OCR Text |
Show Wheehhotf 1 1 M,t jSi:rwide toot. hodly vwf AtH CONDtTlON, )4 mchwite 3563829 dowuM W0 FOiCf 0i('w'll (woot, 200091510 3352927 fc 325 fort ft Labor On All hove duolrty, (toon, 100 0oy , 85 & up. freereo V6 up. 100 up W deliver dnhwcrther Sot ) 0- - 4 PM TW Th-- F 4 wrv 8 6 PM, Mon, 8 7 30 PM. Vivo, oH MoicKcmo, CITY T in USED AWL'S 654 Univertoy, St Pout 533 1449 DiSHWASHf R Apt aze, rd, i60 555-37- 285 ok) i ? -- MAYTAG 2 yr DISHWASHER 555-833- DSMWSR. 14 new300 5538372 DRYER -F- RIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC 75 555 333 DRYER Kenmcra 200 tend 1 Jvp, e 3302,35-307elect, Dryers & Refriertor?f Wudum 4 Range Recond. 1 10 OU Eo(h wuft Thu Ad Guar, We deliver 2 17 W, take St 55V 1884 FREEZER rhev hqrved gold 75; ar.hq wood burning tv blk w tOQ; 355 8782, porrlnm ciooi FftlG G E box! tree, tor; rapoc, 555 8731 utv aM 250 HEATERS, 2 Santa kecowne, tike 444-544- 7 new 150encft Oo-- i Pgr Pout Applet HUMIOif IER,conyie, 12gaiday, 555-482partner rood, 35 MICROWAVE Hotpomr tut year old ITOOoHer 444-053MICROWAVE am an a 555-28320Gbmf offer a. renney. M.uvAYt, uytmte, IQpwr, 150 555 , 1 inert 727 otd 555 8 304 10 yr OVEN, Of buitr-- pul repaired ,555-2- 7 RANGE, double oven, GE, Brown 555 3941 nxccond 225 RANGE, got, Elect, anit. Can Ctn gold Mint 275 coth RANGE, (got) 5 ftetrig Seart, 3 155-387- 2 yrs 450 Bath) 553-782- G, RANGE, elec, white 85. 55 0036 Wrhigot diyer, !45 100 eo. RANGE, elec, 30, REFRIG, 13" 12$ 0, Built m dishwasher, free w2 purchase at 4, teovn ntettooe range 53-9RANGE 4 REfRiG, gold, perect-1 cond, 7 yrt. 475 555 3)7 1 95. RANGE got opt 20 REFR'G opt tire 125 555-l42- tie REERiG, wotherdryei stove, heezerdnhwuxher 55 834 REfRtC. WNrtE, HOTPOINT GD 555-371COND 7 30, aos range 50, Alt cO 555- - REFRIGERATOR 95, eftshwoshec tone, good cond. REERlGFrzr, trotfinst, 2 cu ft yr old, 495, 555 7379 PF.FRIG, 1 2 C ft, white, exc cond. Wardt, 245 ytokf ) 555-086- REfRIG 2 OR, tazr, watts, dryer, stove 555 8267, 555 274V. 2j Phil REERIG td vde 200 140 wht 555 3233 REERiG & at it RANGE, clean, 2 5 pr 555 8013 good ond gold AMC Refries J145& up worr wod. We rl!v, 319 West Lake Doe Appls S55-- 884 REFRIG. Good cond. 165. 4 mo- - Sajet35. 555-142- 9 Motpomf, prf cond, 555-047- 8 eves. opr size 180 Retag. mo, wash, dry, freer. D W, like new : 555-69- 555 6650 stove, wosherdryer, 555 835 tiwzer dishwasher. REfRiG, REFRIfiS-RAVCiE- S many ftke new. Recond guar. Jogen Appliances 3040 Cental! Ave N 555-942SEW MACHINES, Singe. School models, tave 250. Now 85 or peyments. Alto mutt sell Bernina 830, Etna w ram, Vtkia 8 Ptatf 612--5 55-- 7 129 Sa. itxation STOVE REFRIG. exc cond, 300 555-567total, will separate VACUUM, top of the line Ruby, sni'dore used, exc cond, retchis 740, sett 450. Co 555-193, Washers-Diyers- VACUUM, Kirby Heritage Vacuum cleaner ft thompooer, 2 uinrhs. 750. 555 3759 after 5 VACUUMS KIRBY. Rebwft. 90 555-233- 3 8 up Guarantee VACUUMS KfRBY. like new 2 555 2333 year guarontee DRYER, WASHER goad got v- work cond WASHER Save 20 IlSOpf. 55 5718 t0b.l i TOEROeBERoS W exe m e, uwiwii wu, or i stand 80, dropes 25, 555-90 BIDV Matching SOFA 2 chrs, ottoman ah 555 7931 eoch 4 Ipveseot, dresser. 