Show AT HOME AND ABROAD KANSAS CITY mo june 24 A special to the star from salina kans kaa bay rayc news new ban baa just juat reached here bore of a terrible cyclone which passed fifteen miles milea dori or of this city about 1080 of clock last night As aa far as aa heard beard three are dead and a number danger bously injured the dead are mrs anna greehey Gree sey aged 24 nola greehey Gree sey god aged IS 18 ids ida greehey Gree sey aged 9 pour four members of thin thia family are also badly hurt mr gresey was away from home borne the of the he family haj retired and when the storm struck they made for their cave before way had gotten out of the house however the tornado bati bad destroy destroyed td it the work wo rk of destruction was rot cot known till when neighbors found the dead aud injured members of the family lying about in the debris the three dead were found about 50 test feel east of the house and near door them the body of a girl alive but buried to her waist in dirt the other three were found some distance from the bouse A two by four scantling was driven through one of mrs greehey Gree seyd la limbs at mr Sto story ryse it a halt half mile east or 0 r the he greehey place the family amily were efe sleeping in the basement with a frame part the frame work was blown away and the timber blown onto the family bel w but none of them were killed tue antonti work was uninjured lured at G W morriss morris the kitchen was torn down and a grove of trees leveled to the ground the trac kot klot the storm was narrow but very winding it tore down three sides aides of the pasture re without going through ibe middle oil of it prom from here the main storm di at video vidou part going west and the re mainger there are rumors 0 other casualties but particulate particulars are meagre ky june 24 during a heavy sc at rm here bore today two earthquake shocks were dastil distil ly felt fell toe wells walls of large buildings were shaken so as to be perceptible t tj everybody the shook occurred at 1140 the vibrations were from west to east ST louis JLOUIS june 24 A special 9 tu the globe democrat from duluth minn minot sav rayc gold has been discovered in oak point island in rainy lake which will undoubtedly lead to un in loperna internal liulam boundary bou nuary between great britain nu the united states according to the maps of the goolo gl oal cal survey the island ls in canadian territory but according to the wording ol of tue slue treaty of ghent the island to is apart a part of the state of minnesota canada has issued patents tu to sevra valuable mining locations on the is and and vi vigorous gorus protests prot esis are being sent to washington by Ameri american calu the miners throughout gnout too tibe rainy lake district are greatly wrought up over the be matter anu there boere is a of trouble unless something to Is done the way things now nou stand the united states loses entire control even of her wat waters erain in rainy lake labe as according to the go geological survey the united states cannot met get a bout boat into rainy aake 1 without first going through canadian batem this to is a direct violation of th the 0 treaty the three hundred island boundary dispute to Is of minor importance compared with this CHICAGO june 24 the post poet today a aye according to a story etory which has das reached chicago from parts paris via wash ington we the terrible holocaust wiped out over a hundred liven of atthe the french capital in may was too the work of anarchists anaro hiate thirsting for revenge on the upper classes ot of france it is ie claimed that while the official metal inquiry into the he circumstances circum atances surrounding the catastrophe throw threw light oo on its abe cabie of the fire the secret service department is ia working ona clue that points to an anarchist conspiracy of stupendous magni magnitude sude it in said that paris pans detectives have oot satisfied themselves that an arobio ts were at the bottom of the a w ui crime but that the leaders who planned it fleu flea to america as soon as they ibey had doeu aitu what frightful success it had been executed washington jaue 24 abe boffl dale oi of the ibe french embassy here re use fuse tu impart information concerning any that the may have had bad with the abe mr lefaivre the first secretary oi 01 he be embs embassy esy said eaid that eliere hau hati been no communication received nona from n ona his bia government looking to the apprehension of 01 tho iha alleged leaders of tue the outrage who it is said have flau 10 0 america this he be thin thinkie kis would nave been the case haj haa it bee believed such laDS were engage J in we ib affair and bad fled tu to this country i TOPEKA kan june 24 the worst halin torm in this section ot of kansas aftuck abie city shortly after 6 icci ck to Light the shower ut nail bail was tei let rifle hailstones weighing twelve to sixteen ounces tripped stripped the trees of 01 their foliage smashed 4 wiLdow pones on every hoods hand including the finest plate claie glass store jronin out down telegraph and telephone wires riddled fiddled awnings awning iti inured lurad many people sino ana unprecedented damage the oily city bo great was the weight of the lalling falling nail that when it Is struck the asphalt many ut of the ibe