Show EXPENSIVE communication it is generally understood that telegraphing to is always an expensive method of conveying information or business and so it is comparatively but it achieves its loftiest loft iest perch as a high priced commodity when it involves the pee of either of the many cables which js fa from our shores under the seas to different foreign countries so expensive to is it that it to is rarely r resorted to except by those who are in good 4 circumstances cum stances and by them only when in communication with those who are known to the management at the other end by reason of previous arrangement ran gement or are so well known generally that such arrangement is unnecessary in the case of an answers sers which are generally paid for by the sender who of course leaves his address or calls for his reply none of the other means of delivery are necessary these arrangements ore are not altogether for purposes of convenience but for those of economy as well because every word by cable date address signature aad all mut must toe be paid for the date ever Is rarely used being understood the rate from salt lake city 1 manila Is a word and of course the same from there here at figures the associated press something approaching an 1 1 monopoly in the matter of transmission on I 1 of information it would not be imoh m of a message that left anything affair it was paid for out of a hundred dor dol lar bill and just how much 1 informal n forr tion could be forwarded or receive within that space would depend lar laree ly upon the skill of the sender in pre arez paring his dispatch it has become one of the fine arts and those akl who 0 ars unable to give to each word and s aen tence a breadth of meaning which ch there ther do not ordinarily possess would d so well to engage the services of an m er e r when desiring to pert send a cahl ww message apropos of this the longest and hotst elaborate cable dispatch e ever er trans bitted was by the late william H at seward when secretary of state tin in vav tahae cabinet of president andrew johnsom our civil war was ovar over and mexico wag wa struggling in the grasp of the austria austri invader backed by the money and arif diers of prance france the united states ta had freed three millions of people anasa result of its conquest of the south im the government determined that sl good work should go on the mo doctrine was being violated in cwi neighboring republic and while no botlo ing could be done while our ha hanzij were full something could and wom be done now that the local struggle waa at an end it was decided to server serve notice somewhat in the nature of P ultimatum on louis napoleon nott ing him that this country looked xe marked disfavor upon the of mexican soil by his troops and dl manding that they be immediately 11 affe called in order that no time sho be lost it was determined to tran the document by cable the 1 ates hv which at that time were higher than now the few words aloyed herein to express the subal auble of the message do not give even afat 11 idea of how voluminous that hat docu was nothing was left in doubt not ing to possibly wrong construct te every sentence was perfect and eve conclusion complete it cost the g eaf eminent the neat little sum of tc besides the friendship of napoleon his court but who would ha have e temerity to say that it was not mo me well spent the french soldiers i immediately recalled maximilian captured and shortly aft after er executed s the only sad feature aneo acoss lection with the whole bhole trouble |