50, to 555 824 1. piece R SIT. twm sue, Ethan Aden, SOFA, lavesnut, I cottee 4 2 end 200 Sofa, 90 gold, traditional, 185 Both nice rand 535 1432 tbft, tamps. 1430alt 355 3429 SOFA Simmons sleeper, 5CK), DB solid maple M SIT tel 55 3455 tond 555 7927 SOFA, velvet contemp, 81 ' BIO, etecti ical hospital, with mat-hrett- , 555-284- 6 Ik 500 550068 long, new 39Sbo 50FA8ED toveseat, eanh tones biaitkett, 4 10 each, Booing 555 4668 555 9799 ex cond 450b o Comforter, 20 Claw'faoL 45 ', md Oak tABlE, BDftM SIT, MAPLE, 200 OR Sit 355-0855 3759 ontmue, 500 80 1 ABLE Oval 68 ' tang, room dining BRASS BED king sr onhepedic soud oak, 4 oaf. 6 chairs, uphol frame never 2 Ivs matt, foundations 1 400, cond., ong used still m plastic. Cost aver (900 now ext firm 555-9232- . 495 5 0095 wt sell 37 TABLE Kitchen 4 4 chairs verygd BUNK BIDS metal complete set 555-74J7- , condition, 83, good clean cond )0O 555 3704 TBL Coffee Med tar 75 4 prs BUNK BEDS. 100; face baft tbl. imgrud drapes 125 tike new 1 100; boyt chest 130; WATERBFD Child desk 200, couch 30 2 555 744 15, chrs 20 ea; 3 Ibis 20 ea, dmtng BUNK bed w mattresses, Whrt tbld 50, 2 lamps 20 eo.; dresser Mint cond 275 555 7500 13; drapes 50, much mist -CHEAP 355 7Q3;BxhMq) CARPtT, new 93 yds. cream, kan-9555-382back, 350 WATERBED, oak kmg dm CARPEttNG fieotei thermos ftomehdbrd, pole gold, 50 yds., 1yd, 36 ROEIAWAY B0 tat, mattress, complete only 65 355 77a after 4 pm 25, tiafh inner spring mattiess flood condition Wafttrbed qn st, wviest, Ig hdbrd CARPI f , drk. green shag, very gd new 700, soc 300 555 4254 555 6240 cond, 4 1 yds, feyd LAUDATION CARPET, pwdr blue, shag, good SAVE UP TO 70 ON cond, t412sq ft 50555 3521 WATER8F0S 4 ACCESS, CHAIRS, set of 4 Erevsback Campteie Waierbeds, 79 555-403Cong seat, 425 Subsided WaferbedS, 199 CHAIR 5 8 forml DR, never used Oldest 4 Largest Discount Deo in the City prig 350eo; 83eo. 555-778- 7 555 2873 Nt MPLS Chino, Lennox, Blue Tree, 40 pc, Burnsville . 555 2814 1393. Ekjtweor, Bronze & Rose 555-38- 9 ,C , Frtatay wood. 130 pc, 125, End Tobies, 555-273- 0 . Anoka 555-914- 0 2 Ithon A8en. 100 CHINA CAB wgtass drs, Mono-gonec tond 295. 555 7228 UnmMowm (ww 5125 Wt COfflt table-drhwtbl4chrs, gistop 195 555 1923 2 ) TORO Garden Trattars COUCH 2pc sectional beige like w mowers, 175 ea cosh, (2) new 300; coffee tbi, 353516 small snowbtowerv 000(5 work, blond 60: drnnebe fan, 55S 5870 maple 7$borh,cosh table and 4 chairs 175: hide a kg h3bd5( Twin Two itond iipwnt bed opens daubie 50 553-173- 8 COUCH 50; wicker couch 4 chr 75. wshrdryer 50 555 5737 COUCH 6' older On bed keoox stove 75 ea. 555-187COUCH 85' Stranon 4 Cooper from Babbeits, fteigeoronge 555 5069 Qh biueaokf COUCH 8ed Studio 3ix Walnut Like New 250 Coll 555-56 COUCH -B- ROWN, 6 MOS OLD LIKE NEW, 400 ? COUCrtsIpr, dbl. redgryblk, ex tond 1570. Wbrass stand lump, ex cond 175 355-282- 3 COUCH sleeper, good cond, 5 150 6 9pm, 8 Mike COUCH, qoid 6 brown Horen, gi 281 cono 75 DAVENPORY, floral potrnrn, 1 W 55528U yrotd. excel, 300 4. 20 55 Dovenpoct, taupe cotor, bark tufted, V5' Iana, 1 mos old. ext 25 td 400 Shelves 25. 555-OAK ROLLTOP, Old DESK, 555 3955 nves 475 Df 5K. roll-toyr td, excellent 355-7451200 condition DESK, m pine, 4200; ster tortsold 200offer 555-632- 5 see, 34,45, 50. 