matter bow bigb an article may go, as long as we can make a living Profit, wo are perfectly willing to give our customers the full benefit of our living profit and the full benefit of our anticipation and foresight. As you know this season is very backward, and we feel that we have only four weeks left to sell off our Summer Goods. Therefore we are willing to Make Great Sacrifices in Every Department of our Store, m Order to Sell Our Goods. Don t Forget the Date of the Sale Commencing June 9th, and Ending June 23rd. MAKE THIS DATE OF THE SALE A HOLIDAY. You Have Never Before Been in a Position to Save Many Dollars on Your. Purchases as You Will Have in This Particular Sale. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND CHILDREN. a$ -- t8t Special Inducements to Chautauqua Visitors There is no doubt but what many of the out of town people will visit Logan during Chautauqua Week and Great Preparations are being made had the pleasure of listening to many Great Speakers and Entertainers. It will for those who have never surely pay you to come to Logan for that Occasion, as well as the Special Inducements we have to Offer You in this Great Unloading Sale. dollars do worth to a want not If you buy of goods from us, we want you to come and visit., our Store and see for yourself what inducements v WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU, AT THIS SPECIAL SALE. Logan, Utah E LEWI TIIEISTORE THAT SAVES YOU Opp. Tabernacle MONEYS Q 0 $ |