hailstones rebound tou to we height ut of twenty ana an l thirty feet dogs were struck lu the sereeta and aillon horses were knocked to then their krebb to ties arld aud dash away in mau runaways Buna ways throughout the city when the ibe lury fury f the storm gassei those who ventured out found desi birds everywhere aud on every hand was tue acele of 01 the wreckage or of the storm NEW june 24 cubans who live i lu uie the united baates but have been contributing toward the expenses of the war of independence are to have a aloo in the attain affairs ot of the there re public whose constitutional assembly is to lu meet at Ca maguey on september aud 2nd there will he be a general ot members to the assembly before jot 10 g throughout those parts of 0 cuba where the insurgents are strong enough to bold one on and it has beela that two ot oi those these I 1 fives ive may be elected by cubans to in the U united 81 tied states orders will soon GOOD be issued contain log ing all the details as 98 to polling the vote etc every cuban above 16 31 years old within two months pre to the election who bag contributed a certain ascertain amount not yet de the cause of the patriot patrio tip will wil I 1 be entitled to vote As to they are oot not yet maae the local junta is issuing a fine son BOO vei v it ir coin to the gle ele it is in the same sise as ae the united states dollar and contains exactly the same amount of silver this coin will besent bd sent t different bankers in this city who are in sympathy with the cause and any customer who la Is will log ing to accept one tor for 1 will got get it MERIDIAN miss fiaai june jane 25 elders Ry daien pomeroy Poo eroy parish and jones four mormon elders from utah were run out of meridan today the elders yesterday began a house to house can vass for the purpose of securing converts J this so aroused the people that when the elders attempted to hold oer services vices they were notified by a committee of citizens that the people would not allow the be privacy of their homes to be invaded and that the elders most leave tate tae town they left on oa the first train CITY mo june 26 specials special to the from B R oil oh billis hill odo mo saye mayn A tornado struck the northern part of this city last night inight the damage will amount to thousands of dollars dollare quo set et ot of kilos and one set abet of fur oroee of cherokee canyon swelter smelter company were blown away caught fire anu were totally consumed the blacksmith smith and other buildings sit at the plant were blown away the rich hill canning factory was wai totally wieck ed the brick block of the M 8 coweta merc intile company was unroofed and aad the water poured doured in 11 greatly damaging the stock huck buck oridge block brick was unroofed and occupied by the dally dably review badly damaged too city ball was unroofed and the wiseman block unroofed and the rent front blown lo in the klump block was blown to in the amphitheater house bouse horse stalls and shed floral hall ball agricultural halls balls aud and other buildings at albe fair grounds were completely demolished the christian and episcopal churches were wrecked the round bouse of the memphis railway is a total wreck and freight oars cars were blown from the tracks in the pacific and memphis yards thomas smith at the zinc works was struck by flying timbers bad bad ly I 1 ii jurett urd anu several others were more or less few seriously hurt the damage to salone will amount to thousands of dollare the storm lasted thirty minutes the rain fell in torrents accompanied by bail SEDALIA mo M june 25 an eleo elec jiuu and rala raia storm struck this city ibis morning doing damage trees were uprooted and haras barue fences and many small b aies ues were wrecked A missouri kansas jk texas passenger train ran mo ino a couple 0 lt t box cars care bat had bad been blown frum the siding near mon Moo montrose trose The engine was partially demolished and a young man unknown who had sought shelter in one of 01 the me oars can was killed orope crops have bare been utterly destroyed destroyed in many sections of this thin county ST BT LOUIS mo june 25 reports of heavy storms throughout southern illinois and missouri continue to be received last night and until an early hour today st louis was again deluged with relo while the wind bas been destructive to tree crops and buildings imil dings in some owe rala rain has greatly berle fitted some crops around catro cairo III ille fully five inches of r rain has bab fallen within the last week I 1 breaking tho drouth and saving corn sad ed other crops st joeeph mo suffered especially from fir OD m the wind big trees tree a were uprooted and small buildings crushed other cointo where the storm form was especially severe were moberly alexandria fayette trenton and CoLli california fornia several lives were lost through light ding mrs ruben buben wire wife of a former farmer we was instantly killed while sitting at the window af obber her house bouse two miles from albany albert rouse roua UW ter a 9 farm hand living near dear st obal charles les mo ban baa also neon been killed while abil a number of far farmers meris in both illinois and ad missouri Missour had barns and crops burned by the lightning the immense ad advance ranee elevator AY A ip in fast