0E5K, Walnut bn, 50x30x30 7 drwes, ? tat files 250 555-100DIN SET solid maple, 6 chaus, table 48 extends ta 68 ' w 555-5992 tvs. 395 OiNEl IE SET 4 swivel prm chrs, 2 yrs old, ex d 290. 555-029- 2 DINETTE Set, new solid ook, cd DESK, single pedestal ed set, thd, mift. night stond ENTERTAINMENT wood Sttm ENTERPRIZE 329 M-- 5x60', Schumacher US 250. I 555 9738 We offer Very Competitve Prices Coll tar Quote REPAIR CONVEYORS R oiler Skate-Pa wer Self I orge Assortment Cartine Iran 4 Meto! Co. 555-479- 7 1602 N 3rd RADIAL ARM SAW SEAR I0, 2.5 HP, LEGS LIKFNfW MOVING MUST 135 SELL BSH 555-375- 333) NIKON EE 2, brand new wNik-ko- r FI B sense & 20-20room lense. Also complete wdft bag 4 tripod 375 555-827- Pcinoi 555 864) Used. Ret and - 655 4814 2000. Mono tib OBX 8 Voice 1000 DekCnss 300555 1586 PIANO Cable Nelson, 500, Cor. net 30. music std 5 655-765PtANO: MtsvinqTuo rgRentoi 553-OUa- r Sales 535 6208 PI AYER PIANO, rebuilt, oak cose 555-250fohs 2500 FEE f TY refin upright, oriole, exc 555 0777 wtTivment. 750 SP NE1 PtANO Baldwin, rtrk wd 355 3827 gd cond 250 S1RAT Neck 75 Stub body 7 5 Tiemela75 xftas 555003) STUDENT Newenoiub n, W i 5.55 9701 PIANO. GOOD COND 555 3629 S200OFR UPRIGHT CABLE PIANO, needs 555-265- 3 work. 100 555-683- 8 95 Marm 85 WURUT7ER spinet organ. 2 fill) 555-179- 8 keybc-atd- s 500 YAMAHA ORGAN ELECTON6, 1 555-14excel cond, 500 ) YAMAHA Pioiio made n Japan, very good cond, 220 555 6183 125 UPRIGHT 3 BRONiCA SQA w50mm lens 12 exposure back, wptst-ieve- l 555 0283 finder, 900 35mra SLR w50mm tetephoto 555-112lenses, case 150 4- - 3x6 D5PLAY Booras, excel, cond. 59G. I Arkay print washer, 555-075exc cond. 150, YASMICA TL Elertronx comera, 200 4 28mm femes, zoom, ext. cond, 250 complete 553-74MINOLTA XD5, almost new, worth 555-152350. sell 525, w 93S-Vroftyea OLD ENGt SHEEPDOG duds, 533 29 AKC top line 173 S33-2U- CERAMIC MOLDS 120 Bisuue, oieenware 4 shells 553 9349 PERSIAN KITTENS with case. 123 335 0569 New Makeofter CHAINSAW, HU5QVARNA Rancher 44, excellent, 190, 553 8510 655 0656 floral CHAIRS, Orcosional 12 60 each. Bunching Tbls auil'ed(2c 40ea. Pmg pong lable, 60I Portable Jor wzzi, 30 653 739 CHAIN SAW Stihl 20 U S ACFA Kittens PERSIAN shots 1 12$ Bighorn 335 POODLE AKC Tiny male ! 50 TtNY lOY POODLE TEACUP 130 275 55S 193 1 AKC, rea RABBITS Dolling Mini lops, 355 8362 wks, iSeorh RUSSIAN blue cattery must setl some bays. 4 1004 up 555 217 SAMOYEDF 10 mas. AKC, tea. aft shaft 130bo 555 3724 CHESS Chollenger, 7 level digital readout ,Multi funr 6SS-783675 Z. DESK athsteng input stt-l-l desk lift topdro w-- s, 266 565 3654 DiSHWR Moy'ay, 50 dresser, 555-418- 9 30; chest 65 (! Deer E Ik Bear Fish Pheasant Buy or sell shift mounts 366 8563 ENCY '8$ WORIPBK exc cond SIAMESE KITTENS, S seotpomr. chocolate, 8 wks, 75 553-329- 4 on Baldwin Pianos FKf, SAT On & SI N 'zPim'E Selected I sed (i rands 555 8616 RAE HARRIS MUSIC I nd TV Icpdpwtnl SILKY 19" Cbior TV, 2 years aid 200 555-916eves 19' RCA Color) ro k ere ps Cost 555-808450 far 165 2 Syivama Console Tv color, !25aher 555 5089 CROWN DI50A, 295; CROWN 300 A, 450, bed offer, 355 0283 EISmER A0644compoc1dix' 6 mo bid, mill $175E0 555-784400. Component Sereo Sys400 555-947- 8 tem, mus sac a ATARI 2600. 