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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH CONTROL CORN ENEMY R0.u7s.pt.orfi Keep Kids IClecn Tbmo4(wec.!. WMApMa I to nnncnta arm iDTntaa.f Syewt o(ae. Madem one ptoce with to slop drcuUoo deoim, end' Mede m blue blue tad white fetes , trod, .blue Ian or atdr eU approMi-vrU- n last-col- or Cil nannents made b lea. Dtiftdi neck vitn elbow steerei foe high neck and long deem 85c the suit i If your dealer cannot supply you we will send them.charaes prepaid on receipt of price, 65c each. Satisfaction guaranteed or ' Modi h Leri Straus asnt FpE Beware of Imkatiooa. Leek for the Tw Honea on me Label, Sc Co San Francisco Awardad GRAND PRIZE I at tha P.P.I.E. of all kind bought and sold. If iivanm III baa. any to aellorwantto If 1 S BK you parLUlilUlall purchase any write, firing S. Job Dept.. Buflalo, I. Kilaa dk ticulars. i. Jro. KJOT'atSa Kuln at a. noth at., iw Sheet Music Bargain ii . stoat , catalog of muiio. r. saw INDIVIDUALS NEEDS IN FOOD As to the Suitability of the Diet Every Man, Woman and Child Is a Law to Himself. One condition of good digestion is that the food presented to the stomach be suitable to the individual, that it be sound, well Cooked and not excessive in quantity. As to the suitability of the sort of food, every man, woman and child Is a law to himself, and much of the Indigestion deplored Is caused by kindly tyrants, who insist on their family and guests eating what suits the tyrant and not the victims. One robust and genial head of the household of active habits and outdoor occupations thrives on a large allowance in which meat is a chief constituent. This diet he most generously wishes to impose on all his family, but what Is to happen to the overthe exhausted financier, wrought schoolmaster or the woman who gets mental stimulus and little exerTheir digestive apparatus cannot be immediately adapted to a supply so unwonted in quantity and quality, and if they weakly consent so to overtax their stomachs grief is assuredly not far away. Exchange. much cise? The department of agriculture mates that only 27 per cent of the tillable land of continental United States is actually under .cultivation. According to this estimate, 60 per cent of the total area of continental United States, or 1,140,000,000 acres, is tillable, or capable of being brought under the plow. This includes large areas not yet cleared, but sure to be in the future. An additional 19 per cent of the whole, or 361,000,000 acres, is considered valuable for grazing or for fruits, though not for cropping. According to the last census, in 1910, the land area in crops was 311,000,000 acres, about esti- 27 per cent of the tillable area, leaving per cent still to be brought under cultivation. This does not suggest any immediate danger of food scarcity. 73 For motorists who smoke, a new electric torch is equipped with a cigar lighter on one side. ItniOSPITAL for-mu- la I super-cream- y I . 23-19- 17.' crop is removed, It should be deeply plowed and thoroughly cultivated before sowing new crop. The interposing of a crop not se verely attacked by wireworms, such as field peas and buckwheat, between sod and corn would materially reduce the number of wireworms In the soil when corn Is planted. Corn wireworms generally are con fined to poorly drained, or heavy and . Sorrel. sour soil. In many cases of this kind, after the land was tile draihed the useful for killing sorrel If planted in injury ceased. No direct relationship checkrows and cultivated with a spike-toot- h between draining and disappearance cultivator. of wireworms can be ascertained, but Either buckwheat or common millet, sown In June, allows spring and early they usually go together. sqmmer cultivation and produces a FARMERS SHOULD KEEP BEES dense shade during the later months of the year. Grain fields should be Careful Study and Little Effort Will harrowed Immediately after harvest and again at Intervals during the rest Make Pursuit Both Interesting of the season so that sorrel will not and Profitable. go to seed In the stubble. I bee and of its the A careful study Egg Problem Solution. life and habits and a little effort to Cold storage is not the only solution to of those actions the ones adjust bees will soon make beekeeping both of the egg production. Early hatched an- - interesting and profitable pursuit. pullets of the American breeds that beis one that promEvery farmer should produce his gin to lay in the fall In order to change to make ises good. of and own supply honey by keeping an on incubator will hens the dates a few stands of for properly caring probably be needed. bees. Every