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Show TOE JOURNAL Page 10 HOME TOWN REPORTER HOUSEHOLD MEMOS Serve Dainty Foods and Glamorous Desserts When Entertaining June Brides This Year By Lynn Chambers IT WONT BE long now until youre In the midst of entertaining all the girls who will be married In the romantic month of June. If several of your friends are enter be to talned, be ready with fresh and tempting Ideas for food. Keep foods dainty and serve them attractively on your prettiest china and tableware. For a luncheon, serve a main dish salad or a lovely casserole. Add to this tiny rolls or muffins, and a seasonal dessert. Showers may be in the form of luncheons or evening or garden parties. If the latter two, then youll need only a glamorous dessert and beverage. You may also pass a cool beverage, mints and nuts while the girl opens her presents. STRAWBERRIES MAKE beautiful desserts for occasions of this type, especially if they're chosen chicken Dainty and noodle casseroles offer a delightful main dish for luncheon or Ught supper when you want to entertain a crowd. A salad accompaniment and light dessert are all you really need to complete the menu. to d ry , crumbly dough. Turn out on lightly floured pastry cloth. dough together. inch Roll out nine-inch thick. Line pie pan with Bake in hot oven (450) pastry. eight to twelve minutes. Strawberry Velvet Filling 1 tablespoon gelatin 44 cup cold water 1 cup milk 2 eggs, separated cup sugar 44 teaspoon salt 2 cups sliced strawberries 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 44 cup whipping cream 1 tablespoon sugar Soften gelatin in cold water 10 minutes. Scald milk in top of double boiler. Beat egg yolks. Add sugar and salt. Pour scalded milk over egg yolk mixture, stirring constantly. Return to double boiler and cook until custard coats the spoon, stir ring constantly. Remove from hot M ix Press (Serves 4 egg whites 44 teaspoon cream of tartar 116 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 4 egg yolks 1 package sliced or whole fresh frozen strawberries 44 cup sugar 2 tablespoons lemon Juice 1 cup whipping cream Beat egg whites until fluffy, add cream of tartar and salt and beat slightly. Slowly add sugar, a few tablespoons at a time, and continue to beat. Spread mixture Into lightly greased or oiled cake or pie pan. Bake In a slow oven, 300 for one to 1 hours or until meringue Is well dried out. Place on cake rack to cool. When almost at room temperature, loosen from sides and bottom of pan and place on serving plate. The top and center of the pie shell will crush In to receive the filling. When at room temperature, set aside to chill. While crust is baking, mix egg yolks with Juice drained from strawberries that have been put Into colander or sieve to thaw and drain. Add sugar and cook In top of double boiler until thick. Stir often while cooking. Beating slightly while cooking will give a fluffy texture. Add lemon Juice and chill both the strawberry mixture and the drained strawberries. Assemble pie by spreading shell with a bit of cream that has been whipped. Spread in strawberry filling. Strawberry Velvet Pie (Makes 1 pic) 0) water. Add soft- ened gelatin. Stir until gelatin is dissolved. Cool. Fold in 1 cups strawberries and vanilla extract. Beat egg whites stiff. Fold in. Pour into baked nine-inc- h pastry shell. Set in refrig erator to chill about 1 hour. Just before serving, whip cream. Fold in sugar. Arrange whipped cream in 6 individual nests and fill each with remaining cup berries. Strawberry Meringue Roll 4 egg yolks 44 cup sugar 44 teaspoon vanilla 4 egg whites 44 cup cake flour Pastry 44 teaspoon salt , 1 cup sifted enriched flour 1 teaspoon 44 teaspoon salt baking powder Beat egg yolks until thick and 44 cup shortening cold Gradually add 144 to 244 tablespoons of the sugar and vanilla. Beat-egcup water whites until almost stiff; grad Sift together flour and salt. Cut ually add remaining sugar; beat or rub in shortening. Add water. very stiff. Fold k in mixture, then sifted dry ingredients. Bake ch lemon-colore- d. egg-yol- in waxed-paper-line- d, 1044-b- y 15-in- ch pan, In moderate oven (375) minutes. Turn onto cloth dusted with confectioners sugar. Remove paper; trim cake edges. Top with waxed paper. Roll quickly, paper inside. Wrap in sugared cloth; 'cool on cake rack. Unroll. Remove pa12 . A Vh- j ii crust iiii r i ii mffV rtdfaaf1" of light, chewy . mer-agu- mi e encloses a creamy velvet-extur- e filling of strawberries n this Strawberry Angel Pic. g ts a perfect dessert for enter-alnin- the bride-to-b- c. Aid Passing Foreign SIIEAD WALTER By A. By in passing the THE SENATE, includes ."awhich bill aid MENU LYNN CHAMBERS uthorization for $3,090,490,000 ECA Chicken and Noodles funds, has weathered another storm in Casserole of isolationsim spearheaded by senSalad Asparagus Tip ators from the Middle-wes- t. Finger Rolls The most vocal of these isolation-mindePie Strawberry Angel senators were Sen. Kenneth Beverage Wherry of Nebraska, the GOP floor Recipe Given leader, Sen. William E. Jenner of Indiana, and Sen. James P. Kem 3 quarts boiling water of Missouri. 