3 4 games, excellent cond 70 555 3714 COLOR RCA TV, exc cond, 225 555-8529- . Hove a good day COLOR RV 85. Ebock 4 Whie 555-69425 Portables MAGNAVOX 25' Cotor console, exc cond $200555 0013. after MAGNOvOX 26' console, tike new, 300 best after 555 1362 MAR ANT Z 2270 Receiver, 145. Cartr 4 stylus 36 Exc 535-855MAR ANT? 5fi 1000 50 watts per 555-374- 9 OKDor 400 NEW VIDEO rameras video 355 2287, jom Smith Protection Set 5 screen, Fresno lens, chassis. TV 225 555-953RFFL TO REEL. AKAI 4000D sound on sound. 173, 655-377Sony Beta movie com, BMC 100, . 555-92- 7 350. e SATELLITE SYSTEMS Winter's here 4 1,200 movies, 900 sports events 4 600 various specials 4 concerts per reonh is the best remedy for bringing the cabin fever down at a tow cost Call Skyway Satellite. 55-255- FISHER 2 YCK SALE STEREO, DECK. SPEAKERS, TURNTABLE ORIGINAL 850 NOW 350 SET, ALL NEW - COLINS CAMERA 2027 TERRIER, AKC toy Puppy 655 5697 shedlevs,M?50 Buy tSSlS 349 8x6 wood xe shanty, 4 fish smoke house, 1 30oeb arer 555 7208 12 gauge. 28 M 4 555-234- BROWNING OU 12 ga. Excel cond 450besf otter. 565-056- 9 Deer Elk Bear Fish Phsrst ( Buy or sett stuff mounts 553 8555 EASY SET Port Hses, Surf rose type Lke new 185 553-458- 4 NEW H5H HOU5E. instituted, 8 8 6 holes, 225 555-839- 1 Portable hsh house, oil sires eves 535 1142 days 333-399WANTED GEESE DECOY5 2", 225. Enclosed 63x4 393 ot 336 4392 EDINA MOVING SALE - Sat, Sun 9 4, Cherry dbi dresser, maple hutch, 2 twin beds, 1 full bed, cha-rlamps, desk, rhtna, tables, 20" window fon, mne Near 50th 4 France 53V2 luonita Ay - 555-529- 355 3130 COLD FEET Polypropylene 299; Video gomes. 39; Coffee Mugs, 64dO, Enr muffs. 974; 350 Colton Swobs, 994, 333? South Shokopee 1 100 , weeks-csid- Owner moving. kennetirust supplies facts on 553-206- 4 DELI disptov case 495. Eve wknd 555-31- 5 9doy 555-303BURGLAR ALARM -- Novat 960 sound detec 730 5554766 CASH REGISTERS -- harp New 4 used w won 4208 Ness 16 butfmg mochme wos 555-4167 sembfy, 1 yncud. 300 fsitst 6 mo. f. .75 6500 neg Sell! S5S-123- Eskimo pup, 16 line, O.D Stab proc.extras. Must 7 KITTENS, 43!0 VARlTYPER 3471 AMERICAN includes 555-663- 4 352 BAOL Morunhi 104 12 speeds 555-4Josies Sports Shop IQ AMERICAN Esk ma, 4 5 rnon ofd Female, purebred, good wchMd-re- n, 555-780- 0 125 666-724AUS. SHEPPARD pups, Woe merle 7 wk. CW, Basset Hound pup, F. AKC, 1 5 wks, 1 Musictond faking S25Q. 555-48- fllwiflitito 3S3 56 HONDA 350 four trax 44, 355 427 brand new 2695 BASSET PUPS, AKC, chomp red, '82 HONDA ATC70, never used, 6 weeks. 200. 55 5 2 408. like new, 350 BASSETT PUPS, Axt 6 wksS '41 HONDA 1855, exc toad, not call after 5. 8 abused, must see 595 S5S-215- 6 wshos, coll 555-36- 9 BICHQN Frise ACK pity 4 pm 507 3 F, 555-678- 1 M ffeer 1 i SSS-Tlf?- " 9 kitten tar special home 250. 355-35BRITTANY Spanref Pup, AKC, M 50 55V 14 19555-659BURMESE AFCA, 2 F, 7 mos, exc 1 55 5 7 48 3 bloodlines.. 200: CAT, black 4 while. 55 shaft, FREE Basset Hound pup, F AKC, 15wks, 1 Muse kind Wdng 250. SS5-4B- 6 BASSET PUPS. AKC champ sired, 5SS-2408 weeks 200. PUPS, AKC 8 wks Wd, SS5-215- 6 S. BEAGLE PUP$,wtooft. 