bast st louie in which was stored bushels or grain was by lightning sod and net et on 00 fire last night but firemen saved it from destruction LONDON june 24 the st peters of the morning bu barj rg post says that eremya protests pro vigorously against the action of the united states 8 as a to hawaii which li it made add 1 may soon be followed by on an attempt tom to annex cuba europe says saya the poper paper haa every reason to oppose the strengthening of 0 the united states in the now new world and must be ready to support spain it if she abe I 1 Is threatened with the logs 1088 0 caba IV WEST fla june 26 25 thie virtually to in the hands bands of a city was wae negro mob last 1889 night ana a white citizen was killed by the be mob at 4 yesterday sillvanus Sll vanus joanson Job p in charged with assault on a white woman mrs mn margaret Marg cret atwell atwel was wai eon conducted ducted to the court house bouse for or a bearing the courtroom was crowded sod nd C A pendleton a well known rose roae and asked are there elti zeD gim white men present to baag she be there wee was a chorus chores of lofye yes Ye and the crowd closed in on oa the prisoner the berini and his bis deputies drew their heir revolvers and held bald the crowd at bay while johnson was at once bur tied back to jail A big mob gathered in from of the buildings and oue one of the negroes cried out to lynch pendleton and nd a rush won was made for him through the efforts of hims himself elfand and fr If lende lands Peni pendleton leton made his bis estape in a carriage the negro mob thon then gathered about we jail all building to prevent the lynch log ing or of Jobo Job soD and open threats were made by them to kill soy any white man that might come to the jail about 11 last night dight william gardiner a white mb man was sitting silling la in front of f toe courthouse court bouse when several of alme negro mob d him and ordered him komove 10 move he arose to so obey and lesoon as soon as his back was turned there rang fang out the she crack of a number of rifles and gardiner received a mortal wound from rom which he be died two hours boun later the whites are inclined to avenge death and another attempt to 0 o lynch johnson to expected to loo be maus tonight A serious conflict between the whites and the blacks Is ie feared the militia its la in readiness for any disturbance having been ordered cut by the governor and the united states troops are at the orders of the sheriff she rift MADRID june 26 don francisco Si lelva too toe leader of the dissident conservatives has baa published a 8 testo demanding the adoption by the spanish govero government ment of an energetic attitude toward the united states in ID regard to cuba he equally condemns the scheme of reforms tor for cuba drawn up by premier canovas do de castillo Castl llo and the autonomy scheme advocated by the liberals ohio june 26 the first section of the cleveland akron having on board the employee of the goodrich Goodri cb rubber company the he diamond rubber company and the akron india rubber corn com pany ran into a baltimore and onto engine at Millers millersburg burg this thib morning it was not intended that the excursion train mould bap BE at mil le lers burg and it was going through the town at a high rate of peed wooed when tb the engineer engi seer discovered a baltimore abt abla a train on the track ahead ol of aim in in front of the depot he whistled for brakes sod and applied the air but the train trafim daubed on OB and struck the baltimore and ohia train the colli ion was terrific the engineer and fireman of boto bolo engines jumped and saved themselves both engines and both baggage cars care were badly wrecked there were passeD passengers gere on the excursion train and great excitement cit ement prevailed As nearly as can be learned live five persons were badly injured RYDE isle of wight june 26 the moat magnificent display of naval strength ever witnessed occurred oft off Spit Spi bead thead today tod ay the she occasion caslon oo being the grand oava naval review io in honor of the tiOu of sixtieth YOU year of the reign feign of queen victoria the prince ot of water representing her majesty re viewed a fine fleet of foreign war I 1 hips representing all the maritime nations ot of the world proudest strongest and swiftest ot of those craft being the united states armored cruiser brooklyn carrying the flag of baar admiral miller and the be heir apparent abi a s inspected about 25 ratios of british in which were werd fighting ships of dif different farent classer carrying about heavy buob manneb 1161 by over men and or of about tons iu ils all the british ships were weirs worked in lines of five ATO miles sach each the fourteen foreign warships formed we the sixth line each maritime nation sent bent an admiral to in his flagship flaga hip to the review they formed a line abreast ol of the british battleship where they were favorably placed to compare GODI PAte their own naval architecture with that hat of other nations nat lous esch each nation SOW sent lla its best available ship hip and a magni magnificent fl display resulted constantinople june 28 an in eident typical ot 01 the situation occurred here on tuesday during the panic caused by the salute fired in honor of the jubilee of queen |