Farmer Should Have Cellar, Storehouse or Refrigerator to ' Save Surplus Crops. POSTUia before the harm is done. Tbsre's a KeascaM A For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria lull 'ililill min .ALCOHOL-- 3 Farmers lose much every year because their facilities for storing' perishable foods are poor. . Every farm home should have a cellar, storehouse and refrigerator so the surplus foods may be saved till such a time as they may be consumed. The fact that producers have Inadequate facilities for saving perishable products gives speculators advantages, Wire for Rabbits. Watch the orchard closely for rabbit injury. A wire tree protector Is a splendid protection against both rah bits and sun scald. PER CENT. a AVedable PrcparatiwifcrAs 7 similatingtheFood by tinathftStnmadis and Bowels oj , M Thereby PromotingDigcstion RestContain , Cheerfulness and 1 Si$ Always Signaturey Do not use sweat pads. Keep collars clean of dandruff and dirt, especially if soreness develops. Sponge the shoulders of work horses with cold water at night after work. If they are sweaty ' at noon, sponge at noon also. Care should be taken In fitting collars on work horsfs. Many collars are too big or too loose. If the withers are fat or especially full, the fitting of collars will need extra care. Good Cow Barn Pays. Lime for Sweet Clover. The lime requirement of sweet clover as high as that of red clover or is Oats to 8ow. Maximum growth Is obtained alfalfa. Eight pecks of oats to the acre is or only on soils that are not add. ' dlnarlly the most profitable amount of oats to sow, as determined by many Business men In the city keep books. tests. How Is the farmer to know Whether It will pay to have a good barn for his business is a success If he doesn't keep books? the dairy cow, . f $ neither 0piutn.MrpMnC hr; Iineral. NotNahcotic jfoefrafimtMMmPftEB. Pumpkin Stai , MxStuum II it Jtochtlk SeJtt ,SmbJwbAJ In Warm Slid ClarifiedSugar fflritTjrrtn flavor Use AhelpfulRemedyfor Diarrhoea Constipation and and Feverishness and SLEEP OF meriting For Over thercfrom-inlmancy- SHOULDERS , Bears the loss HORSES is to change from coffee to WEEKS ' TO STORE PERISHABLE FOODS 1-lo-ve Rapid Change. Katie had never seen her uncles FOUR More General Use of Crop Hindered and one day she was taken to the town where they lived. She met one by Lack of Knbwledge Nearly of theiii the first day she came. Here ae Valuable as Corn. Extremely Difficult to Eradicate Is your uncle, dear: Kiss him and Injurious Wireworms. Sorghum as a farm crop has been tell him how glad you are to see him," generally underestimated. Corn is fre- said her mother. Katie did as she was bidden and the No Relief Mrs. Brown Fin quently grown and used under condinext Insect Begin day another man came in and Operations Early In tions wherein Borghum would be a ally Cured by Lydia E. went through the same mother Soon much more valuable crop. The deAfter Planting In. 8prlng, Pinkham's Vegetable of greeting. tested Soil Should Be Deep, partment of farm crops of the Missouri uncle? Is this my My, said Katie, College of Agriculture Is of the opinion ly Cultivated. Compound that a more general use of sorghum is How you have changed since yesterInjury tq corn by wireworms occurs hindered by. a lack of Information con- day I" For years I sufCleveland, Ohio. In early spring, soon after planting. cerning the crop, by the fact that unso sometimes it seemed as though fered Mental Improvements. If the seed does not sprout, or the der certain very exceptional conditions I could not stand young corn plants wither and die sorghum becomes poisonous to stock, Say, Elmira, whos that chap comit any longer. It down, the cause is generally wire and by the opinion that the crop is ing here so much evenings? was all in my lower worms. Land that has been in grass hard on land. The last two hindrances Hes a man, pa, Ive engaged to Imorgans. At times I often Is crowded with these larvae, are by no means Serious. prove my mind. Hes a professor In could hardly walk, which collect on corn hills, eating Aside from Its special use for sirup the school of Eros. for if I stepped on a "What were you doing last night, littlo stone I would "a sorghum owes Its value as a general farm crop to three outstanding charac- when Benny said you and he made a almost fain.t One teristics of the plant In the first noise that sounded like kissing? day I did faint and place, the sorghum plant, pound for Why, pa, we were only going my husband was sent for and the docpound, Is nearly as valuable for feed- through some osculatory exercises. tor came. Iwasta- That so? Ill tan that little rasing as