3 F, I M after 4 pm toil 555 369 1 BIRMAN 1 74 AMC Hornet, 2 DR, 6, A! runner, snows, 300 533 82 BUCK PARK AVENUE fuHy loaded, 18.000 mrlet ARNETTE 375v ARCTIC Cat Panther, good shape, npmseot 323 555 2037 72 ARTtC Cert Panther, 440. exc runner 555 9064 o 72 LYNX 292, took, runs )oad, 535 8182 eves. 1200 100besf after BUCK Apotlo, 79m am. New ports, Ports gd, 500 555 9834 67 Buck Skylark, 2 dr Gd cond , 555 7777 325 '82 BUCK CENTURY 555 6778 7400 AUCTION MARKET Sole every Wednesday . 10 AM Mist. 2. 30 PM Hay & Straw 2 PM Livestock Auctioneer Servian k ft 42 17 82 BUCK 9 Tf6 BP mol BBS' 8 5 Mcxiei Closeout 86 Model Full Factory Oik 6 1 Used ngvMokd on rafter ATBOSS THE IVM Hwy 12 & 100 Golden Voftey 555 2833 555 9281 Wildcat, runs good, body, gd tires, 500 535 1 "'6464 H, Pol 555-308- - APP5; 6 yr more, 3 Engtah Pleasure Horse REG PB Atap, 8 yr boy more. 500 Moving must sett. ' rmijiMin 391 -- WINTERIZING tNBYVOUTBYS STORAGE AVAILABLE CRYSUINE MARINA 392 555-166- 5 INSIDE WINTER STORAGE RGLASS REPAIRS LOWER UNIT REPAIRS TtAILER RENTALS ESTATE SALE &d;L&ke Rod Locotad behind TAmdyt Grocery oft ExceHtasr Btvd, Nov 12-1- 5 9-- 4 pm. Lovely twenhomehoseM-qu- e tndedieg (after-traof (team to moidh. Ruftion copper boiief, o icoies, kse decexphve pieces, wooden cheese molds. Furniture tact doding Vkta bochetars theft. Shaker raeker 6 fttae tshaft, 2r ba4 wraeaht be tenece dtooefte it wB dtft), fte Fum set, DoMlBmariem meet rm ftw. Mr Pabk Atae mg, prenta unfw Wcafttser, sewtagmach, w wa 555-53- '8 1 AUDI 5000S, Survri 5 ' spd, Like brand new. Sacrif. 55 5 3150d 5990 '85 BMW 325e - 6 tyimder, sports sedan wt ftotari Sifter1 meteftic wtar44evyir,Blee tpek seats, BMW designed radar detector, S spd bans and 17,000, only 17, WO. ,i ',555-330- 1 184 BMW 7331 Deiptan Grey with Block krather int, 5 spd trons, For your sporting nature and roomy sedan convenience and comfort, 16,000 act. m. 26,900 tars imparted Aura '82 BMW 528 Oetphm Grey wish tamo toother, aula bans, ex m dean and tremefy proper run torsetoton, 14,900 tors tm- Autos 535 5301 77 BMW 630 csi, T owner - pfonft 6 9ry vacoeM bwkeft. ewfth vcW tjupiiHftai of new mdta .. arteicHil Rtaarat, TteieMMMftOtt: omowM of nira kft eguip ft some eft, brass 4 555-632- 5 FUTON home, dbl, platform style wnor bn. PosittveiT flawless 555-192- 7 iDftUmSlOGXCPE Sifter, 4 cyt, speed, AMFM 68,174 mi, mini 2,995 tond, mad see Soto 414 ft Penn S. s, sanroof, Datsun 355-293- 7 WOW 19B3 Dotsun Stanza 4 dr. H.B. Eranch beige AC AMFM stnrea, owto from, only 45,000 ort.miies 6,695 perPrtaeak- 555-113R1I3EDATSUN 62 OAT3UN 280ZX and 5 speed. AR power opticxH and rak Soaker, mud see 6 drtra. Nuerso Dotatn. $55-392- 22. a 143 each WASHER 4 DRYER, 555-05- 7 very good tond WASHER ft DRYER, good cond, fT3cvrtj. 1 22 5 0AT5UN 310 spd, MpftMazao 6 Renault S33Q441 id tMTSUN 3 10, 4spdwehanft 57jOOO octaat mites. Super Sato ltodo atay 2,995 lam's Car we dew 1 Westlake 180. . ;lS X COhtv sue boxsprmg 335 7?t r 7Q9 Unity AMOVING Si dovnnport, mob, dropei 79 HONDA r isatt 5 9-- 327 w.2 stool, 350. R, Mfy took. BED TRUNDLE ( 2 twm, mner-i'i- g moitwst, $ draw chest 555 1024 200 Ex tond. btDRM, I hoiirasvilto, solid pec on King Itabd. bipl dresser, mirror, 2 niiesinds 473afr 553-293BEDS 2 Twin Frame, box, mart 8 Courh 1150 535 3192 ladder SET, 3800 i rati, bras 535 9253 535-950- 3 B BR amtm, rru, Mmf Carta, Momma 4DR, AT, SR 5950. 