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Show THE JOURNAL Page $ rmjWuMi ' r "'V V, V . 2 v !--y A? ,s hv Rnsslan-bor- a . Hollywood comedian BRIDE Suzanne his Kalish, 21, New York bride, 45 stands beside a in Rome. It was a simple writer after their marriage in friends attendance, as the screen per- a. few close Centered marriage for the second time. The ceremony was first was translated into English for the benefit of to Italian and then K7 ' ! . iafi ! f $s .. v,V nil"'' . J, p--. v. TAKES A bride A v'.v 9 i; 4 r t 1? Y 1. : J' 1 i- " ; - i ,s 4 and groom. I ftnoiijumpBifc ' V''ftlU rtiim, ioi , . . . When 16 visiting German soccer players and New York City Council President came out on the steps of the city hall recently to pose for pictures, the visiting athletes were met by a barrage of tomatoes and apples, thrown by demonstrators who said they were members of Betar, an organization of young Zionists. While one German athlete wipes his forehead (halfway up steps), police take into custody Phineas Stolper, 18, and Marvin Kreiner, 21, (wearing leather Jacket). The two youths and CCNY student Joseph Adler were held on $100 bail each for a hearing. rtiU ; 1 t v ' ' ,t RIPE WELCOME f i i ' S ' X Im-pellitt- .v v.v.v v, y.vyXWwtt V - vv.vr f y.y-. '' '.4, f y' f 'vA j--f v ;: , ' x j K$W' $ ' : j '' : ... '. ' V y- 'v? , ' v, ' ' s' ' 1 'i mmm KM i eri t-'- i -V l- &feS ! v 5 v.v yyyylp'ft-y-&-Jc- te RECORD . . . The Duke and Duchess of Windsor (center) fog winning the $10,000 Greenbrier open I tflumment at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., with a four-roun- d WORLD con-btala- Ben Hogan of 259. the PGA world mark established by Byron Seattle, Washington, open golf tournament. Hogan tied in the 1945 ' . , Vf. , ' . ' v; VV . , f I - ' v s j'M. ' ', , ' , , rt . s ' ' ' ' " , - , , , ' i , . f v-- 4v-v- . ' K- - V t w.v"' 'w S'' s ' v C .? s - . V - T A 'A M . . 1- :k) (;: , , i) ? --5 x' A f U. S. REPRESENTATIVE J . . President Truman (center) heads a gathering Washington dignitaries at a reception given recently by of about 160 United States Supreme Court Justice Harold Burton (right) in honor of Warren Austin (left), United States representative to the United Nations. The reception In honor of Austin was held at the Congressional Womens club following an earlier visit by Austin to the White House for a discussion with President Truman on progress made in the United Nations. Of especial concern were attacks that have been made upon the organization. X Jv HONORED . 4 itm r y;vfs' , .i '! c r W v '' 1 V' o X' 15 . Vv; i' ' ' ' a. 'A , J : :s 5 few, K r r'4' 'S "W ' ' ' ' , i u - '.V1 - rv. x'xrf Pt-- ' I CHINESE COMMUNIST POWS INSPECTED . . . Communist prisoners of war who were captured by the Nationalist defenders of Hainan island line up for inspection by a military mission from the United States. The inspection occurred in Halkow before the main Red forces occupied the city. The Nationalists reeven reporting expulsion of the invading forces ported a good defense of Hainan as the Red attack began, with heavy Communist losses, but as the battle progressed, It was evident that the defense of the bland was breaking up in confusion. The Reds took the bland in a few days. Now the Natlonalbts are preparing to repube an expected Red invasion of Formosa. BAFTS . . . Two Ufe 1 C t.S pr Penaon ar rafts found in the Baltic sea identification as belonging to the r nred on by Soviet fighters. Examining the Lt Commander Malcolm Cagle, Knoxville, Wade Myerg Welch, W. Va. and Yeoman 3C David Ranker Ak; ntii. r in ? (Uf tAva, Yeoman t lx itronr The ohooting. down of the Privateer n0? . protes to Russia by the U. S. 'fft fx.'wa.a, s, 7 i ' ' . ' .7 ' rr 90 AtOluc 4GE 5cUT ... si, turbojet endues powered ,Jknu; ' M. 4u. ' '1 " vy vrr rri" ' - v , .V- v ' ' .'; iitry r nn r. ' r v:. iniji ; iTiiiypwi , ; j r.y4w ; y' vvv-- N - o w. imrmfuw?'. 3 Off: from Hawthorne, Calif., to Mnroe. It the new Northrop flylnr wtnp to It, maiden fU,ht a photo-reconnaissan- ce bomber, |