Show NEWS OF THE STATE schools are closed in american fork on account of diphtheria park city record march 21 on february at pace james beddo forcibly entered the reid dence of an drew jorgensen Jorgen aen with the intention of committing the crime of adultery with airs auva anva Jorgensen wife ot of tin lost last night a warrant was waa sworn out charging beddo with burglary burst lary bud aou sheriff harrington left for pace geoa this morning to get his bis man the above is ie the case as given the record by deputy sheriff cupit but it is a little bit the strangest case we ever heard beard of 0 american folk foik item wednesday night the union pacific and the rio granite grande depow were broken into by unknown parties part iee supposed to be tram trampe poi and relieved of several small artielee artl arti clee olee at the union pacific depot the burglars bur glare entered by prying open the freight room door the cash drawer was broken into but nothing was waa secured cured ee A trunk belonging to mime viola birk of sandy bandy and a case of macaroni were taken from the station and carried under the bridge east of the depot where they were br broken ken jut int and the contents scattered upon atie crould grou cd atthe rio grande cipot the burglary entered the building by removing movi ng a window light all that was wae found missing was RD an express package codeal containing diug razors valued RL ablat au brigham city bugler this week ft miner from bingham attempted to reach his big claim in the sout southeast beast of be abandoned last season at the approach of winter but when he tried to get up to his mine he be was met with great banks of snow he was compelled to turn back and wait for weeks of baim weather to melt a roadway he says boys there is ie a great deal more snow in the tn mountains this year than he be has seen lor for many a year sunday word came to sheriff davis from willard that the U P station at that place bad been broken into and consider considerable abler goods stolen steps were at onoe once takeo taken and resulted to in the arrest out west of three boy trampe they abey bad a bearing before justice chase the sequel ls 19 that these youthful housebreakers are languishing in the county jail all coalville Co alville times timer last friday night between 9 and 10 while willie corbett was returning from echo he says he be was met by three loot foot paUs palis about A Is a halt half mile between gress grass creek station who commanded him to hold bold up bis ble bands corbett says he remember nothing further of the affair but when he be came to himself he be discovered that his pockets had bad been rifled of their contents about 4 in all and that his bis jaw was causing him pain paid he made mad his way to coalville Co alville the pain in bldr face all the while increasing and on OB arrival here consulted dr chambers X aft to the extent of his injuries dr chain abam bore bers found on examination a compound fracture of the law aw and also a dislocation of the same the bones wom were set and the patient was doing delux fairly until a violent fit of coughing ina in a measure undid the doctor doctors a wor kand it became necessary neoe esary to wire the tooth teeth of at the upper and lower jaws toge together lher which was done by dr Vi bisiak siak after this had bad been accomplished dr abam chambers again reduced the fractures mad aad placed the jaw lo in a plaster cast the injured man is now doing nicely it to is the opinion of the physician that the fracture was caused either by a blow from a sandbag or list fist as there to Is no abrasion abra eion of the fain which would have resulted had bad the lb injury jury been received from a fall the fracture Is a 4 serious one and the patient much pain from it |