553 388 i 81 OAT SUN 280ZX Cpe. One owner frade-- that we sota new. Juft hke new with 5 spaed. AC stereo and only 38,600 tody driven mikes. No tor mce. Dotsun City 553 8 372 B0 HAt met. gw excel tond , no rust, 75M ongn. cloth ml H75QBO 333 2150, 555 279R ?9 FORDjPinta AT, rvrts, drives 555-4flood. 500 88 A '84 HONDA Pretode -- Red, 25m, AC, 5 spd. cos. q sunroof, 12U; worr include sate price Honda iasacson s Spa lk Pk oppham.es-55buy used mtifotMon-F7077 mc 2300. 333 3130 d X. Lp-S-- Westmghc SET act., 333 3928 TSUN 310FX, Surf, 175 Dryer, gas, lady Kenmare 175. Dshwshr toe port Gamble 30 ail aowwcrh gd 555-9Q7USED APPLIANCES N E. BR 555-029- 280 USED APPLIANCE: Jacvsn Worrorifeed. WASHER, gat DRYER, whj h iX'fh WASMfR, Kenmara, Co 555-- 135 e- set, tamps, GX-- 5 3, 188. xhorpi Only WashmDryers $83&p BED, new queen S hpirus 100 555-040- 62 BMW 320i. mmf! 29M, 5 spd, tooded sunff, 10,700 5356464 74 BMW 2002. new eng struts, bras, exc toisd. 2800 74 BMW 2002 4 sp RIO BEAU TY. tike rtew. 2271 5536223d 355-676- 7 55jk-574- 555 5376; $0 WASHER, 555-530- 1 - 555-392- 7 WASHER, Kenmore, fk new 1 1 25; Dehumidifier 35, Motorola Ht-355-433- 5 31 tg fan 520. WA5HERDRYER, Gt, eiec Gd tond 1300 cash 555 8263 WASHERS DRYER. SearsBestKen-mewe- , used 1 mo, must seft, 5700. Up to 6 me warr - quick Sale S3S5S&SffV.:. (Apt) 8 Dryer 5 1 50 ea. 123 Adi 5000S Wgn Aulas Apt, fftted with antique gtem, chino Silverware, Redwing pottery, toto 6 choir, end tbls, MopteOtaing Rm Set break root. nWrari, anow. ckxk, grandfather ctocL deheLwraher, dryer, office (etmtah. lSht.mte.Tftae Rente B homeAotaft, . ft 85 Silvrd with pwr seats, sunraot, AMFM cass., tow mites. Priced 556-26f at only 10,500 Lrke 85 AUDI 500 Wagon brand new, auto trons, la wmi, factory guarantee, outstanding deed (8,900 Ears tmaortei 6723tynhucsf f0. 4pm orhieeoral 555-308- THE OiMPORT SPECIALIST Edfrso Sates 6 Leasing 555-040- frr-S- 3917 Homing red with tweed mterloi sport seob, automatic, power windows & Mirrors, sport wheels, a must to see and drive Special Sole Price 7390 555-221 484 ft I YNTON 78 Audi Fox, 2 door. Automat tram, 743X0 mites, superb condition, no rust, silver finish, AM-FM- , mce ktNe 2nd cor. Must see, paced to sell today at 1,995, Oy Rd- - 23 8 Momstreet, Bopkms tmmedDtal 86 AUDI 400QS 60 month (ease only 290 month DEB6Y Whirlpool, 666W.9thAve ST PAUL. Lk ft.444 555-18- e? 323 82 AUDI COIPE brad mork, m foai to Bosk bred stallion. Aba Nobetl 8y. Term 1612)555 5662, E River REG OH brood more, 7 yi, 6h we - AA ROM. arqndsire Sugar REG- Mki SpfTSVtfl otmwmt 8 HOUR 555-999- 8 70 Botck FOR SALE, Bask bred chestnut Cbft, exc show quality Egyptian bred 3 yrotat fitly. Double Wjtez , CENTURY 7400 taUMSfN greot trail 500bo $55-734- 73 ,330b QH Geidiog, 14.2 JEEP, Hwy 6 1 Ce Rd "E", 555-3398 1 BUCK Park Ave., 4DR. concert sound, fuUy loaded, excellent rand w luxuriously comfortable velour ml. 9300 Accept hade to 1500 Onginot owner 553-93079 PONT Bonneville 9 Passenger Wogan lauded to the hiit, spur front seat, 40,000, showroom. 