Show WHOM TO VOTE FOR utah began her political career under much more favorable cir circum cum betances than she began her industrial career the reason for this is obvious the commonwealth had to be out o ot of t crude and refractory materials requiring rea an enormous outlay of time and labor tor for each little step taken in inthe the march to empire but when it came to erecting the political structure the materials were all at hand and in perfect order the experiences through which the great majority of the people had passed while not essentially a chool in which the genus politician was likely to vegetate and out of which there could scarcely be a graduation alon f tar ar him yet imparted practical lessons sons in the grand philosophy of true lg craft to learn which was to ac F quire something not otherwise attain able abig so that when the time came it i only needed a little training in the modus operands ope randl of applied politics not at all a difficult matter or one involve taff much time and prestol presto we became changed from merely work a day matter of fact business people whose first care was wab the th salvation of the soul boul and the next the preservation of at the body into politicians among po tl ciana it is not herein implied that im ar a body we forsook one condition in order to enter the other by any means individual cases this doubtless occurred some few fe w there were who could not enter what has proved to be of it a noisome pool without irbing in all over and remaining there vat sitt this is a circumstance that chait is not atall at all peculiar to utah suffice guffee it to say gay we are all engaged to politics some borne more moderately than of course and it is a fitting thing to do to occasionally remind the peo 1 pie that alone will not clothe nor teed feed them good enough in its and when carried on with mon tt it Is IB still tar fax from being the sine nine qua non of temporal existence through it t affalena of dally daily concern may be reached and in no way just now more than through the election of a sol some few there be who to think thinly that this blodys functions jete only to the political things and a candidate here and there athe pa Mt the he same idea the election of f a united states senator and the enactment of such laws as will benefit the party to which the legislator belongs are to that class clas the beall be all and the endall end all of the situation the more of these that axe are left at home to meditate on the ingratitude of republics and ahlo insincerity of at parti partisans sams the better for the people generally to be plain there is no necessity ity for the utah of old being beine effaced the utah of today would be a ric ketty structure if it were not for the magnificent and enduring foundations upon which it rests as a result of the work wark which was done when there were no democrats or republicans populists lists or socialists it is also the case cage that a due regard for the living present and the promising future absolutely demand that we have occasional recurrence to fundamental principles and in no way can this be accomplished more sails ialy than by a judicious selection of those who are to make the laws the subject of irrigation tor for example the most vital as well as most vexed of all the economic subjects with which we have to deal is like the poor ever with us it exacts our acme our talents our money and not indre our patience legislation bestowed upon itt it it if characterized by ability and experience can scarcely be wasted new conditions are constantly arising which cannot be anticipated and must be met as they unfold themselves the political wheel horse the profess professional lonal roundup round up on election day the stalwart partisan who to is for his party right or wrong may have as well the necessary lonow knowledge ledge of the subject referred to and unless his opponent is a better all round man let him go in but blut it if the qualifications enumerated are his entire stock in trade let him pass out no metter matter though you have to take chances on someone else j our mining laws are not perfect they are not so go anywhere but the universality versa lity of this condition does not justify us in retaining it any amy longer or to any greater extent than can be I 1 avoided the unemployed poor in our midst should occasionally have a thought bestowed upon them which when practicable should be crystallized into law through the various processes of legislation of course no such ouch thing as direct aid is to be thought of but where enterprises can be encouraged in a proper way by means of which ad dit ional avenues of labor will be opened up it would be a wise and humane thing to do so it is a source of some little pride to us that the list of such in utah is comparatively small and dally growing smaller but so ao long as it exists at all it must be looked after there are a number of other things that m might ight be mentioned but this enumeration will suffice for the present those who are equal to the task of grappling with such questions should be given the preference where other things are equal and the candidates politics should not be permitted to figure except as the merest incident it takes no ability to vote tor for united states senator only the names of acceptable cep table men have so tar far been suggested tor for that high station lon and doubtless the choice will prove to be satisfactory no matter upon whom it may fall but to properly discharge the other duties of a legislator demands ability of a high ordet order together with a resolute and conscientious regard for the welfare of the whole people irrespective of party above all let us have bave those in the halls of legislation who are not committed to the election of anybody to any place whatever and wh who ad are vot irot looking forward to the i sean tortal contest as a means of replenishing I 1 a lean and hungry exchequer |