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Show V- 61. f V I t j .c rLi Courier OUTH VOL. - VIII. NO. 28 Hyram Cache County, Ctah, Friday June 8, 1917. Additional Locals Pioneer Lady W 6 Are at Registration Happenings Panama Hats $3.50 at War-in ' Adv. At Laid at Rest of the Week Hyrum Clothing War! Day Hyrum $5.00 Co. Dr? Cutler was down from Your lives have been peaceful, In accordance with the wishes Mens Dress Shirts 59c. Hyrum Shelley, Idaho, for a short visit with Funeral services over the remains his this week. of State family Nation, disturbed Executives i trivsheltered, of by only Adv, of Sister Julia Peterson were held Clothing Co. and City, Registration Day was ial things since babyhood. You from Mr. returned Robt. Baxter in the 3rd ward, chapel last Friday Mr. Ezra Nielsen returned from in have observed never the Hyrum Lake this June 1st, at 2 p. m. awful Weiser, Idaho, th;3 Friday where, a business trip experienced honorably shattering devastations, the black he has been looking into some-lsi&last Tuesday. afternoon. Friday Bp. James J. Facer presided and Most of the business houses horrors, the stunning blows to propositions. J v5Jr, O. E Petersen went to Salt the ward choir furnished approprb, ' j were closed and flags were flying all who have builded, the blasttwo of the pieces being a number of our advanced Lake on Thursday last to attend the ate singing, Quite business houses all of all the gigantic, ing from nearly hopes, her husbands, Mr. H. H. Petersens well : s teachers, are M. I. A. Conference. disasters which students as and residences in the city, and overwhelming own compositions. s Miss Lizzie Walker of Arco, attending Summer School in was offered by Elder Jas. quite a patriotic . feeling was WAR has always brought from Prayer at present. Logan, Idaho, is visiting in Hyrum as the L. Jensen, and the speakers were . manifest, and all seemed to par- the very dawn of history. To you WAR is only a word Mrs. P. V. Christainsen and guest of Miss Bell Williams. take of a real holiday spirit. Elders W. A. McBride, O. M. WilThat considerable patriotism of three letters which may mean daughter Alice are here from San FOR SALE a good, single buggy son and C. F. Olsen, Bp. Facer was displayed is evident from the something to very remote people, Gabriel, Cal., for a short visit and harness. Apply to Mrs. Lovina making the closing remarks, thank-al- l with parents and friends. Adv. fact that the main registration but not to you. R. Murray, Hyrum. who had given their aid and asBe within warned! the required age Awake! of those Arise! FOR SALE CHEA- P- The FOR SALE a few choice young sistance in making the occassion a was filed before noon, and as far The flames are lit! The Horror Soren ' Hanson Lome on Main pigsbetween 2and 3 months old. pleasing one. as we could learn no attempt was is loose! And you must stand at Street. Close to High School, A. D. Allen. Phone 153-w- . Every speaker dwelt at some Ad. made to evade the law of regis- the gate and summon all your suitable for boarding house or length on the useful and examplary Dr, and Mrs. Bernheisel of Lewis- life led tration by anyone. strength to keep the Wolves hotel. Also good building lots, by the deceased, which was the Hyrum, ton, Sunday in, spent The Military Band was out away. close to High School. Apply to worthy' of emulation for those to guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. follow, who were called You think we are safe from in- Jas. J. Facer, Hyrum. and did much to enthuse the upon to Hutton. ; vasion no foe of that can come mourn the loss of a kind and effect-iona- te patriotism by playing spirit The Golden Hqar Club met at Messrs. Hans Weeding and Less patriotic airs at the polling places. thundering over our borders with the residence of Mrs. G. W Goodhue mother. awful in 150 of this About returned Thursday from a destruction in Blacksmith Fork engines services The were impressive, 'of registered Jessop, Canyon, last which could Lake Bear turn to business our the homes into , a city; trip simplified nature, and were well afternoon. The ladies The day closed with a dance smoldering ruins in an hour. Thursday Country. attended. a very enjoyable afternoon, at at. the Elite Halit which was You think no hostile aircraft can spent A long procession of automobiles Remember the Big Misfit Party the close of which .the annual elect-o- f float noiselessly above you while quite well attended. at the 2nd ward meeting house next followed the remains to the cemeofficers took place. you sleep, dropping