6319 Btoopsingtan Chrys, 8000 555-934Fenn Ave So, 82 BUtCK Century 4 door, FWD, two tone Silvermaroon, stereo, air, rear cltog, ciorh, only 28,000 miles, CROGKDAtf PONTIAC 555 81)1 HONDA, 81 BUCK Riviera Black, red excellent. 9495. inf., Ears Imparted Autos, 555 5301 '82 BUCK Skylark. 4cyl, AT,P$,PB, AC, lift, cruise, AM FM, vinyl top. 335-786exc con 3430 8 1 BUCK leSobre, 350, nds writ, 71 10 YR PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER 3000 , Umtedt 5S3-814- BEAGLE PUPS. frpnt sebf, 40.0CN3, showroom. 16319 Bloomington Chrys, 8000 Ferns Ave So, 555 96 (ESafifr 379 3 Maple Grove, la Move Sale, Sot 114 4.Sun ))?, 1493 96th PIN must S MPtS, everything 3245 Harrie $ 9 5, 555- S MPLS MOVING SALE, ontqs, w bed AH must go. 555 9476. S MPLS, sofo 4 laveseaL B4W TV more stereo 555 1451 ABYSSINIAN 79 PONT Bonneville 9 Poiwngef Wagon --- Loaded to die hilt, split 4 door exc. tond, ftfver mntallk; wfatve rnterior, sunroof, 4 new tires t 2 snow tires. Reduced to 333 6444, JtOjOOO. DIESEL Engines ( 2 ) comptetMy re- ilinderfor an Oliver 1855 or 195QT Call 355-397- 0 7 3 440 RUPP, American wide 553 4720 track, 325 295, mer-t- a 73 ARCTIC CAT LYNX 555-4102 trad, 375, mint, 73 BRUT 294CC, NEW ENGINE . 450. 7 3 Chapporel 440 new track, 4 5 hp, 3tX)best after 333 9789 6 5 triple wrefth 550 78 MERCEDES 655 204 stader, 500 373 bootlmers for 555-827- 3 S65-827- 67 AMC 6 cylinder, stroight ststk, 375 553 1608 65 AMC Rombier, 6 ryl. below 0 60,000 act ml, Super 0 sorefs VAtrm, durable, woshobltP For more intet Winter Weor Co., PO. Bo 297, Brookline, VT 5504? VCR's, PLUS MUCH MORE TWO STORES Mon Fri 9-- Sat. 9 6, Sun 535 7382. 73 SCORPION Try POIARRE AR PRO'S -- 3278 Chicago Radio pb 555 6623 thoft,;$-IS- New handmade Embraid-ered- , 88S, tavender, Great Xmas gift, f,Browning, 425. 300 355 0639 TRAILER '74 AMC Hartwrt. 65,000 nithtn Mech. good New tires 8 brake Needs some body work. 395. 355 299? Tom, 8 1 AMC 5pit DL, 4 cyt , aufa, PS, air cond,, white finish Extra deonl Bymesvrtte VW, 355 3300 73 Chapporel 40 new track, 45 5559749 hpf 300best after 1 kittens Siamese sfuds QUILT 555-9)7- 73 440 RUPP, ttanerxoft wide 555 4720 track. 335 73 ARCTIC CAT LYNX 295, tat start, 375, mm. 355-- IQ? 73 BRUT 294CC NW ENGINE 450 3201 KfUT" new frock, 4w 6125 555 2884 SH1HT7U, AKC teg, 8 weeks blk 17 5 ea 355 8326 Quality Points Died from factory ol 2020 No, 2nd St or warehouse 6324 Cedoi Ave So., Mpls. Spaaes 4 Aces Pumt Mfg Co, 1RAILER 72 BUPP 440, tfadm, pow S38tO ee teose to 4800 rimt aood, loxjfMs white JUKEBOX Seeburg 45RPM, ShowSS5 149? case, 160 sel 453 Remugton. 70. 555-3994x8. stoke sd, jRj. 200 553-12- 665 5575 srondoid 3)X)ba 95-- 1 FISH HOUSE HEAtERS, 555-181- 8 9 5M bhi: 6 fREEZER. space neater, ref no, snow btowee, wood stv S5S'39vq SAW CHAIN, Rum good fi LYNX' Sttnaer 355 6172 400 RV, 450 bo 73 3NO JET, good tond, 1300 535 3007,553-666or b a. 73 YAMAHA, 433 GP, 5300. 