Show FOR FOB PEACE the peace congress proposed by the czar is now it appears assured all the powers have signified their willingness to send representatives to such ouch a gathering provided the discussions he be limited to the question set forth in the invitation of the russian emperor this bars all attempts at an arrangement of the alsace lorraine question and similar problems it is now understood that the conference does not contemplate the disarmament disarla ment of the nations but simply an agreement not to go on in the same direction th the e question Is to discuss the desirability or possibility of maintaining status quo can that be done the outlook for a successful answer to this question is not particularly bright still the fhe agitation of so good a cause will lead to something it cannot be without desirable results the problem of universal peace will be brought to the notice of the world more prominently than ever and its intricacies will be mastered by an enlightened public the obstacles with which diplomats at present may be unable to cope successfully will be removed in time it is expected that as soon as the spanish american peace conference at paris has concluded its labors the czar will name the day for the disarmament congress |