bombs that God Wednesday evening. . Admission tery, where the choir sang A force of men and teams are at would - shatter your houses to 7 till meet with be we All should 5c. you attend. again, only matchwood and crumbled stone work grading arid fixing 2nd East while the casket was being lowered. Mgr. Brigham Maughan of The and your bodies to quivering frag- street at the intersection of Main grave was dedicated by Bro. Z. the Wellsville Co op and James and is work 1st The North. being ments of meat. W. Israelsen. Mr. Magnus Markusen and Miss bloody done under the direction of super- Bradsliaw of Wellsville wereVHyi Is there an ft Sister Petersen was the wife of Jane Jones, two of the prominent gun rum business visitors this wiek. and John Holm visor Jensen. Mayor here to drive them H. H. Petersen, a. former musician away? No! young people of Hyrum were marMr. Jesse'Wilson is at home again adds another big improvement and composer of marked ability and ried June 6th, in the Logan Temple. Or a mighty searchlight to spy This to the citys thoroughfares and orte after taking'treatment at the Utah for many years one of the foreIn the evening a bounteous din- them out among the midflight that is entitled tq the universal Idaho Hospital the past four weeks most choir leaders of northern ner was given at the residence of clouds? No! He reports Utah.--- , for stomach,, trouble. thanks of v':e pivbjic. Do yonvrent this Mi.ny of Mr. Petersens .her uncle Mr. Egbert Batten The fine. feeling Then it. for Awake! Willard won help Petersen the pay tables were tastefully decorated compositions are being widely used suit We Arise! meet will The are Work Club WAR! at and appear in all the musical, standFancy with cornations and single peonias. last Saturday night at the Hyrum Who knows what a month may Clothing Co. This is the 2nd at Williams Economy Store next ard publications of the church, The rooms were decorated with bring forth? Who foresaw the suit that Mr. Petersen has won. Thursday at 2 p. .m. All interested which will be a lasting monument white and purple lilacs. in fancy work are cordially invited to his integrity as a musician. There were about fourty friends kaleidoscopic changes in Europe? The suit club seems to be gr ' Adv. The Russian revolution? and relatives present. ing judging from the crowd that to be present. What new nations may be attended the drawing last Satur.The evening was spent in music Messrs. W. A. Liljenquist and W. OBITUARY and social chatting, until midnight brought into this world conflict? day night. There is a drawing H. Shaw are doing a rushing busiMrs. Julia Maria Petersen, nee And how near our borders may every Saturday at 8:30 and some ness for the Studebaker and Conwhen all returned home. Mr. C. J. Jensen andRoy Baxter the danger be? The world is body gets a suit. Join the club solidated implement companies re- Larsen, was born at Elsinore, Denmark, Dec. 7, 1835; hence, at the aflame and we are at WAR and and get yours. were the star actors. spectively. time of her death, was over 81 years The young people were the recip- still unprepared. H- Mr. Rich Eliason motored out to The Misses Anna xMiles of Para- old. She was the mother of four Awake! Arise! The call has ients of many beautiful and useful Pocatello valley Thursday. He was dise, Pearl Jensen and Lillian Wilchildren, three sons and a daughcome! Your banks, your busipresents. accompanied by his father, Mr. son who left June 3rd, to ter all of whom servive her. In The Courier .joins with 'their ness men, your city builders, Gustaff Eliason, and Mrs. John C. attend Summer School aj Albion, 1862, she became a member of the many friends in wishing them happi- men of careful thought and wide Nielsen, who will remain out there Idaho, stoped off at Pocatello, where Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y ness and prosperity in their wedded information, have been given the for Mr. Eliason says they were met by Miss Lela Ward the summer. Saints; and shortly after, as ALARM to pass on to you. life. that the valley looks considerably formerly of this city, who most emigrant on board ship, was marOur hearts are stout, our courdifferent than it did 20 years ago royally entertained them till next ried to H. H. Petersen by Patriarch age proved, our minds are clear,, when he and his brother John first Miss Grace Anderson of this city, Albion. when left for O. W. Liljenquist.' After an unthey day, our cause is just. It is in our went in there and and Mr. George Darley oD We explored it. .The We are indebted to Russell Han eventful ocean voyage and journey deadly, wicked indifference, our , crops look fairly well, and piWpq,,s sen for the were married in the Logan false presentation to us of a by train overland, to Florence, Neb.