Show THE SILVER PARTY despite the fact that silver r meeting at the theater rushed at in a hurry mad and veryl opportunity given to advertise its laj a good food audience bad assembled I 1 general A J warner HOD th tb U merrill ex congressmen bartl bart nevada and johnson of west vi Vir hoo elov joseph L bawling cl ard rd mackintosh col M M K speaker denny of the state R hi representatives and hon A J and ana others filed into the buil building dins i took seats upon the stage in a few well chosen remarks mackintosh prevented presented hon J rawlins rawlin for chair chairman maD to meet with much favor evinced by the applause wal owed mr rawlins then stated the oble he be meeting it was called merely i be purpose of to the POO salt lake the degree mada of which had been made I 1 east with regard to the th question the gentlemen sit at the of if the movement hod had fought blought toe the 1 battle for many years and omazel of jote succeeded u ceree d 0 d in opening up new favor of the white metal fields fielde w afa were inhibited by a class of pec P who once scored and derided the i of free coinage he asked for pleasure of the meeting J J didy daly moved the appoint mem 4 B himself W lawrence awrence M M kalohn GC ampbell and richard mack IL were selected detected after which gonia J warner was introduced ana cod the first speech ol of the rated ted that the country was wa on OB of af the most moat important election I 1 ever seen A political revo u atad been going on for twenty three aard the eod end was just about in for thirty three years busina busl nee s I 1 i been on a p falling falline credit during kb time a debt of or not less lees than md been created cre ateo ol of tnie this 4 abad had been piled up since bin ce 1869 gitles larit iee were not now as secure QT were in days gone by it used i that we sell industrial abroad but of late the foreigner demanded ended government bonds anu ano MS we might in other days pay at J by issuing now new paper today f aldoney lenaer wanted osh cash anu and id d ie 0 close of the war a debt was I 1 on a coin basis and after def ball the money modey which bended fended to pay it with we wert were to elick together and save the I 1 e w shall we change our eur indus industrial triai uton ion and force down prices idoo on and destroy our indu industrial NB t and adopt that of the tot rare now competing with nations rupee pee yea and mexican collat esy as much of home product as it wet did while their products are sold for gold in competition with our 1 no ho wonder the british press of new fork was in favor of a gold standard antolin we do this and maintain our rial system it if we attempt it e bare seen the high water mark 0 sr civilization an and frum from this time lime we baek to reach in time the asiatic antl the gold standard men any aay we nm maintain it mr cleveland is fitly atly concerned lest the dollar be depreciated he doean doesn iacoi consider abider ww air property may depreciate A de d 01 money beaus a rise in do anteo the IU speaker liked ben tillman amm be had bad declared he was goine with his bis democracy and wr olave it if he be had bad to walk out gut ot 01 it is not principle but these men are fighting for lf it in the gold standard savoring of lincoln or own can ato find fina any oi 01 the teachings teaching of n and jackson to in its teachings bour ba use worth fighting for oi 01 BH we permit the oar car of juggernaut over ofa we will have a chance I 1 light there may be a straddle but we e will most meet it it will be guld gold on one gold and silver on the other they may try to switch in the tariff bu ItI attwill VIII not go down mckinley says heis he is a bimetallist so 80 is Stier Sher mao mau both believe in silver as fractions frao tiona redeemable in gold abie gesond saw something in the paper about one of the sou senators from the west westin in connection with his bis stiver sliver question if silver dilver is we paramount toie s lets lem make it such don dont it make paramount and silver toy q la in conclusion lusion the speaker said ald it get together if we can ret the silver men in one camp we are all right they have two wo captains and we will whip them one at a time lime i dont attempt to carry everything but units unite on this one point let us unite on the point we agree on let the others so iro and nominate a ticket and elect it you cannot win in either of the old parties if you give the people a ch chance ance there will be landslides it if the people reject this opportunity let them wear the shackles the committee on resolutions then submitted the following report which was adopted with cheer cheece the citizens of salt lake city including members of all political parties placing the cause of r ilver silver restoration above party in mass meeting as ambled adopt the following preamble and retold liona whereas we note with alarm the constant falling failing in price of all property measured by the gold standard the millions of willing and able working men in enforced idleness seeking work and not finding it i the government borrowing money and I 1 issuing bonds in