555 7607 after 6pm weekday SCHNAUZER. gorgeous Wk, M, 6 months, hsetmd. gd watch dog, 76 ELTtGRE 4006 fat port tovetkdy 226, MOOD far 79 Arcbc 6000, new, SHELTIES AKC. snots, exc emp, eft 5100 250 Potato togs, 4 piston, 655 336 shim 25 175 655 3026 50 per paw COMPUTER Save lit 3255 to; red, F 555 4865 COIN COLLECTION 556 6886 4 Canadian PAINTS 555 7485 100 TRUCKLOAD SALE 63027 lyndpie Avenue South New 6 Used far Home 4 Indusf 555 583) 6121 AiR COMPRESSOR, Portables, 2 hp, I lOv or 220v hoses 4 spray gun inti. Lk new 355 5S5-367- ? BANDSAW 2' Sears Craftsman floor model, older bui unused 1 7 5 ELEC mofors-al- l kinds 4 sizes. Geo i miry, varied drives, elec con-trgt3" costers 61555 6560 s ELEC motors, reducers, tons, LASSIES MACHINERY Buy Move, Tyne Sell Nf W 5 PC DRUM SET List price 600 2 7 5 buys ir- 555 6836 NOBLE T Clunnet, Wocxien. 200 AIR COMPRESSORS Save 555 8616 MUSIC Synlluuizpr-l'hp- ap Worth 1 400 399 555 6838 Baldwin Upnyhl Piano, recond Walnut 555 8641 BARITONE HORN 553-491175 GfBSON EBU Bass 95 Peovey Bass Amp 95 355 1350 aft 3 30 MASON 4 RiSCh Ccmioiatt Exrorsd b95 555 07 12 OAK UPRIGHT piano, 1 1920 s) 555-359goodcoini 395. tothe, 553 7575 Watts-1-80- '555 RAE HARRIS Boye Lathe 26"x6QV Super Max Milimq Machine, MN Wafts 1 555 8378 130. DINING RM TB w4 tnoirs, 250 65 Kdcnen table w4 chans, 555-744Cutia shelf, 25 DINING ROOM SET. mciogtbl 4 chaws 300: 6' Sofa 250; 6' mohog ofe dsk 1 50 555 6352 DR SET beautiful, dork ornate, w thairs must see 400, 555-433DR set, beaut older wood w chrs 555-343- 3 cond 375 DINING ROOM TABLE BIRCH, ROUND 350 S55-059Dming tbf 4 chrs, ook Cannonball deal For condo, 600 555 4260 OR APES, elf wht, rust, made, shears, rods, 3 pr 300 555 2668 2 peer ontxue satin ORAPt 5 cream, 4valances.Tu rquotse print 1 parr picture window drapes, Best after 555 8558 DRESSER, tripte' wmirmc 75 Queen srze bed 75. 555-292stand-desOr esser-nd- e bed, ft Prov. gd rand 400. 355-2- 4 15 DRESSER j0 555-029- good cond. 65 no table MAii cond fctaoan carvino 1600 2305 SLUING YOUR SPINET UPRIGHT OR GRAND PIANO? Wrrt, Ook; Spwce kit HH, tools and 333 8360 COmPLETeU loaded SOM 5do, MATTf" DOUBI BUY & Peator ORIENTAL RUG WANTED 444 0932 By Private Collector ORIENTAL RUG, rood . il woo 7V, exraLienf 190 RfFRiGfREEZER - 13 nr ft 8 mos old.. Sanyo 2.30 353 3336 RUG, CTRlENTAL, toftw; sermon blue, 9x12 3S0vtifer 35.5 6039 SLEEPER Sota, ?00bo 5 wood '333-827reg, dipped, shots housetrained. bmdmgs.8143 NEW mens z 8 Nordko VEX skt 350 Super dog, 3552014 HIMALAYAN 2M, t adult I kitten baots 1163 6550938 ATOMIC SKIS, brand NSW. 50 bed offer 555- 1888 KliTtNS 4 HEALTHY "Vo Wftic, used 5223 FREE TOGO home grea 355 2930 etc 9 wks. 1 30 LABS, yellow AKC regnips w 355-372- 7 555-173- 1 MJ 79 PONT BorsnevAe 9 Passenger Wagae Loaded to the hrft. sptft front seat, 40,000, showroom. 56319 Bloomington Chrys, 6000 Fenn Ave 5a, 77 PONtAC Gran iofan' Wag o- n- Woodgrain an rad, luggage rack, clean. Ear Imported Autas $55 536 PONT 1912 BomsevrBe D5i Wgn - x to 553-934- 553-171- faded tke Hondo Civtc, 1595 ext cond, 45M 335BB54 FC0VT WHEEL DR i MU5t BE SOLD 7hcI?I85bex 5 speed, only 64,000 tet mto on Ihisone , is, . , 1,993 'sacmcisconxsDz At one point or another, even advertisings critics become practitioners. Thats because advertising is essential to Americas system of free enterprise. Andif you doubt that, just ask someone with a refrigerator to sell. Newor used. mCo? a:o:a. utoniER wono ran FiZHjo.m American Association of Advertising Agencies |