-,security, our blindness and for a harvest big aregood. Temple on Wednesday June 6th. our SLEEP that number of fine oranges and lemons she and her husband, as did so many danger, lies. In the evening the brides mother, Mrs. Soren Hansen, two daught Awake! Arise! brought with him from California, others, set out on foot for the Land Mrs. Maria Anderson, entertained a Lake City where We must arm. We must pre- ers and son Russell, arrived in this some of them from their own or- of Promise--Sa- lt number of their relatives and ' Oct. 26, 1862. ' After pare! We must arm the nation city lact Sunday from California. chard. Mr. Hansen says that the they arrived friends at her home in the 1st ward. with all the costly scientific new Russel has. just recently been re- best oranges are only about 75c. a having dwelt in different parts of A delicious supper was served and discoveries of warefare. We leased from performing Missionary case in Frisco,' and sometimes less. the state Manti, Gunnison, Salt a very pleasant evening spjmt. must feed millions now fighting labors in California and Arizona, A very nice program was ren- Lake and Brigham, she, in 1868, The young people were the recipfor us in the field. We must being sent from the Hyrum 3rd dered at the 3rd ward in honor of settled at Hyrum where, on May ients of many beautiful presents. 29th last, she peacefully passed provide the money we must sub- Ward, where they resided previous- the home coming of Elder RusCongratulations and best wishes for scribe the ly to their moving to Hollywood, sel Hanson last Liberty Loan. Thursday eve. away. their future welfare were showered exand Mrs. Cal. Hansen children The call has come! Awake! Quite ,a large crowd was present, upon them, in which the Courier Take part and put your BACK pect to visit in Hyrum for about a and all who were on the program Miss Thera Petersen has just heartily, joins. month before returning to Cal. into it. Arisel rendered their parts in an excel- received word from Miss Francy, They intend to make tleir future BUY A LIBERTY BOND The missionary who is Secretary of the Salt Lake The FaHoeha swarm of the Hy- lent manner. home at Portage, Utah. ' . rum 1st ward, took a hike Friday committee deserve credit for mak- Division of the Red Cross OrganiMr. A. M. Israelsen "returned June 8. A delicious dinner was ing the occasion such a success zation, that she will not be able to go with the 1st Unite of Red Cross New-- Big Wednesday from an extended trip prepared at Christiansens raLch in on such short notice. In which local the mention of Mt. after Basil Nurses from Salt Lake but may West counties all Sterling, many East, through in and South of Salt Lake City, hav- interesting games were played. McBride our last issue the word possibly go with the 2nd Unit. No should have read Red Cross Nurse who is not activeing made the trip in company Supper was served at the mill race ostopathy The is with his son O. W. and several in Paradise hollow. Chiropractor" which the exclus- ly engaged in hospital work or girls sucWednesday evening June 13th, 8:30 s term used in hia profession and something similar at the time of ive while C. on U. in ceeded A. of the other filling proffessors P. m. at the Second Ward Meeting Extention Division, for the pur- the hike. The Bee keepers are in justice to him we make this cor- the call will be called upon to go to House. Refreshments will be sold. Miss Dr. McBride Allen rection. and Mrs. left for Charlotte Salt Pearl of the a Agricultpose inspecting Foreign Country on emergency Admission to dance 5c. Everybody ural situation and land available Allen, and the members of, the Lake last Monday, where he will work, unless they run short of invited. for cultivation in those parts of swarm are: Mildred Wright, Nellie practice in partnership with Dr. nurses. The Salt Lake nurses have the State of Utah. We expect to Allen, Helen Williams, Emma Mill- Wootton, of that city. The Courier not received word from Washington Join the suit club. Hyrum Cloth get adetailed account of the coun- er, Trilby LiljenquistMable Larsen joins with his many friends in wish yet as to when theyare to leave th:a iTig CoAdv. try visited by these gentlemen. and Viola Olsen. , , month. ing him success. , in-Sa- vf ' - Wedding Bells anti-aircra- . T.-otectio- - - - - Something Misfit Dance five-cell- - |