time ot of profound peace the failure of bo h tariff and tree free trade schemes to check the decline of prices and to afford relief the of the leaders of both the democratic aud and republican pardee banies as well as of the metropolitan press to the gold of england and their wall street allies the persistent attempt to mislead the people by ambiguous platform declarations thus pr preventing evening proven ing an honest expression of their political sentiments the indifference of the eama to the needs of the pioneer producing west the steady contraction of the volume of currency while business and population are increasing makiri the load of the struggling debtor heavier and heavier with each succeeding year the manufactures ot the country threatened with destruction by coun ries producing on a silver basis and enjoys enjoying ng an advantage in exchange of about one hundred per cent by reason of the un unjust appreciation of gold resolved that thai the one hope of relief and the all important issue over tower log ing all other it issues sues before the american people is the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to I 1 on exact equality with gold reference to the action of any other government and the increase of the volume of money in circulation resolved that neither high tariff nor low tariff protection nor free trade will bring any substantial relief while we attempt to maintain the gold a andard aldard resolved that we are utterly opposed to the attempted maintenance of the gold standard either by borrowing money and issuing log bonds or by forcing down prices to the asiatic level and that JU in ahe campaign of 1896 we will give our support to no party that does not stand positively pledged to the tree free coinage of silver at the rado of 16 to 1 nor will we support apy any ca candidate whose ahot o past record does doe not give assurance that he will be true to that principle resolved that we earnestly request the united states senators and the representatives in congress from utah to 10 make the free coinage of silver the paramount issue and to 10 labor at all times and in all cases to bring about the complete restoration of silver to the position it occupied prior to huo H ff bartine was wag the next speaker he badar ba darleen lsen not to make a speech but a report the convention held bold in this city last may resulted in the formation of the national sal bimetallic league A of all the silver forces followed and the ibe work began the Nati national oDal bimetallist bimetallism which now sends out copies into every state and furnishes farnish es free coinage supplements to country papers pa pere reaches people in this alp pi valley in two years yeara we have borrowed which ore ere paid will cost coat us iia and all this to keep in the treasury where it dues less good than any place on an earth we are paying dow 4 for oue one for our national debt was contracted on a greenback basis I 1 believe two thirds of the people believe to la the tree free coinage of silver but it if they segregate themselves into democrats R republic pubic aua and populists lieta lists they cannot wha michigan will lor for bl this fall sure aure the members of sill all parties there are organizing other states are working and abd are ar looking to be fur for light and guidance if your senators cena tors make silver allver abe issue you will find them backing you up in this feht if we are put true to the cause we can march to victory in november ex congressman johnson Joti naon ot or west virginia next addressed the aseem olage it was waa the first time he had bad visited utah else he might simpli moot the people on the many resources of ane state stale he did not want to die buee the money question with men who understood it but if the people wanted to know if the silver battle could be won answer besand ne as who said otherwise was a gold the eastern press had bad aid silver was dead it was an eastern argument set the man down dowd as a 01 cold water thrower iv buo ijo echoes the statement ement the great south is for silver although the west nil south are tar far apart they ibey are a ubil lk silver and every interest you nilve here your lead coal copper and iron are ail telling idling you to turn your eyes to your great ally in the south ibe eastern press says silver is dead out nut li is the I 1 liveliest iv eliest corpse ever seen at a funeral they got carlisle tu to go to now new york a short abort time ago to tell ell luem silver was dead and when be had bad done so wey they raised a fund to keep it dead the west should stand firm and the south autti would meet them the fight will be won but dot doa it mind the cold water thrower verr stand firm the question qu totton determines whether we area british colony or american citizens why should we doubt our ability to cope with great britain in the light of the history of the two meetings we had bad with them I 1 dunt dont want to belong beling to a party that doubts doubton our ability chairman rawlins then thanked the audience for their attention andi and the meeting wee was brought to a close |