corn. Again, under conditions to the hospital. favorable for the growth of corn, sor- cals hide, blame him ken r and stayed four weeks but when I came ghum will outyleld corn as forage (inborne I would faint just the same and. cluding ensilage) and will compare HEAL ITCHING SKINS In corn of with had the same pains. favorably yield grain.' Finally the ability of sorghum to with- With Cuticura Soap and Ointment A friend who is a nurse asked me to stand adverse conditions, especially Heal Fail. When Others try Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable ComThey drought, makes the crop an extremely pound. I began taking it that very day reliable one for the production of feed. better, quicker, safer, sweet- for I was suffering a great deal. It has Nothing Since the greatest use of sorghum er for skin troubles of young and old already done me more good than the is for feed, Its value must be reckoned the itch, burn, crust, scale, ' torture hospital. To anyone who is suffering in Its ability to produce feed. The va- or disfigure. Once used always used as I was my advice is to stop in the first rieties of sorghum are divided into two because these and get a bottle of Lydia E. emollients drug-stor- e groups, sweet or saccharine and grain tend to Pinkhams Vegetable Compound before beskin little troubles prevent or nonsaccharine. The sweet sorghums Mrs. W. C. BROWN home. you go are grown for forage, pasturage, silage, coming serious, if used daily. Ohio. W. 12th 2844 Cleveland, St, Free sample each by mall with Book. and as soiling crops while the grain Address Cuticura, Dept. L, DONT CUT OUT sorghums are grown chiefly for grain. Boston. ' postcard, Sold everywhere. Adv. One of the Corn Wireworms (Melano-tu- s A Shoe Boil, Capped In Order. Communis); a, Adult Beetle; b, PLAN TO ERADICATE SORREL Hock or Bursitis Larva; c) the last Segments of Fullish That fellow, Finnicky, cerFOR Same; d, Pupa. All Enlarged. From Weed Can Be Destroyed by Rotation tainly is a wonder for having every Chittenden, U. S. Department of of Crops Corn or Other Inters sort of a transaction handled through Agriculture, tilled Crops Useful. its proper channel. first part of the seeds and later the Fuller I agree with you ; but whats will reduce them and leave no blemishes. roots of the plants. (From the United States Department of his latest? Does not blisStops lameness promptly. Agriculture.) Wireworms are extremely hard to Fullish He dropped his false teeth ter or remove the hair, and horse can be Sorrel can easily be destroyed by a denin the cistern and then sent for a control, because they remain In the short rotation of worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6 M free. crops. If possible, out. fish them to ground and are inaccessible practical- the rotation should tist ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind, the antiieptlc be arranged so liniment for Boll,. Bruitea. Sores, Swelling!, Varicoie Veins. ly all their lives. soil will be a that the at cultivated Price SI and S2 a bottle at Allay, Pain and Inflammation. J. A. Hyslop, In a recent bulletin of different season Cheap Enough. drassiata or delirered. Will tell yon more if yon write. Corq. or the U. S. department of agriculture other Intertilled each year. a swallowed Oh, John, the baby has W. F.Y0UNG. P. D. F., 310 Tsmpla St., Springfield, Mas. crops are especially dime. makes the following recommendations for wireworms infesting corn: Well, the diet isnt expensive, as DAISY FLY KILLER food goes; but I doubt if its noutfli-ing- . "Thorough preparation of the corn all fl I68s Neat, clean seedbed, and a liberal use of barnornamental, convenient cheap. Lute all Beacon. yard manure or other fertilizer will ade of metal, can't spill A Difference. often give a fair stand to corn in spite or tip over; will not coil or injure anything. Guar of wireworms. A vigorous plant may Tour boys are making great gardan teed effective. Bold by to be able to produce roots enough eners. dealer, or 6 eent by ex preM prepaid for $1.00 withstand the depredations of several Sh They are not gardeners. They HAROLD SOMCRS, tSO DC KALB AVC.. BROOKLYN. N. V. wireworms. are soldiers, doing patrol duty against Land that is in corn, and badly InW. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. potato bugs. fested should be deeply cultivated, 3 even at the risk of root pruning the soil. Land should be cultivated as long as possible, and as soon as the M Much Untilled Land. A Wise A GROW SORGHUMS FOR FORAGE - e Signature.0 fpr. Cektaub C0MMK& xfW YORK Thirty Years ft Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMl INYAUn eoMPANV, NSW YORK CrTY. |