4 ounces medium noodles Said Senator Jenner: The Mar3 tablespoons butter shall plan is being used, not only to 3 tablespoons flour finance the destruction of Europes 44 teaspoon salt economic life and not only to fi44 teaspoon paprika nance our destruction by driving us 1 cup chicken stock every day deeper into the red; it 1 cup milk is also being used to underwrite a 1 tablespoon lemon Juice new set of international schemes in 44 cup olives, chopped which we shall lose control, once 2 cups cubed cooked chicken and for all, of our own resources, Add one tablespoon salt to active- our wealth, our economic freedom Gradually add and our national defense. ly boiling water. noodles and boil until tender (about Mr. Said Senator Wherry: six minutes). Drain and rinse. I have found little President While noodles are cooking, melt substantiation in either the presbutter in top of double boiler. Add entations of the proponents of flour, salt and paprika. Mix to a this legislation or in the hearsmooth paste. Gradually add chickings and reports by the foreign en stock and milk, stirring constantrelations committee, for conly. Cook until slightly thick. Add tinuation of this kind of prolemon juice and olives. Combine gram. Nor has any reasonable noodles and chicken in 144 quart evidence been adduced to subcasserole. Pour sauce over. Cover stantiate that the ECA program and bake in moderate oven (350 is still needed by most of its 45 minutes. Serve hot pro-grrd from these: Strawberry Angel Pie 8-1- Senate Weathers Isolation i Have only one dish at a meal which requires more than ordinary preparation. If its to be a fancy dessert, have a simple main course that can be cooked altogether, preferably in the oven. When you plan a casserole which requires several ingredients and sauce, have a simple dessert such as fresh or canned fruit with cookies that have been baked in ad- vance. Save trips to the refrigerator by taking out all supplies that are needed for the preparation of the dishes. When making a dish, measure all ingredients at one time and set them on a tray so your preparation will not be interrupted, and thus cause you to forget steps in the recipe. Plan to buy staples once a week, and thus save quick though short trips to the grocery several times each day. Meat, fruit and vegetables should also be purchased according to schedule. Prepare foods ahead of time whenever possible so that you can feel fresh and rested for meal time. Tomorrows dessert may be baked with this evenings dinner, for ex ample. Have a roast at least once a week to save meal preparation. Already cooked meat can be used sliced, heated with gravy, as meat pie and hash. Arrange equipment for conven lent reaching, and learn how to sit while you work so that you can save energy. Make mixes in your leisure time so youll have them on hand to save meal time preparation. Basic mixtures to have on.hand include refrigerated cookie and yeast roll doughs, biscuit and pie crust mix. The simpler the meals you plan, the easier it will be for you to prepare them. The easier the prepara-tion- , the fewer will be the dishes to per; spread with Strawberry Fill- ing: Whip 44 cup heavy cream; wash. fold in two tablespoons sugar and Keep celery hearts, carrot sticks, one cup sliced strawberries. Roll olives and pickled fruits on hand so up. Chill. Frost with Strawberry that you can round out a meal with Meringue: Combine 44 cup sliced them when other foods are shy. strawberries, 44 cup sugar, one egg white, and V teaspoon salt. Beat with rotary or electric beater until mixture is very stiff, 7 to 10 min. utes. Chicken and Noodles in Casserole (Serves 5) 1 tablespoon 6alt So ECA came margin with 700,000,000 . half-billio- s ' . ' s . , - V rit ' sX sv I , S fe' Foreign Policy Usao Smce Interest Is tai division so close on this question, a look at the and where they go should hi ul IJ teresttothefolksintheho of the nation. The total as no thorized in is 000. This sum includes ttWn 000 for ECA; a carry-ove- r million in funds for CNna; iiooi lion for economic recovery ig 0 HR-779- 7 ea; $27,450,000 for relief Pt of tirie refugees. In addition, the sion and the house in fiese respects: re, senate ret bill differ so? The bill authorized $45 million? point four program of techai? assistance in backward am the house only $25 minion. Be contributions to the internal al childrens emergency fet the of United Nations. house bill did not. The Sect: denied use of counter funds to any country receM ECA aid so long as toy de dent area of such country (c to comply with any treaty Itj tween the United States tj such dependent area. The use of ECA funds entire administration and foreign icy is expected 4o be one d main issues in the coining coi sional campaign. President Truman told an These men (isolate ists) cant see beyond the end) their noses. They dont see isolationism would let the reij the world be swallowed up by eej munism. That would certainly audience: t 1 on a new world war just as 1 1921 m in 1939. We reneged in it wits Russia, today is doing isolationists. help of our own . , in new senate version authorized nsec a carryover of $25 million I? administrator, wants American pro duccrs to give up part of their overseas business and forfeit part of their markets here at home to foreign producers. These quotations set off the tenor of other speeches made on the floor of the senate by others of the isolationist group against the ECA authorization measure. In fact so strong was the opposition to ECA on one roll call to slash the authorn ization by a dollars, the measure lost on a tie vote 35 to 35. As it passed the senate however, it carried the same $250,000,000 cut made in the House. . fc, 1 Now the fight win . b, house appropriation, tee and the senate finin?'ni mmee where Ihe actually be appropriate Said Senator Ken: The question arises, will it be to the best interests of European recovery, will it be to the best interests of our American economy, to encourage the Integra4 'on of the socialistic, pann.d economies which exist in so many of the Marshall-planne- d countries. He (aul Hoffman, ECA ' through authorizMi third year of Is in additionoperation to $149 had saved from last ,ear priation. participants, or that the continues to serve the purposes for which It was A Bill Appropriation Batlli m LYNN SAYS: Avoid Kitchen Slavery By Smart Planning Bid w A ", . ' - Vs , ' o K V ' V; X - X' . Olive Oil hall of the worlds olive Nearly oil comes from Spain. ry-- Cocklebur Poisoning Cows as well as pigs are to cocklebur poisoning. ini finiv, y.y, .ynn STIRRING UP THE MUD . . . Big Time Is maki.D matio mixer as he churns up the track at Jma c Gallant Bull is making bubbles right behind hhn' U f |