Show THE WEEKS TRADE laet week was a very quite one in speculative cir circle clue Du dullness liness has baa been the rule tor for stocks and lower prices lor for buth on an average at the close speculation la Is gradually falling failing off in the railroad list and going more into the inous industrial trial shares such as ugar tobacco lead and kindred industries dus Jus tries and changes in these shares sharee are frequent awl and at some times violent caused largely by manipulation bi those in control while productive railroad sit kares appear to have been largely absorbed aba orbed un on both sides aldea of the atlantic At lautic by a class of investors who boia them or individuals regardless lleen of what wall street may do and this makes makee manipulation by those who profit only by causi nir sharp ebarp fluctuations more and unsafe northern pacific has been pressed for sale on rumors that it will require large assessment upon its shares to put road in a good financial ana working condition and many holders who are not in a position to money for this purpose are com coin to let go their bol holdings which to at a in prices favorable showing made a weeks week ago which created a demaid its ite bonds at higher figures evi was not dot justi justified fied by the facts facto and i p put ut forth to enable some parties to load the granger stocks have besada weakened by the poor carrying it awny during march the farmers f armors defuse sell their corn at the present low prevailing for this article which tf bously effects railroad receipts in corn belt wheat has suf feted a further decline and closes on a market the receipts in the a i west are simply enormous and all calculations lot of those these who in study of statistics atie crop ot 1895 must have been beeb very much larger one than moat extravagant estimates in E soon foon after harvest and much io in excess of the govern figures that the batters latter lat 28 reputation I 1 accuracy hae bas sustained a severe sart and the araje will look with W MOOR suspicion in future upun upon out by the department the fact NS that people ahu are interested ta in this question such as elevator braw no longer rely upun upon the gover governa go vernm amk report but make their own 6 f which for the past few years have bavo b nearer correct than the flarea a a up stan at an enormous enor mons cst by the d def a ment unless reform in this shia AWN arnould anould shiou id come sooner congress would youlif 1 ju justified stIfled to in log the for this pu burp se exports of wheat have been and do not warrant the preciou i tow lew weeks ago of journals d this title line of bu foe be short of breau breadstuff stuff and W have to draw heavily upon tk exporting countries tor for supplies W this ibis with prospects for the growl nc favorable it looks like lower 1 would be made than those now current wool has been dull lor for the gra utah are interested ln in while good demand Is ie maintained for colim other grades principally merilon merinos and st i a slight advance in prices but bat ad the la is not satisfactory to grower fc prices lor for now new wools are a shade abade the low prices of last year at the open ope ing of the season with only a mode moderate raft demand 1 I abe he tact la Is that aured goods do da no more as freely 26 w wae wo anticipated and the mills mille buy in such quantities as ae are required ifor of or f actual needs deeds and there to ie no vim to 10 the market tor for either the tb MV material or manufactured goods gooda cotton has improved some during tm tin week but it has been more inore of a ing process lor for the stocks than any teal real conti commercial mercial demand and be looked upon an ae a aon genuine aine improve ment some speculators sold boul bome thing they did not own and were mad to pay for or their lolly folly this big la is about all there in ia to the suffering buttering of ft this article general trade does not improve aia atlef la Is A few locations with an increased demand for mostly in the grain sections Buot lone affected hf favorable weather for the growl crops but this la Is more than tit slacK demand domand another in other Beo tiona ahm these influences oo do not exert exers so ao muk k effect failures are in of 1 M c week of last laet year on larger than for the years 01 0 S somei hat die ing iut but the great productiveness Is country must in time assert it land nd produce conditions more tavor favor fraad led satisfactory |